How an ergonomic office can make you more productive

When you’re looking for ways to boost productivity, technology is often the knee-jerk response. Get a faster PC and I’ll be able to work faster. What’s often overlooked is ergonomics. Setting up your office to so that it takes ergonomic design into account can pay huge benefits in increased productivity, while also helping to prevent injuries.

Ooma conveniently delivers business phone services to your home office


 You’ve no doubt seen the pithy television commercials featuring the nerdy dad-type talking to a piece of technology called Ooma. I love the banter between nerd dad and the female actress who voices Ooma, however I must admit those ads never really made me retain whatever it is the product is supposed to do. It’s, like, phones or something? Does it talk? Well, if you’ve also been wondering just what the heck an Ooma actually is, read on and I’ll fill you in on the benefits of Ooma for offices.

How to set up your PC to work from home


Working from home is an increasingly popular trend. Doing so saves on office space, commute time and many of the expenses of having a team working in a centralized building. It can also be an attractive option for employees. I worked from home on a part-time basis for a decade and switched to full-time over five years ago —I can’t even picture going back to a traditional office. But if you’re going to make this work, you have to take it seriously (it’s not all coffee on the deck and hanging out with the dogs) and your PC is a central component. I’ve put together suggestions on how to set up your PC to work from home.