Baby Rocker and Glider Buying Guide

If you're looking for a rocker or glider for your baby, this guide helps you distinguish between the two, and select the best one to meet your needs and desires, factoring in where it will go, how often you might use it, and more.

Cables buying guide

A cable buying guide that covers everything you need to know about cables and connectivity options for your PC, tablet, cell phone, tablet, TV and more.

Baby Gates Buying Guide

If your little one is now crawling or walking about, chances are you'll need a baby gate to keep him or her out of certain rooms, and protected from falling down the stairs. There are many types of baby gates, and it's important to choose the right one, not only based on where it's going to go, but also considering a number of other factors.

Car Seat buying guide

Car seats have changed a lot in the past couple decades. Here is some information to help you choose the right car seat for your child.

Electric Bike Buying Guide

Considering buying an electric bike? This comprehensive buying guide runs through everything you need to know to select the right one to meet your needs, including the various types of bikes, which suit what type of rider, and features and functions that can benefit you in different ways.

Buying a laptop: what you should know about memory and storage

When buying any PC, memory and storage are important. With a laptop, even more so, since upgrading after the fact may not be an option. You want to get it right, but there are lot of acronyms, numbers and technical terms in play. In this piece I’ll cover off what you should know about memory and storage when buying a laptop, including RAM, VRAM, ROM, SSDs and cloud storage.

Knives 101 – Different Knives for Different Uses

A few days ago I went grocery shopping, and as I was paying, the cashier asked me if I was collecting stamps. “Stamps for what?” I asked. “Stamps for new knives” she enthusiastically replied. To be honest, I’d never really given much thought to knives before. I mean, I have a set that I got when I first moved out many moons ago, but I took my stamp and went on my merry way. Later, I was flipping through the knife brochure that came with my stamp and after about page 6, I started thinking – why are there so many different types? What knife is for what? Do you really need 18 or will two do? As it turns out, you do! Here’s a breakdown of what makes one knife different from another.

Telescope 101

Above our heads every evening is a world of celestial happenings. A telescope can open the night skies for you to enjoy. It’s all waiting for you to discover when you have the right telescope. Here’s what to look for when buying one.  

Dishwashers 101 – What to Consider When Buying a New Dishwasher

Like almost every other household appliance, today’s dishwashers come equipped with a seemingly endless array of features. But if you are in the market for a new model, all those options can be overwhelming. That said, you don’t want to make your decision based solely on price or appearance either, because the cold hard truth is that if your dishes don’t fit, or if they come out looking just as dirty as they did when they went in, then it was not money well spent. So with that in mind, here are a few things to keep in mind when the time comes to choose your next dishwasher. 

Buying the Perfect Cookware Set


Bring out your inner chef by finding the perfect cookware set!