Best Buy has the tech
you need to achieve the seemingly impossible. Ever wanted to go skydiving? Ever dreamed about free-climbing to the top of El Capitan? Or how about creating your own catchy dance video and watching it light the internet up? We get it. We at Best Buy believe that technology has the power to help you reach your goals, whatever they are.

We all have goals we want to achieve, milestones we want to hit, or amazing experiences we want to live. But sometimes life throws us a curveball, and we don’t always see an easy way of reaching our goals. Thankfully, technology has advanced to the point that, if we have a goal, there are devices that can help us achieve it.

Watch the video below to see how we helped one customer see the possibilities of tech and create a special experience for her mother, then read the rest of this article to learn how you or someone you love can have a chance to win a $750 Best Buy gift certificate to bring each of you closer to achieving your goals.

anything is possible contest banner image

Discover what’s possible with new tech from Best Buy

Do you have a dream that can become a reality with some tech from Best Buy? Perhaps you want to learn a new skill like creating your own clever app for phones and tablets—you might need a new laptop. Or, if you always wanted to learn to play a musical instrument you can order a guitar or piano online and in a few days you can get started!

Perhaps you have been wanting to help a friend or family member get closer to realizing their dreams and this article has provided the inspiration you needed. There is no better time than right now to take that first step toward your goal, or to help someone else take that first step toward theirs. We are giving away valuable gift certificates in this contest that you can put toward anything sold online or in-store at Best Buy.

How to enter

Entering this contest is easy and you can enter once for yourself and once for someone you know:

  1. Leave a comment below this article and tell us one of your goals and what tech available at Best Buy would help you realize that “Anything is Possible.”
  2. Send an email to “ AND CC a friend or family member so they are aware that you entered them in this contest. In the subject line put: “Anything is possible with Best Buy contest” and in the body of the email tell us who you are nominating to win this contest and what tech available at Best Buy you think will help that friend or family member realize that “Anything is possible.”

NOTE: do not put your friend or family member’s name or personal email in the comments below; they should only be mentioned in the email.

What you can win

At the end of this contest we will randomly select one winner from all comments left on the blog article for this contest (French and English) AND randomly select two winners from all nominations sent via email. Each winner will receive a Best Buy Canada Gift Certificate worth $750.

This contest runs from June 3th until July 9th.

Remember you can enter once for yourself in a blog comment AND once for someone you know and love and want to have a chance to realize their dreams in an email as mentioned above.

Anything is possible with tech Contest Rules and Regulations

Good Luck.

Martin Renaud
Editor in Chief
Martin loves working with the talented editors and writers on the Best Buy Blog as Editor-in-Chief. During his spare time he is either working on his next novel, cooking up a masterpiece in the kitchen, or adding some smart tech to his new home on Mayne Island in British Columbia.


  1. I would like to have a new smart phone so that I can connect it to the Smart Nest Thermostat at home. An iPhone at Best Buy would help me realize that “Anything is Possible.

  2. My home office is a hot mess, so my goal is to organize it into something beautiful and functional.
    Also, the sound system connected to my tv is shot, so it would be great to replace it with new tech in a surround sound system.

  3. My goal is to have a new computer with a wired network connection. I need it because I am applying for remote online employment and many of the jobs require a wired internet connection. So, with the $750 Best Buy GC prize, I could achieve my goal and maybe even score a really cool job, too! (Right now, I have a Windows 10 laptop. But, it only has a wifi network connection.) Of course, I hope I am the winner of the contest. After all, “Anything is Possible!”

  4. I’d like to learn how to develop with new software, and a comfortable new office chair would be a great tool to help with that

  5. Now that I am working a blended schedule of being at the office and at home, I’d like to set up a dedicated home office. I love that Best Buy has a specific category dedicated to L shaped desks. I love the Prepac Home Office Corner Desk and think it might have a future in my home!

  6. We’re moving across the province and sold most of our possessions I really would love a new home office for our new home.

  7. One of my goals is learning more about topics related to my job and some new tech in the form of a laptop would sure be handy.

  8. still have windows xp laptop! so a new modern technologically savvy laptop would be in order for me!

  9. My laptop is at least 8 years old and is a nightmare for doing schoolwork. I really need a new one before University starts in September

  10. As a future student in the film industry, I am in need of pertaining products and solutions.

  11. I would be so happy to get this help to buy baby monitor, star night light projector for kids and cool mist humidifier for our baby due in a couple of months. This is totally awesome!

  12. I’d love a new laptop (my current one is almost ten years old), so I can download software and learn new programs!

  13. I would give this gift card to my daughter so that she could realize that “Anything is Possible” and use it to purchase new technology.

  14. I would love to purchase a new iPhone and other technology to keep up to date with the latest gadgets.

  15. Recently became unemployed so looking to upgrade my computer and printer for working from home doing contract work.

  16. I’m using my phone a lot more now and I really need to upgrade. I’m running out of storage on my phone, and I could use a better camera.

  17. One of my goals is to get my Masters in Business, so an upgraded computer would certainly help with that.

  18. My brother needs a a new laptop for college , it would be nice to give him a MacBook Pro 13.3″ with Apple M1 Chip.

  19. I’d like to get my son an upgrade laptop to MacBook Pro 13.3″ with Apple M1 Chip for his college

  20. I broke my old phone and have nothing at the moment and my goal is to get one. A new one, refurbished or open box samsung would help me better entertain myself from lifes boredoms.

  21. As an independent filmmaker, I would love to host movie screenings for my family, friends, and neighbours from the comfort of my own backyard. It has always been a dream of mine to build an outdoor entertainment system that we can gather around and share lasting memories together. If I were to win this contest, it would go towards a video projector and surround sound system to help achieve this dream. Thanks Best Buy!

  22. I love gardening and have landscaped many properties for friends and family. I would love to turn this into a small business. I would need a good IPAD so I could take pictures of the property, design something and show the details of plant and landscaping materials, and have documents for pricing.

  23. My laptop is old & tired (of me), my phone’s face is cracked big time. I know I’d have to choose between them but having a new (either) one would be fantastic! Thanks.

  24. Hello!

    Being a mental health professionnal in training, I would use the money to purchase a new laptop to be able to offer to my patients online meetings with a good quality webcam and microphone!

    Thank you for this amazing contest!

  25. my friend needs a new television and laptop therefore i would use my winnings to help him out.

  26. With being at home more, a faster computer with large storage would be a great help. My printer is on its last legs, so I would love to replace that. With online school, these items were getting a lot more use than they were used to!

  27. i definitely need a new computer laptop for gaming. its been years since ive been able to do some fun gaming since my system is too old to run modern graphics. i hang my head in loving memory of Half Life. its more than a game. RIP gg-zofran

  28. Running late last week I’ve come to realize that it really is time to get a cellphone so I never leave anyone worrying about my well-being again! The selection at Best Buy would make this goal easy (although picking just one may be hard), and a slam dunk with this prize!

  29. As life has begun to slow down more and more, I find myself spending more time enjoying the quaint and local scenery around me, often snapping photographs on my cellphone, My next biggest goal is to start taking my photography more seriously, and a new quality camera would make this dream come true! Thank you Best Buy.

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