Revive your kitchen for summer

Summer is the perfect time to revive your kitchen with a new coat of paint, new appliances or some colourful accessories.  Read on for tips on how you can revive your kitchen this summer.

Have fun teaching your kids how to cook safely in the...

Teaching your kids to cook at a young age has its perks, from getting their help in the kitchen for dinner duties to knowing they will be knowledgeable to eat smart as they get older. Furthermore, it’s a perfect opportunity to bond with your children and learn about their day. You never know, by the time they become teenagers, they could be preparing dinner every night before you even get home from work or while you chill out on the couch. A parent can only dream, right?

Shelly’s Friday Favourites does more with a rice cooker

Until I tried cooking more than just rice in a rice cooker, I had no idea you could whip up so many different recipes in one. This week I decided to try three different dishes in a rice cooker, just to see how they’d turn out.

Janette Ewen’s outdoor furniture picks

In my last blog I touched on my top 10 “must-haves” for home décor from This week, I’d love to dig a little deeper into one of my favourite locations to design and create: the outdoor living space

How to care for your cast iron cookware

Cast iron cookware has been around for centuries. Long before the electric stove was invented in the early 1900s, most meals were prepared using cast iron skillets, pots and griddles, and an open flame. A lot has changed since then, but the appeal of cast iron remains the same. Said to be the best cookware ever invented, the key to its longevity lies in its care. Follow these simple rules and your cast iron cookware will last for generations to come.

Shelly’s Friday Favourites Talks Hot Kitchen Desserts

I’ll admit it: I’ve kind of scoffed at no-bake desserts in the past. It almost seems as though if you can’t put it in the oven, it’s not really dessert. But as I’ve discovered, some desserts don’t have to be labour intensive and time consuming to be really, really good. My kid’s all time favourite dessert actually takes less than 10 minutes to prepare, and I’d be proud to serve it to my foodie friends.  

Janette Ewen’s Top 10 Furniture Finds at Best Buy

There is something for everyone at As an interior stylist I am always on the hunt for the hottest trends, and new places to shop. I was recently thrilled to discover that my favourite destination for technology, toys and appliances now has a full line up of home décor items. I’ve scoured the Best Buy website to bring you my top 10 favourite things.

Four Office Chairs That Will Cradle You In Comfort and Boost...

On Monday I brought news of Four Office Desks That Are Fit For A President! Today I shift my focus to the unsung workhorse of offices everywhere—the indispensable companion of the Presidential desk—the amazing office chair! Quality construction and unmatched comfort are two key elements of what we’re looking for today, so come along with me and we’ll see what’s in store as we seek out 4 awesome chairs that provide luxurious comfort & unmatched quality in any office environment! 

Recline while you work with the DXRacer Formula office chair

A good office chair is a must have for anyone who sits at a computer for an extended period of time, and if you’re in the market for a new office chair, you’ve got to take a look at the DXRacer Formula High Back Ergonomic office chairs.  

A family that loves to play together, stays together

You’ve heard a family that plays together, stays together? Summer is the perfect time to grab hold of that old adage and bring it to life. Everyone wants to be outdoors and families are always looking for fun things to do. As far as I’m concerned, all you need are a few great games, and a few well-chosen accessories to keep you warm, comfy and bug-free, and you’re off to the races!