GTA V – The Next Gen Release – New Gear, New...

The newest member of the GTA family, Grand Theft Auto 5 is a crazy smash hit.  So much to see and do, compelling characters, an online experience that, after some initial bumps, has critics praising its virtues… What’s left?  New hardware, that’s what!  Now for the PC, PS4, and XBox One, it’s no mere port, there’s a lot of new content, exclusive to the new release.

Review: Code Name S.T.E.A.M. is unique, but is it good?

Take the Golden Era of comic books, mix it with XCOM and a little taste of Fire Emblem. Then give it a steampunk influence, a cast of fictional and non-fiction historical characters and top it off with a good sense of humour. This is Code Name S.T.E.A.M. for the Nintendo 3DS. It’s a wacky turn based strategy game from the folks that brought Warioware and Fire Emblem. It’s a departure from the usual titles from Nintendo, which begs the question: Is it good?  Let’s take a look.