Oru Lake portable kayak review

The Oru Lake portable kayak weighs 17 lbs and folds like origami. It carries like a suitcase and lets you get out on the water with ease.

Get the most out of your workout with Vega Sport

This year get the most out of your workouts with the help of Vega's line of Sport products.

Rito Folding Trike Review

The Rito Folding Trike combines the benefits of a 3 in 1 tricycle for your little ones while folding down into an easy travelling option for mom and dad!

How to choose an electric bike

Looking for some extra power to help you on your rides around town, up hills, and on trails? An ebike might be worth the investment.

How-to get ready for patio season

Patio season is almost here and I’ve been doing some yard clean up to get ready. Next I’ll be setting up my patio furniture and deciding if I’ll be needing or wanting anything new this season. I love to entertain when the weather is nice, and I’m thinking this is the year to treat myself to a patio swing. Read on to see how you can make your patio beautiful with some great new pieces.

Gyrocopters Glow kids electric scooter review

The Gyrocopters Glow kids electric scooter is a fun and easy way for your 3-7 year olds to zip about and have some fun outdoors!

Jackery Explorer power stations and Solar Saga solar panel review

I go hands on with Explorer portable power stations and Solar Saga solar panels from Jackery, including the powerful Explorer 1500.

Cool things to pack for your next trip away

It was somewhere around the 15th hour of flying and waiting, transitioning through time zones, that I realized that my trip could have been just a bit more complete with some accessories. I think there’s a great deal of truth that can be found through exhaustion, and though I’m usually extolling the values of packing light, I decided (on my return) to make a list of the things I wish I had with me, and why I think you might want to check them out too. So if you’re heading out on a trip–either on your own or with family–read this list over, and you might find a bit of truth-in-advance that’ll help you too.

Great gear for backpacking light

 The trails are open and it's backpack season again. Can't wait to get out there? Don't worry, you don't have to load up on a lot of big gear to enjoy a weekend of backpacking. Here are a few things you can take along that are lightweight, multi-purpose, and will help you really enjoy a night or two in the great outdoors.

This summer, take your BBQ everywhere

When you’re out and about this summer you can step up your picnic game by packing along a portable BBQ. Say goodbye to the same old sandwich lunches and hello to a grilled meal. Read on for some great portable BBQ options that will fit your family’s needs this summer.