Wearable Fashion Takes Center Stage at Toronto’s Life and Tech Expo
Immerse yourself in Virtual Reality at the Life & Tech Expo...
Try the newest VR and wearable technology at Toronto’s Life and...
What to look for in a school backpack
Style compliments technology at the Life and Tech event in Toronto...
New ASUS ROG gaming laptops the first to feature Nvidia GTX...
Video games coming out in August 2016 you won’t want to...
Enter the ProArt series 4K Monitor contest from ASUS and Best...
Computer monitors, like television sets, have undergone a huge revolution in design and technological innovation over the past 10 years. The ASUS ProArt series of monitors are great examples of how fantastic they have become. They have a stunning 4K resolution and ultra-fast refresh rates so photographs and video are brilliantly clear and realistic. Any photography or video professional would love to work on this monitor. Editing using one of these monitors is easier than ever; the results are more precise too. Enter this contest on Facebook and you can nominate a photographer or videographer you know to win one of these monitors.
5 Reasons to Buy a Hoverboard This Year
Call them glideboards, call them hands free segways or call them by their most commonly referred to name: Hoverboards. They may not hover and they may not be the same multicolored glider that Marty McFly introduced us to, but they’re helping us move in new ways and helping us zip from Point A to Point B without the use of gas.