One of the most personal technologies has to be the ereader, like those offered by Kobo. I realize that some of them can surf the web and view multimedia, but for me, they are made for reading books. They are perfectly designed for that one simple task. They are lightweight, with a display that is easy on the eyes in daylight, or at night, and they easily fit in one hand. Load one with all your favourite books and it quickly holds a special place in your heart. Enter this contest and you might just win the newest ereader from Kobo, the Kobo Clara HD.

Why do I love Kobo eReaders so much

Let me tell you a little story, a true story. Once upon a time I had a Kobo ereader, a gift from my children, and I used it all the time. I read a huge assortment of novels on my cherished Kobo: mysteries, historical fiction, classics, trashy pop fiction, non-fiction and more. My brain was filled with great characters and great stories. I took my Kobo everywhere: on cruises in the Caribbean, on flights to Europe, and even back and forth in my car daily so that at any moment I could take a few minutes’ break, just me and my Kobo.

Then tragedy struck: one evening while rushing to take groceries into the house to make dinner, I forgot my Kobo in the car. Wouldn’t you know it, a thief broke into my car and stole it. I was shattered! End of story. However, I still feel the loss. You never know how much you love something until it’s gone.

Why do you love Kobo ereaders

Here’s your chance to tell us why you want to win this prize. If you are not familiar with these great ereaders, take a look at the product page for Kobo at Best Buy to learn more about them. You can also read the recent review of this eReader on the blog.



Entering this contest is easy, but you can only enter once. In a comment below this article, tell us what you love about Kobo ereaders. Is it having hundreds of books in the palm of your hand, how lightweight they are, how easy they are to load with books from the Kobo store …?


At the end of the contest we will select one winner from all eligible entries to win a new Kobo Clara HD.

This contest runs from July 20th until August 6th.

Remember you can only enter once. However, you must know many people who would love to win this Kobo: it’s a book lovers dream device! Share this contest with all the book lovers in your life.

Good Luck.

Win a Kobo Clara HD eReader Contest Rules and Regulations 

We frequently have many contests running at Best Buy so check out the “contests in progress” page for more great contests to enter.
Martin Renaud
Editor in Chief
Martin loves working with the talented editors and writers on the Best Buy Blog as Editor-in-Chief. During his spare time he is either working on his next novel, cooking up a masterpiece in the kitchen, or adding some smart tech to his new home on Mayne Island in British Columbia.


  1. I love a reader to download books and magazines. I love to read. So convenient when travelling.

  2. I’ve got an old Sony eReader that works pretty well. I can carry it everywhere for those times where I’m kept waiting (Doctor’s offices, clinics, picking up the offspring) and every night in bed. I’ve got a cover so I can lie down and read (and fall asleep). Yay! No paper cuts! No losing my place! A variety at my finger tips without the bulk of carrying around a library bag full of novels and magazines.
    The newer versions sound a lot easier – to load, to read with added back lighting and probably faster to turn pages and better battery life. Probably time to upgrade. Thanks for the review. I will add it to my list.

  3. I don’t own a Kobo, but I have always wanted one. My favourite feature is the ability to have lots and lots of books available all the time in one device that I can carry in my purse!

  4. I have never owned one but have borrowed one, I loved it! Easy to use, great for reading anywhere anytime. I’d love one of my own.

  5. So many reasons why everyone should own one but for myself it is how I love that I can read in bed without disturbing my girlfriend with a desk lamp.

  6. I love how you can keep a wide variety of books in one small space. Makes it easy to take a bunch of books on trips.

  7. I love to bring books on vacation. The ereader allows you to have several books on one device. Less weight to carry around when you are traveling.

  8. So I haven’t yet had the pleasure to use a Kobo Reader. I’m sure because of it’s portability and durability are a major plus. But being able to have many books loaded to read on one device saves my back and shoulders from the pain. Lol
    I wish everyone luck!

  9. I love readers because you can every book that you love and want to read stored on it and it is easier to read the printing on an ereader than it is with an ordinary printed book.

  10. I love the ability to have a number of books on hand without the weight of having to carry loads of hardcopies around. This is especially important when travelling. And who knows which book I’d like to read next? I can rarely decide. If I have them all available to me in an e-reader, I feel more confident in my choices! And it saves on shelf space, too.

  11. I love their portability and accessibility, great to be able to store so many books and take so little space.

  12. This would be great, I could take it to appointments and never have to rely the office having magazines less than 2 years old!

  13. I think they’re great, I’d be able to read and make the print brighter and bolder so I can see (glaucoma)

  14. I love Kobo a lot, it’s great for taking along places when you cant fit a whole book, and sometimes a book is cheaper to get on the Kobo than a paperback book. They are also super easy to use and work amazing!

  15. I dont own a reader but I love the idea of having hundreds of my favourite books ready at my fingertips.

  16. I would love to win an E-Reader, It would be less cumbersome than carrying a book and you can read it anywhere

  17. I don’t have an e-reader, but I know it’d be handy to have one while taking the bus to and from work every day! I spend hours using public transit and get a lot of reading done that way with books. A Kobo e-reader would make so many more possibilities available to me!

  18. i have never used one but have heard great things. this would be perfect so i dont have to carry books every where i go

  19. The best thing about Kobo is that it does everything every other ebook reader can do and surf the net like any tab plus IT’S NOT AS COMMON AS THE SAMSUNG TAB OR THE IPAD, made me feel Unique when I used to use it.

  20. I have had a Kobo for about 5 years.I originally bought Kobo touch for travelling bit I use it all the time at home.It is so easy to read in bed instead of a heavy awkward book.I now have about 400 books in my library and never had a problem.I think it is the only e reader that you can load up from a library.I was thinking of up grading to an Aura but maybe I could win one. Just love it!

  21. Reading is so important to me and all of us. A Kobo would allow me to bring more books with me as I make my way through each day. I’m a Yoga teacher and being to able read inspirational and healing quotes is such a bg part of each class. I bring at least 2 books with me to class. With a Kobo the variet would be endless.

  22. I’ve never tried an e-reader. I love paper books, but I think I’d be willing to try reading this way!

  23. I would love to sit and read without constantly flipping pages, sounds too good to be true.

  24. I love Kobo ereaders for the freedom they bring. You can have so many books available in the blink of an eye and you don’t need to carry around any heavy books.

  25. I don’t know what its like to own a Kobo but I would love to try one out. Just recently I was excepted into an English college programme and I jumped on the offer, even though I’ve only ever been to a French school. I would love and really appreciate winning this Kobo because then I could further my reading skills and continue reading French books so that way I won’t ever lose my French langue.

  26. I don’t know what its like to have a Kobo, I’ve never had one but I would love to try one out. Just recently I was excepted into an English college programme and I jumped on the offer even though I’ve only ever been to French school. I would love and really appreciate winning this Kobo because then I could use it to help further my reading skills and use it to continue reading books in French so that way I won’t ever lose my French langue.

  27. The best thing about a Kobo reader is the ability to carry with you anywhere hundreds of books!

  28. they are the best and most convenient way of reading any book. I am not a computer literate person and yet I find them easy to navigate , and a complete pleasure to use at any time of day. Thankyou

  29. I read fairly fast so I love my Kobo e-reader as I don’t have to travel with a big pile of books

  30. What I love about the Kobo e-reader is that it easily fits into my bag, so I’m ready to read anywhere. It allows me to carry so many books with me that if I finish one, I can have another ready to go. It’s just portable and convenient.

  31. What’s great about ereaders is not having to lug several books and have that additional weight to carry around, finding a book is fast & easy when in your library, getting a book is just a click away instead of waiting in line at a book store. They are so convient when sitting on the bus or waiting in long lines. Gotta love the fact you have a library of books to choose from right in the palm of your hands. You can even sometimes get a free book to download.

  32. I love to read. I do not own a reader but I read books all the time. My favorites are romance novels

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