Moving tips: mapping out furniture in your new rooms

Moving day. I know it all too well, having moved twice in the last three years, the latest just a few months ago. And when it comes to mapping out the furniture in your new rooms, there are a few tips that can go a long way to making the process run smoothly.

Breathe new life into all the bedrooms in your home

Creating a cozy, comfortable, and welcoming bedroom is one of the most important things you can do for your daily peace of mind, and that doesn’t just go for your own bedroom, but for every bedroom in the house.  From your master bedroom to your kid’s rooms and beyond, if you’d like to breathe some new life into all of your bedrooms, here’s how you can do just that.

How many bedding sets do you need?

I’d love to have 10 sets of sheets in varying colours and thread counts, but space wise, it’s not realistic. That’s why when it comes to bedding, most people really only need 3 sets of sheets per bed in your house. Need some recommendations for your three bedding sets? Here are my picks. 

Keep that New Year’s resolution to get more sleep with new...

Replacing sheets, pillows, and duvet covers isn’t just a nice way to change the style of your bedroom – it’s a great way to get more sleep. Everyone should have a cozy, comfortable bed, because that spot will be your sanctuary when you’re tired, sick, or just need a warm place to cocoon. Kick off your new year by making your bed your favourite spot in the entire house.

Everything you need to know about pillows

One morning last week, I woke up with such a terrible pain in my neck and shoulder that I thought I had been stabbed in my sleep. As soon as I realized that I watch far too many crime dramas on TV, I managed to wrench myself out of bed and get ready for the day ahead. Considering the fact that I had done nothing even remotely strenuous the day before, I figured there could only be one culprit responsible for my agony—my pillow. My pancake flat, ancient, misshapen pillow that I love ever so much. But as it turns out, buying a new pillow isn’t as easy as you’d think! There are a tone of options out there. Armed with my newfound knowledge, I thought I’d share with you the 411 on pillows.

Create the perfect master bedroom


Create a stylish and relaxing master bedroom with some of our high quality bedroom furniture!