Summer survival guide part 4: relaxing and entertaining on the patio

Summer is, without a doubt, my favourite time of year. In fact, I’m such a summer girl that I’ve often wondered why I haven’t moved myself to a more temperate climate where the hot days and warm nights stick around for longer than a few months. But perhaps it’s precisely the short shelf life we have on summers here in Canada that makes me itch to spend as much of them outside as possible.

How to Create an Epic Patio

For us Canadians living in the East, the idea of summer seems doubtful. I say this only because it snowed in mid-April (ahem). However, I have faith that summer will arrive eventually and for that reason, let’s get the patio pimping to perfection. If you start planning now, once the heat shows up, you’ll be lounging outside with your favourite cocktail while your friends are scrambling for patio furniture.

5 Patio Decorating and Design Tips and Tricks

Patio decorating is one of my favourite things. It means that winter is over and we can start focusing on summer and enjoying outdoor living. Here are a few tips to kick off your patio decorating.

Small patio ideas for a peaceful outdoor space

Having a small patio doesn't mean you can't create a peaceful outdoor space. Here are a few ideas you can use to set up your small patio this spring.

How-to get ready for patio season

Patio season is almost here and I’ve been doing some yard clean up to get ready. Next I’ll be setting up my patio furniture and deciding if I’ll be needing or wanting anything new this season. I love to entertain when the weather is nice, and I’m thinking this is the year to treat myself to a patio swing. Read on to see how you can make your patio beautiful with some great new pieces.

How to create an Instagram-worthy patio

If a patio is created and no one posts about it on Instagram, does it even exist at all? That’s one question that I’d love to be able to answer for you, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to test any theories. If I’m on a patio, my compulsive need to Instagram it is going to win over every single time.