Introducing ClearPlex: the ultimate display protection for virtually any device

When it comes to our mobile devices —whether that be a smartphone, tablet, laptop computer, iPod or even a camera— the component that causes the most worry is usually the display. Scratches and cracks make for a subpar experience and expensive repairs. That’s why screen protectors are so popular. But these products have their limitations too, primarily the fact that they’re only available for current and highly popular devices. There’s also the matter of installation, which can be sticky and nerve-wracking. ClearPlex is exciting because it brings tough, invisible film first developed for auto windshields to consumer electronics. The company’s agreement with Best Buy has high tech ClearPlex equipment onsite at GeekSquad facilities. GeekSquad handles the programming and installation, you get ClearPlex protection customized for your device. I visited a Best Buy location in London to see the system in action, and it’s pretty cool.  

The Guardians, Captain America and more await you in Disney Infinity...


Disney Infinity 2.0: Marvel Super Heroes is just weeks away. Featuring many of your favourite Marvel Universe characters (with more to come) and the arrival of Tinker Bell and Stitch, this promises to be a big step forward for the already successful Infinity franchise.  What else can you expect, and what can you get for free with your Pre-Order?  Click on to find out.

Destiny – Bungie’s Next Big Game (and its big pre-order bonus!)


How many hours of game play, that’s both campaign and multiplayer by the way, would you say you’ve racked up in Halo? Personally, I couldn’t even guess.  ‘Combat Evolved’ truly was, it opened the gaming worlds eyes to what was possible, and changed things in a major way.  Lan parties gave way to real online multiplayer for the console and we haven’t looked back since.  So what do you do after having such a huge impact on our cultures favorite entertainment medium?  Do it again of course!  Enter Destiny, Bungie’s next big thing, and they want to give you a whole bunch of cool gear for pre-ordering (so let them).

The Last of Us: Remastered for PS4!


It may arguably have been the best game to come out on the PlayStation 3, getting praise like it being the “Citizen Kane” of video games. It’s high praise, but the Last of Us was a very different and very special game at a time where we were craving something new, and something unique. Few games have made me think and react on the immediate consequences of my actions like this one did.  On July 29th, you’ll get the chance to re-live those memories on the PlayStation 4, when the Last of Us: Remastered debuts in glorious 1080p.  Come check out more and leave us some of your memories of this amazing game.

WWE 2K15: Introducing your Pre-order bonus…. Sting!


A wild man in black and white, fighting for what’s right, Sting was to the WCW what guys like Brett Heart were to the WWE. How many imaginary matches have friends young and not so young pitted their WCW legend against a friend’s WWE Superstar in an imaginary clash of the titans, back and forth across the ring, the highs, the lows!  The two counts! Well the time has come wrestling fans. With WWE 2K15.

Pre-Order Persona 4 Arena Ultimax for Collectibles and in-game content!


Persona 4 Arena Ultimax releases for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 at the end of September, but a great limited Pre-Order bonus from Atlus means you should think about Pre-Ordering as soon as possible! In addition to free access to one of the side story (Adachi) episodes, you’ll also get some collectibles packaged in too!  Read on to find out more.

Create a before and after photo treasure and you might win...


  Compare last year’s photos of your children with your kids today – the difference is startling! Photography allows us to capture the past and compare it to the present. Before and after photos are really interesting: especially when they are done well. Some can even be hilarious. Try composing a before and after photo series and you will have created a unique photo memory and you might win the awesome Canon Rebel T5i camera. Read on for more details …

Pre-Order Sacred 3 for access to an exclusive in-game Class!


Nearly 6 years after Sacred 2 blasted onto the scene, the third chapter in this action based RPG series is ready to debut later this summer! Sacred 3 takes you into saving the Heart of Arcania from falling into the hands of the Ashen Empire. With numerous classes, explosive gameplay and multiple class choices, Sacred 3 is already shaping up to be a worthy sequel. However, it’s worth it even more to get the jump by Pre-Ordering. You’ll get access to a newly announced class that you won’t be able to access anywhere else right at release.  Read on to find out more!

Pre-Order Civilization: Beyond Earth for a huge galactic bonus!


This October, a brand new Civilization experience takes shape in space!  Civilization: Beyond Earth takes many of the traditional things you experienced with the series and gives you something completely new. The game takes place in the future, meaning that you set and start your colonies from the beginning and forge your own legacy.  To help you do this on some different terrains, a special bonus of extra Exoplanets is available if you Pre-Order the game.  Click on to find out just what you receive by Pre-Ordering the game.

Alienware’s desktop gaming PCs: introducing the X51-R2 and the R4


Alienware is a name synonymous with hardcore PC gaming. Whether you’re fighting off a Zerg swarm, adventuring your way to level 70 in Diablo 3 or freeing London of Nazi invaders in Wolfenstein: The New Order, the ultimate video game experience is on a PC and Alienware has long been a respected name among Windows gamers. And while gaming laptops offer a very good experience, to get the best, you need to go with a tower or desktop gaming PC. This is the form factor that has the space for the monster video card, the high performance CPU and all the other components that make a game look its best. Alienware has just released two new desktop gaming PCs that are available now at Best Buy: The Alienware X51-R2 and the awesome Alienware R4.