Shelly’s Friday Favourites tries for the perfect penne

When you want pasta for dinner, you usually just reach for a package. But this week was different, because this week I made 3 different types of pasta with the Philips Avance Pasta Maker. Although it didn’t look as perfect as it does from the bag, it was the best pasta I’ve ever had.

It’s Pizza Night on Shelly’s Friday Favourites

A lot of people do a pizza night at least once a week, and for many of us that night is usually Friday. Having pizza for dinner is a nice, casual start to the weekend and there are so many different varieties you just can’t get bored of eating it. If it’s pizza night at your house and you’re staring at the same old ham and pineapple, here are a few of my favourite pizza recipes to add some inspiration to your pizza night.  

Shelly’s Friday Favourites presents Good Luck Recipes for a Prosperous and...

If you’re looking for some good luck recipes to start your New Year off on the right foot, look no further – I’ve got a few great good luck dishes for you to choose from. 

Light and easy BBQ’ing

 I can hardly believe how much I have been BBQ’ing already this year. I’m mostly excited about it because dinners just seem so much easier when I BBQ. There are some great light and easy meals to make on the grill, and with the right accessories, BBQ’ing will be that much easier. Read on for some great accessories perfect to have on hand for patio entertaining.

Christmas treats and cute eats: Shelly’s Friday Favourites has kid-friendly recipes

If you're already getting the 'I'm boreds' from your kids and they've only been out of school for a few hours, or in my kid's case, 50 minutes, you're going to have to come up with a plan. At my house, that means getting them to do some Christmas baking with these recipes.

Shelly’s Friday Favourites hits the road for a culinary adventure: second...

Our road trip continues with a good old-fashioned pit stop at the Happiest Place on Earth. For some people, going to Disneyland means hitting all the shows, parades, and attractions. We like to do that too, but because we have annual passes and go so often, we’ve added to our adventure by becoming hunters for the best dishes and treats in the park. There are a lot of treats to be had, and they’re more delicious than you may think.

Top 5 Christmas Cookies, this week on Shelly’s Friday Favourites

Tis the season to make Christmas cookies! If you aren’t a baker or you’d like a few ideas of what to make, here are my top 5 Christmas cookies.

Back to school dinner ideas: Shelly’s Friday Favourites

Wondering what to make for dinner tonight? Don’t worry; I have you covered. Here are three delicious back to school dinner ideas you can use when you’re in a hurry.

We’re baking up holiday bars on Shelly’s Friday Favourites

Holiday bars are a must-have this holiday, and to kick off a brand new season of holiday baking, I've got a few recipes for holiday bars you can try.

Carrying on the Christmas cake tradition: Shelly’s Friday Favourites

Christmas cake is one of the many Christmas traditions I like to carry on in honor of my family, and if you'd like to start your own Christmas tradition, you'll love this recipe.