Rae Chen
Beach-ready smartwatches you can take in the water
If there’s one thing that I love about the summer, it’s the water. Pools, beaches, lakes, you name it; give me a big body of water and I will try my darnedest to (1) never get in it, and (2) spend all my time right next to it. Depending on how mischievous my friends are feeling, though, objective #1 isn’t always so easy to achieve–which is why it’s so important for all of my wearables to be safely waterproof or water resistant!
How to properly store food in a refrigerator’s humidity drawer
What’s the first thing that pops into your mind when you hear the words “humidity drawer”? If you’re like me, the answer might be, “Oh, that’s what those things are called!” Humidity drawers, or crispers (because they keep your produce nice and crisp!) are the the drawers at the bottom of your fridge. They’re a nice place to store miscellaneous produce for most of us, but if used correctly, they can extend the life of your produce and keep everything in tip-top shape for as long as possible.
What you should do if your iPhone’s home button no longer works
As any longtime iPhone owner knows, these slick Apple products are not without their faults. Much like an adorable purebred puppy, Apple iPhones have problems that their phones are prone to developing. The most common of the bunch is a broken home button, but luckily enough, this isn’t an insurmountable problem!
Review: The Monster SuperStar Hotshot Wireless Speaker sets up easily for on-the-go
When you’re lining up some smooth tunes to keep you company, the last thing you want is the stress of a difficult set-up. Everything seems to be going wireless nowadays, from cameras to keyboards, and Monster pulls off the art of the wireless speaker beautifully–no stressful fiddling necessary.
Smartphone cases for protection and peace of mind
I love a smartphone case that’s made for those with a passion for fashion. But most days, I need something with a little more heft–something that’ll put up with me dropping it on the curb side, spilling a glass of water on it, or accidentally pushing it off a bookcase (sadly, all things that have happened to my iPhone over the past two weeks.)
New Heys Luggage for Summer
If you’re planning a summer getaway, there’s no better place to look for a new luggage set than right here at Best Buy. And, with the new summer additions, the Heys collection is the biggest one available yet, so there really is something in it for everybody.