ProForm exercise equipment: a machine for everyone
Making the time to include physical fitness in our busy weeks can sometimes be really difficult and often sometimes gets missed out on completely. Having a home gym or even just one exercise machine makes it so much easier to squeeze in a workout. Read on to learn about ProForm and their great line of exercise equipment available at Best Buy.
Review: Teeing off with Zepp
Zepp is a multi-sport progress tracking tool that aims to help you better your golf, tennis or baseball swing. You begin with a starter kit for one sport and can buy just what you need for the others. Learn things about your swings you never knew and use some helpful tips from the pros to help you get better. Please note that this review will focus on the Zepp’s golf capabilities.
Best Fitness Devices for Students
As a university student, you do a lot of running. You run to class, from class, across campus to get to your next class on time even though you know you’re going to be late no matter how fast you run, to the bus or your car to get to your part-time job, back to the bus or you car so you can get home and study, and repeat. No wonder I didn’t gain any weight in my university years! So to keep track of all those calories burned, and to keep you motivated when all you want to do is curl up in a corner and sleep, here are what I consider to be the best fitness devices for students.
Best Backpacks with Laptop Space for Back to School
With the academic year quickly approaching, now is the time to consider the best backpacks with laptop space for back to school. If you (or the student in your home) are taking a laptop to school with you this year, you’ll want to find the best possible way of carrying it around. Join me inside for a look at 5 great backpacks with a special section for your laptop. When the time comes to drag your computer between various classes or to and from your home / dorm & school, you’ll be glad you’ve got a proper bag to help you out!
Overview: Skateboards and Skateboarding
Skateboarding is bigger than ever, and for those looking to get a board of their own Best Buy has a few ways to get rolling, both in the real world, and on your big screen at home.
Hop on an eBike this summer and see your city like...
Electronic bikes (or eBikes) have changed quite a bit over the last few years. While they still offer the same comforts as the older models before them, they’re cheaper, have longer lasting batteries and have faster motor-assisted top speeds. What can an eBike do for you, what should you look for and what can you find at your local Best Buy? Read on to find out.
Top 5 Backpacks for Women
It’s no secret that women have different needs than men; however, I’ve found that when there’s a women’s version of what can otherwise be considered a unisex product, it’s typically just a smaller, pinker, pricier version of its big brother–something I like to call “pinking it and shrinking it.” But sometimes, manufacturers really hit the nail on the head when it comes to addressing the needs of those of us with two X chromosomes. So with that in mind, here’s a list of the top five backpacks for women.
Trendy and practical backpacks your kids will love
Every year during back to school time, my kids pick out a new backpack. It’s a fun tradition we’ve had since my first child started school, and I love seeing what cool new backpack they’ll pick each year. Here’s a look at all of the trendy and practical backpacks available on right now.
Top school bag styles for 2015
The beginning of August means one thing, for families with school-aged kids: the beginning of back-to-school season. While it doesn’t necessarily set in for all of us immediately (my family, at least, was always a last-minute kind of family), with the big 0-9 sets in the beginning of the back-to-school tremors.
What should a student look for in a backpack?
Here are some key things to look for when choosing the perfect backpack for back to school!