Pre-Order FIFA 15 to get bonus Ultimate Team content!
What does EA Sports have in store for those pre-ordering their most popular sports gaming franchise this year? FIFA is back for another year with numerous gaming enhancements bringing you closer to the real game itself. What better time to announce a pre-order bonus than during the World Cup? Click on to see what EA has in store for this year’s Pre-Order for both standard and Ultimate Team editions.
Pre-Order The Evil Within to stand a Fighting Chance
Coming this October, the survival horror genre gets a little bit more interesting when Bethesda brings us The Evil Within. Nothing good starts at an abandoned mental hospital, and you’ll be treated to any number of twists, turns and scares. Pre-Order the Evil Within and get access to the Fighting Chance pack, which may just give you that boost, or just prolong your death.
WWE 2K15: Introducing your Pre-order bonus…. Sting!
A wild man in black and white, fighting for what’s right, Sting was to the WCW what guys like Brett Heart were to the WWE. How many imaginary matches have friends young and not so young pitted their WCW legend against a friend’s WWE Superstar in an imaginary clash of the titans, back and forth across the ring, the highs, the lows! The two counts! Well the time has come wrestling fans. With WWE 2K15.
Pre-Order Madden NFL 15 and get free Ultimate Team Content!
The longest running EA Sports franchise is back for edition #26! Madden Football is the first to officially kick off EA Sports Game season in August, and this year’s edition plans to give you a much more stabilized defensive system, recreated environments (on the next gen consoles) and more! When you Pre-Order Madden 15, you’ll also get access to some free Ultimate Team content! Read on to find out more.
E3 2014 Highlights – Games We Didn’t See at the Press...
A bevvy of beauties that missed the Big Stage, there have been so many things to be excited about that some just don’t get the attention they deserve. It’s time to fix that. Many standout titles, intreguing games, and subtle hints of things to come have been shown since this whole thing kicked off, and it’s very easy for worth games to get lost in the shuffle. So, here we have a collection of E3 2014s Best of Games not in the press conferences (or that we simply havent been able to talk about yet).