Best Buy
TV buying guide
There are a lot of things to consider when you want to buy a new TV. Here's a look at features, panel types, and different backlights on the latest TVs.
Tablet and iPad buying guide
Tablets and iPads revolutionized how many people get and use the information on a daily basis. With an ever growing list of uses around the home, office, and everywhere in between, there is a perfect tablet for everyone.
Gaming TV buying guide
A gaming TV has built in features to make the most of the latest gaming consoles. From low lag to refresh rate, here's what to look for in a TV for gamers.
Celebrate family day weekend with Best Buy at the Bentway in Toronto
Join us on February 19th and February 20th at the Bentway in Toronto for an epic Family Day at the ice rink!
Kitchen knives buying guide
Kitchen knives are one of the most important food prep tools. You can choose from a wide variety of kitchen knives, kitchen shears, and storage at Best Buy.
Bring the game home with a media room upgrade
Upgrade your media room with a 4K TV and some home theatre accessories now and you'll be set for every big game or TV event.
How to choose speakers for your home theatre
Pairing your television with the perfect speaker system for your home is all it takes for you to create your own movie theatre.
How to choose the right sound bar
Thinking about adding a sound bar to your TV? Here are some important considerations when choosing the right one for your home.
Fragrance Buying Guide
Finding a signature scent or fun fragrance is an olfactory adventure. Learn how to find the right one for you in this fragrance buying guide.
Enter for a chance to win a Kodak Mini 2 Retro Printer or Nixplay Frame
Enter for your chance to make your many great photos visible with a portable Kodak Mini 2 Retro Printer or Nixplay Digital Photo Frame!