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Kick start your weekend with breakfast smoothies and juices

I watched ‘Fat, sick, and Nearly Dead’ the other day. I honestly didn’t know what to expect from it. I really thought it was something similar to the ‘SuperSize Me’ documentary that had everyone running away from McDonalds.   Turns out, I couldn’t have watched a more timely documentary. This month on Shelly’s Friday Favourites I’ve been talking about smoothies and juicing, and I don’t think you could find more information about the health benefits of juicing anywhere else. I’ve been researching the topic and looking at recipes all month, but that documentary really demonstrated how you could turn your life around with juicing.

Ideal TV and Sound System “Appliances” for the Kitchen

  Best Buy has all sorts of Kitchen appliances, from major appliances to small toasters, blenders, and coffee makers. But a couple of “appliances” I would also suggest for your kitchen is a TV and sound system. The kitchen is probably the one room that you spend the most waking hours in. It is the room that everyone congregates in at social gatherings, so why not have some entertainment in it? The cook doesn’t want to miss the action in the big hockey or football game, nor should they since having to cook is already punishment enough. Here are some suggestions on solving the entertainment system for the kitchen, since it is probably a trickier room to equip.

Update your kitchen colors this spring

After a long, grey winter, I’d say it’s high time we started seeing some color again. You can liven up your house by adding a bunch of tulips or daffodils, change up your throw pillows, or swap out your duvet for something more ‘spring-ish,’ but the single best way to breath life back into a house that’s been asleep for the winter is to update your kitchen colors.

Shelly’s Friday Favourites – Burger Recipes

When I think of the BBQ, I think of burger recipes. Most people stick to the basic hamburger, done up in a bun with mustard, relish, ketchup and maybe a pickle or two, but this year it might just be time to branch out a bit and explore your burger options. With so many different hamburger recipes to choose from, you could make a new version of the classic every night of the week.

Shelly’s Friday Favourites – Go green with Vegetable Smoothies

It’s no surprise people can’t seem to squeeze in their recommended daily fruit & vegetable intakes – busy lives mean dinner on the go, and dinner on the go doesn’t often include one vegetable let alone three. And no, in most circles, french fries are not considered a serving of vegetables.

Feel better and look better in time for summer fun in the sun

Spring has officially sprung, and with the warmer days and longer nights there also comes a sense of foreboding. It’s inevitable, but the appearance of spring means another season is right around the corner – bathing suit season. While I am generally a healthy person and stay active year-round, I tend to overindulge throughout the winter, which means that without fail, I have a few pounds to shed and some toning to do before I’m ready to bust out the bikini. Thankfully, I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve that get me feeling better and looking better in record time.  

Shelly’s Friday Favourites – Canadian Copykat recipes to try at home

I love to eat in restaurants, and I seem to love to eat in them more in the winter months when the weather is gloomy. There is always tons of cozy, comfort food choices on the menu, and spending a few hours out of the house can really brighten up a chilly day.   But what do you do when you’ve got a craving for something you’ve only had off a menu but don’t have the option of going out?  That’s where copykat recipes come in.