One of the most personal technologies has to be the ereader, like those offered by Kobo. I realize that some of them can surf the web and view multimedia, but for me, they are made for reading books. They are perfectly designed for that one simple task. They are lightweight, with a display that is easy on the eyes in daylight, or at night, and they easily fit in one hand. Load one with all your favourite books and it quickly holds a special place in your heart. Enter this contest and you might just win the newest ereader from Kobo, the Kobo Clara HD.

Why do I love Kobo eReaders so much

Let me tell you a little story, a true story. Once upon a time I had a Kobo ereader, a gift from my children, and I used it all the time. I read a huge assortment of novels on my cherished Kobo: mysteries, historical fiction, classics, trashy pop fiction, non-fiction and more. My brain was filled with great characters and great stories. I took my Kobo everywhere: on cruises in the Caribbean, on flights to Europe, and even back and forth in my car daily so that at any moment I could take a few minutes’ break, just me and my Kobo.

Then tragedy struck: one evening while rushing to take groceries into the house to make dinner, I forgot my Kobo in the car. Wouldn’t you know it, a thief broke into my car and stole it. I was shattered! End of story. However, I still feel the loss. You never know how much you love something until it’s gone.

Why do you love Kobo ereaders

Here’s your chance to tell us why you want to win this prize. If you are not familiar with these great ereaders, take a look at the product page for Kobo at Best Buy to learn more about them. You can also read the recent review of this eReader on the blog.



Entering this contest is easy, but you can only enter once. In a comment below this article, tell us what you love about Kobo ereaders. Is it having hundreds of books in the palm of your hand, how lightweight they are, how easy they are to load with books from the Kobo store …?


At the end of the contest we will select one winner from all eligible entries to win a new Kobo Clara HD.

This contest runs from July 20th until August 6th.

Remember you can only enter once. However, you must know many people who would love to win this Kobo: it’s a book lovers dream device! Share this contest with all the book lovers in your life.

Good Luck.

Win a Kobo Clara HD eReader Contest Rules and Regulations 

We frequently have many contests running at Best Buy so check out the “contests in progress” page for more great contests to enter.
Martin Renaud
Editor in Chief
Martin loves working with the talented editors and writers on the Best Buy Blog as Editor-in-Chief. During his spare time he is either working on his next novel, cooking up a masterpiece in the kitchen, or adding some smart tech to his new home on Mayne Island in British Columbia.


  1. I love my gen 1 kobo it’s lightweight and portable, perfect for taking to the beach

  2. Having an eReader loaded with books is a great travel accessory. It makes those travel delays not so bad.

  3. I just love the kobo e-reader as I am able to go anywhere with tons of books! I can also use audiobooks during my long drives. So enjoyable!

  4. I used to have a Kobo, and it was best during the busy commute on public transit in the morning and evening. Instead of focusing on the irritating habits of fellow travellers, it allowed to escape into a different world and make the commute tolerable, and even, dare I say, an enjoyable one. Being a commuter, I like to carry a lot of essentials with me and the eReader didn’t add to already heavy load, being the light and convenient device that it is. Unfortunately, my Kobo was a hand me down and didn’t last as long as I would have liked. Now I play games on my phone, which almost makes the commute worse…
    I would love to own another Kobo and use my travel time to learn, laugh and explore

  5. Kobo is great! I love being able to take multiple books with me at a time without the burden of carrying around all that extra wait.

  6. It is just wonderful! It is light and portable, and then when taking trips, you can have multiple books to read!

  7. I haven’t ever read on a Kobo e-reader but I have the Kobo app on my phone! I love having a whole library of books at my fingertips and can imagine that it would be so convenient to have a device that isn’t so straining on my eyes to read on at anytime during the day.

  8. I love ereader because you can read a 1000 page novel, like Stephen King’s “The Stand”, (which even in paperback is a heavy book) without needing two hands.

  9. What I love about Kobo’s are their ability to work with different file formats. Hands down better than being locked down to Amazon’s proprietary format. I’ve had my Kobo mini for quite some time and would love to upgrade it at some point đŸ™‚

  10. While I do not own a Kobo ereader, after reading up on it I think I would absolutely love it. I’ve always wanted an ereader, but just could never afford one. I would love how light it is and all the books that I would be able to store on it. I really enjoy reading quiet a few books at the same time. That way I don’t get bored during one..and that would save me from lugging around 2-3 books when I travel to dr. appt. Thank you for this opportunity.

  11. I love that i can choose to read whatever I like, when I would like to read it and how I like to read it. I don’t need a bookmark to save what page I was reading. Also I love that i can read off a screen with light, i don’t have to turn on any lights or lamps in my house and disturb my family while they are trying to sleep. And i love that I can share it with my kids and they can choose whatever book they want to read, no more searching through tons of books on my shelves to find them something to read. I also like that it can help them with their reading homework. I cant afford to purchase a kobo at the moment as I have a mother baby on the way so if i were to be chosen to win I would just be so excited and happy, especially because ive never won anything. Thank you best buy for this contest it is one of my favorites.

  12. I love that these are light and portable, great for taking on trips so you can have multiple books to read!

  13. I love my kobo because it’s lightweight and portable, perfect to take to the beach

  14. My first Kobo purchase was so that I had lots of reading material for my month travelling in Spain. I loved that is so portable and lightweight, and it continues to accompany mean to every country I visit! Also great for at the beach where there is bright sunlight or tucked into bed with the lights off!

  15. My kobo is my security blanket. I go no where without it. I have a library full of books that are getting harder and harder to read. I can customize the size of the print. It carries easily. When on vacation, I can read in bed at night and not disturb my room-mate. Can’ live without it.

  16. It’s great to just be able to grab (one thing) and have lots of books to read where ever you go.

  17. I love how small and compact they are compared to a tablet, the clarity of the text in the sun and easy on the eyes at night. but most of all its how the battery just lasts and lasts, I can leave it on my dresser or in my bag without worrying it will be dead when I want to read.

  18. I’ve been denying myself the ereader because I like the feeling of turning pages. A friend of mine let me read hers one day at the park and my entire perspective changed! What an invention! I must acquire this new kobo.

  19. The Kobo ereader is so convenient to use anywhere anytime..At nigh there is no need to turn a light on to read..I have had two Kobo’s now and read hundreds of books a year..The best invention ever!!

  20. I love that with a Kobo you can “load and go” … and not lug heavy books with you on vacation.

  21. I travel a lot and do most of my reading on planes or waiting for them. A Kobo give me the ability to read anywhere anytime with out having to lug books about

  22. Kobo is like an addiction for me. The first time my father and brother got me one, I couldn’t let it down for weeks. I quickly unlocked the achievements for reading at all hours of day (deep into the night/early morning). The Kobo was exceptionally comfortable for those long readings. The flexibility with formats allowing for many interesting reading finds on the internet or library (overdrive).

  23. I would like to try an e-reader, see if it will convince me to switch from actual books!

  24. I love the convience of having all my books right at my fingertips. I usually have 3-4 books on the go at any given time, and the Kobo readers are sleek in design so it’s easy to take with me on trips. My husband loves the night feature, so the light doesn’t keep him up. I’m borrowing a very old one from a friend of mine with similar reading tastes. Saving for a new one.

  25. Being able to bring a ton of books with me everywhere without all the weight! And that i can bring pdfs too!

  26. I love the cnvenience of being able to read more than one book at once in one easily portable, sleekly designed device! GREAT for a bookworm such as myself!

  27. There isn’t anything I dislike about the Kobo Clara HD reader! Talk about a space saver for a book lover!

  28. I’ve had a kobo mini for years. It’s lightweight, holds hundreds of books, lasts weeks on a single charge, and can fit in the back pocket of my jeans. For someone who reads hundreds of books a year like me, kobo eReaders are heaven-sent.

  29. I still have the 1st gen Kobo ereader! I’ve always loved having hundreds of books on one thin, light device. I’d really love to have a new device too!

  30. Kooboo is so easy that my 9 year can download books on it .. She reads as making a tolet stop for 30 min a day ( pretty Awesome) Genius invention

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