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Darren Blakeborough

Darren Blakeborough
My day job is as an Assistant Professor in Media and Communication Studies at the University of the Fraser Valley. My primary teaching and research interests revolve around popular culture and technology. I am an adequate at best guitar player currently attempting to romanticize my inglorious youth in a Hair Metal cover band called "Glam Chowder”. When not working or watching TV, I am usually listening to music, recording music, playing music, or trying to figure out what gear I need to make all of that music sound even better.

Populele 2 Smart Ukulele review

If you want to learn to play the ukulele, the Populele 2 may be for you. Let's see how effective it might be at bridging learning with fun.

How to choose a guitar for a beginner or intermediate player

Buying your first guitar can be a little intimidating. Learn what to consider to help you select the guitar you need.

Devices and accessories every digital artist can use

Digital artists of all skill levels have a wealth of tools and accessories available and this blog will discuss them and how they can help you create.

A graphic tablet can take your digital artwork to the next level

Whether a graphic designer, photographer, animator, or aspiring digital artist, a graphic tablet can take your creative expression to another level.

What you need to know about formatting for your external drives

This blog discusses the different format options for external drives to ensure that when you plug it in, it is going to do exactly what you need.

Music exploration, discovery, and creation enable your family to unleash your inner creative

Music can enable every member of your family to escape from daily routines and become more relaxed and more creative.

IK Multimedia Puts Music Production in the Palm of Your Hands

IK Multimedia continues at the forefront of technological innovation that has allowed the average consumer to enter the creative realm of music production.

Roland BTM-1 Bluetooth Speaker with Guitar Input Review

How do you stand out in a crowded Bluetooth wireless speaker market? If you're Roland's BTM-1, you add a guitar input for a serious dose of "look at me!"

5 Home Theatre Gifts for the Tech Lover

This blog looks to provide suggestions on some of the top home theatre gear or devices to consider when shopping for a tech lover.

Review of Blue Microphones new Yeti X

Blue Microphones has released the new Yeti X USB microphone and is providing the opportunity to have professional level audio without professional level costs.