What’s new in baby gear for 2016


For those having babies today, there’s so much cool gear out there from which to choose. From extra-protective car seats, to convenient, fold-up playards and beds, there’s no shortage of innovation in baby gear for 2016. Here, we highlight 10 new items for you.

Maximizing small bedroom space

You can maximize a small bedroom space with the right design and some great storage options such as drawers, bins, baskets and shelves.

Top 10 no-fail Valentine’s Day gifts

Forget the flowers (but not the chocolates!) and consider something more thoughtful and creative for your significant other this Valentine's Day. From jewelry to fashionable tech, we highlight 10 no-fail gift options.

5 tips for a fun and safe Halloween

The big night is just around the corner. Halloween is almost here! Get the most out of Halloween by checking out my 5 tips for a fun and safe Halloween.

Review: Fat tire fun with the Surface 604 Element All Terrain...


There are two things you need to know about Fat Tire Electric Bikes – one, they’re unlike any bike you’ve ever ridden before and two, they’re so fun they’ll make you forget about every other bike you’ve got in your garage. I’d go as far as saying you’ll be hooked on Fat Bikes with just one ride – at least that’s what I discovered when I toured the Surface 604 factory and rolled away on a Surface 604 Element Electric Bike myself.

Teach your children well: how to help with house cleaning

In the third part of this series about teaching kids well, we discuss ways kids can help with cleaning around the house.

5 tips to help you prepare for tax season

Everyone’s favourite time of year is fast approaching. That’s right, it’s almost tax time! YAY, soon we’ll be up to our elbows in receipts and tax forms! Ok, who am I kidding, nobody likes tax time (except for the government). But, just as that old saying warns, taxes are as inescapable as that other nasty thing. I suppose all one can ever really do then is take the necessary steps to make the process as painless as possible. Depending on your circumstances, this may well involve a whole lot more than 5 specific steps, but, all the same, today I share a list of 5 key tips (with explanations) that everyone should consider (AND DO) as tax time approaches. So click through and read on to check out the list.

Wedding gifts that won’t break the bank

I’ve been to my fair share of weddings. Heck, I’ve been in my fair share of weddings, so I know all to well that as much fun as they can be, the can also get a little pricey. The good news is that you don’t have to remortgage your home or sell a kidney to get the happy couple a wedding gift that won’t just be appreciated, but will actually be a welcome addition to their home. Here are some great wedding gift ideas that won’t break the bank.

Netatmo unveils two new smart home products at CES 2017

Netatmo has unveiled two new smart home devices to its current lineup at CES in Las Vegas, both of which are utilitarian and safety-conscious. One is the Indoor Security Siren, a unit that does exactly what its name implies, and the other is the Smart Smoke Alarm, which also does what you think it should. Both are smart in that they work through Netatmo’s mobile app for easy management and control.

Create your dream home office with Casey collection furnishings

As more and more jobs move from the cubicle to the internet, the home office has become increasingly important. However, many home office spaces are crowded and disorganized. Creating a cleaner and more tranquil office space will ensure that you stay on task and be productive.