You are very likely to find a gift that will make your mother very happy from the vast selection of smart home items at Best Buy. I call this contest the “Glow, grow, and show contest” because I’ve selected a range of smart home items to make any mom happy that either glow (Smart Lights), grow (Smart Garden), or show (Smart Display). Enter for a chance to win this prize package that includes 11 great prizes.
What do mothers really want
My mom is pretty smart. However, she is not really that up on the latest smart home technology. And I’m okay with that. As an employee at Best Buy, I kind of have an edge in that department. If I was going to choose something for her, it would likely be a Botanium Smart Planter that waters the plant on its own. If she didn’t want it, she could just give it back to me. I’d be okay with that too because she would be happy to know that I am happy with it.
Maybe you see where this article is going. We included a great selection of smart home technologies in this prize package, so that you would be able to find something there to give to your mom. She likely won’t want all of those prizes: so you can happily keep the rest. Your mom wants you to be happy …Â so, it’s a win-win scenario!
How to enter
Entering this contest is easy but you can only enter once. In a comment below, tell us one smart home item available at Best Buy that is perfect for your mom and one different item perfect for yourself.
What you can win
One winner will take home this great selection of smart home devices: 2 Botanium Hydroponic Smart Planters, Google Nest Cam IQ Wi-Fi Indoor 1080p IP Camera, Nanoleaf Canvas and Expansion Pack, Facebook Portal 10″, 3 Philips Hue White Filament Smart Bluetooth LED Lightbulbs, Philips Hue smart plug, and Philips Hue Play Light Bar.
This contest runs from May 4th until May 18th.
Remember you can only enter once but with so many items in this prize, share this contest with your friends and they might share the prize with you (and their mom!).
Win a Smart home package for your mother Contest Rules and Regulations
Good luck.
I think in our case I’d prefer the Hydroponic Smart Planters my Mom would love the Google Nest Camcorder.
My mother-in-law would love to have the Facebook Portal 10″ because she loves being able to FaceTime with family overseas and see all her pictures of her grand-children. For me I would love the Nest Cam!
botanium smart planter for Mom and Me
The Facebook Portal 10″ would be perfect for my mom and the Nanoleaf Canvas and Expansion pack would be perfect for me.
My Mom loves plants so she would enjoy the Click & Grow Smart Garden 9 in White. She could put in anywhere and enjoy plants inside all year. I would like the Google Nest Wi-Fi Outdoor 1080p IP Camera in White. They would give me peace of mind for security.
My mom would love the Facebook portal to keep in touch with all our relatives overseas. Normally she would travel in the spring to visit relatives but this won’t be happening anytime soon. I would love the Google nest cam for home security purposes and also to play with the latest tech.
My mom would love the Hydroponic Smart Planters.
The Botianium smart planter for both of us
I would love the google nest speakers and thermostat
All of these products are awesome and could be used by my family members.
Botanium Hydroponic Smart Planters for me and Nanoleaf Canvas and Expansion Pack for my GREAT MOM would
be wonderful.
I need the Nest x Yale Wi-Fi Smart Lock so I do not get locked out and I could let my neighbour in to check on my dog if I am delayed in getting home. The Botanium smart planter would have been perfect for my plant loving Mom
Hard choices all great Hydroponic Smart Planters for me and Google Nest for her
My mom would have liked the NanoLeaf canvas and I would love the Botanium Hydroponic Smart Planters.
For mom Facebook portal for her to keep in touch with us – and family
for myself i want the nest IQ cam
smart planter for mom and smart plug for me
My mom would love the botanium smart planter for her garden. I would love the Facebook portal for when I’m at school
Smart planter for me
Google nest for my mom
The Nanoleaf Canvas for Mom so she can watch pics as she does her thing and a Nest Cam for me.
The Botanium Hydroponic Self-Watering Smart Planter would be something my mom would love to have since she loves plants and I would love the Google Nest Cam IQ Wi-Fi Indoor 1080p IP Camera would be something I would love to keep an eye out on my toddler when he’s in the basement watching tv so I know he isn’t upto anything bad and just watching tv or playing with toys.
For my mom August Wi-Fi Smart Lock Pro + Connect Wi-Fi Bridge,For me Google Nest Wi-Fi Smart Learning Thermostat 3rd Generation
My mom has a green thumb and loves fresh herbs and vegetables all year long, the Click & Grow Smart Garden 9 would be perfect for her. For me Apple HomePod would make listening to music in my new condo a dream!
The APC by Schneider Electric NetBotz Surveillance Camera is perfect for my mom and the Wifi Robotic Lawn Mower
Model Number: E1800 would be good for me.
Nanoleaf canvas for my mom and the Botanium Smart Planter for me We both love to garden but also love new ideas .
For my Mom, the facebook portal; for me, bluetooth LED bulbs!
The Facebook portal would be the best for Mum. A great way for her to keep up to date with kids and grandkids. Making sure we are staying out of trouble. She would also easily be able to video and chat to us and see our ugly faces, lol.
The smart lights would be cool so I can control lighting in the house, saving on electricity bills and also to make lightning look like we’re in a disco tech.
The Smart planters would be perfect for my mom and the Nanoleaf canvas for me !
The smart planter would be perfect for my Mom and probably for me to , but I would choose Google Nest Indoor IQ Wifi camera
I would love love love the Hydroponic Smart Planters for me and Google Nest Camcorder would come in so handy for my mom.
My mom would love the smart planters and I would love the Nanoleaf Canvas!
Smart planters for me.
Facebook portal for my mom.
I like the Google Nest Cam. My Mom has passed, but would have liked the Nanoleaf Canvas.
The Botanium Smart Planter that waters the plant on its own would be perfect for mom. The Nanoleaf Canvas and Expansion Pack is perfect for me to add some light and fill up some blank wall space.
Hydroponic Smart Planters for my mom and the Nanoleaf panels for me.
The Google nest Indoor IQ cam for my mama and the Botanium Hydroponic smart planters for me please!
She would like the smart plug and I would like the led light bulbs
The Amazon Echo Show 5 with Alexa is perfect for my mom and the Google Nest Mini is perfect for me.
Nanoleaf Canvas and Expansion Pack would be great for my mom and Facebook Portal 10″ for me!
Those Nanoleaf tiles look like the most fun ever!
The Facebook portal to view my mom remotely in the home she is in. That way I can see and help her with things like phone charging which has been a problem. I would enjoy the Botanium Smart planters.
Hydroponic Smart Planters for me and Google Nest Camcorder my mom.
Perfect for my Mom would be Smart Plant and perfect for me (also a Mom) would be Smart Light. Thanks.
Perfect for my Mom would be Smart Plant and perfect foe me (also a Mom) would be Smart Light.
Smart planter. She would adore it
Mom would benefit from the smart planters (Botanium Hydroponic Smart Planters) because her thumb she sometimes forgets to water the plants. I’d benefit from the Nanoleaf canvas in brighenting up our living room!
My green thumb Mom would adore the Botanium self-watering smart planter. For myself, the Facebook Portal 10″ would be wonderful to have in my home.
The smart garden would be perfect for my mom for Mother’s day.. since she sold her house and lives in an apartment now she is missing her garden most of all. For me, I wouldn’t say no to the Facebook Portal 10. 🙂
The Botanium Hydroponic Smart Planter would be perfect for my mom and the Nest x Yale Wi-Fi Smart Lock would be just perfect for me!
I would love the Botanium Smart Planters and she would love the Google Nest Indoor IQ Wifi cam!
Love the smart planter
My mom would love the Botanium Smart Planters and I would love the Google Nest Indoor IQ Wifi cam this would be amazing thank you for the chance
Botanium Hydroponic Smart Planters for my mom and Google Nest for me!
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