What you can do to make use of an older smartphone

Smartphones can have a fairly short shelf life, given how quickly new models come out to replace them. Even after moving on to a new handset, it doesn’t necessarily have to be the end of the old one if it’s still functional. Outside of selling or pawning it off on someone else, there are some great ways to give an older phone a second life.

3 great tips to help you find time for fitness

Welcome to 2016. If you’re like a lot of people out there (present company included!) you’re probably looking in the mirror saying “eh…this could be better”. Instead of making a resolution to “get fit” this year, it’s time to come up with a plan of action that you can stick to. I have three tips here that can help you make fitness an integral part of your 2016. Stick with ‘em and you’ll find a better, fitter you throughout the year.

How to use your new tech: connect a computer to your...

With so many of us getting new gadgets at this time of year, lets take a look at what is involved in setting them up with your home network and optimizing performance.

How to get movie effects on video shot from a phone


We’re in a golden age of home movies thanks to the built-in video shooting capability of most mobile phones and there are people making big bucks posting professional looking videos on sites like YouTube —that are shot on their smartphone. How do you go from shaky, raw smartphone footage to polished looking results with subtitles, special effects and animated overlays? It’s actually pretty easy and the best part is, you can pump up your phone footage with movie effects for next to nothing and sometimes even for free.

What you can make with a top of the line blender

Historically, blenders have been used to chop, grind, and puree food and beverages, often as food preparation for a larger recipe. However, these days, there is no end to what you can do with a top of the line blender, even in those with a small profile. Read on for some great recipes and an overview of a few of my favourite single-serve blenders.

Photo 101: From camera to social media

Taking a photo from camera to social media can be a process that you need a little skill for, but with a smooth workflow, it'll be a breeze.

It’s raining raspberries on Shelly’s Friday Favourites


I was pretty excited to find raspberries on my property, and after I picked two full buckets, I was on the hunt for what to do with them. Luckily I have a party planned for my son this weekend, so I dug up some kid-friendly raspberry recipes you should definitely try. Save

How to boost your computer’s performance with faster Wi-Fi

There are many tweaks and system upgrades that will help your PC perform better and seem more responsive. One of the overlooked ways you can boost performance is through faster Wi-Fi. Here’s how upgrading to 802.11ac can make your computer faster than ever.

How to buy the right amplifier for your needs

With the number of amplifiers on the market today, it might be hard to make a choice. This guide is here to help you pick the best model for your needs and preferences.

Fridge 101: how to choose the perfect fridge

Choosing a new fridge can be a bit overwhelming, but after you've read Fridge 101 you'll be ready to choose the perfect fridge for you.