Nintendo Switch is the ultimate family gaming console. It has the flexibility to take anywhere your family goes, and the versatility to go from individual play to interactive or competitive play. Also, the selection of games continues to excite us with each new release. Their newest game, Pokemon Scarlet / Pokemon Violet comes out this month and Best Buy is giving away a copy of the double pack version of the game, a Nintendo prize pack, and a Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Edition Switch OLED, for one amazing ultimate Nintendo prize.

Do you have a favourite Nintendo memory?

Families have been enjoying Nintendo gaming for decades. My favourite Nintendo memory is from when my children were young playing Mario Kart with my father-in-law Dan. The fun started with selecting a driver, “Granpa, I want to be Bowser; you got to be him last time!” which to an outsider may have seemed confrontational but the atmosphere was total fun and laughs.

Pokemon too has been thrilling adults and children since 1996. What started as a very successful video game for the Game Boy quickly evolved into anime, trading cards, manga, and tons of related toys and other merchandise. Few on this planet have not experience Pokemon in one way or another. This contest will certainly create lasting memories for someone in Canada. The prize includes a Nintendo Switch console on which they will play countless games at home, at friends’ homes, and on road trips. One of those games will be the new Pokemon Scarlet / Pokemon Violet that’s also included in this prize. And the winner will also enjoy a collection of Nintendo Pokemon merchandise. It’s pretty much a perfect Pokemon prize!

Many people will be gifting Nintendo this season

You may be wondering what are the best games to give Nintendo Switch gamers this season. You might already have an opinion about it, or you may be interested in what games other players are recommending. We sent our writers to a Nintendo holiday showcase event to get some insights and you can read about their experiences on the blog. Also, scroll through the comments under that article. For the next two weeks, Canadians will be leaving their Nintendo Switch game recommendations under that article as one of the methods of entering this contest. Here are all of the ways you can enter this contest:

How to enter

Entering this contest is easy and you can enter in three different ways:

  1. In a comment below, tell us what your favourite Nintendo memory is, what game, was involved, and why this memory stands out for you.
  2. In a comment beneath the “Nintendo Holiday Showcase” article, tell us which Nintendo Switch game sold at Best Buy (include the model number) is your gift recommendation for Canadians this season.
  3. For up to two (2) additional entries, create a public post on a social media channel (one entry per channel!) telling your friends and followers which version “Pokemon Scarlet” or “Pokemon Violet” you’ll play first if you win this Nintendo Switch prize pack; include the hashtag #BestBuyNintendoSwitchContest, so we can find your post, and include one of the pictures showing on this article.
    Then return here and tell us in a comment below on which channel you posted it and the name of your channel (since many people use pseudonyms) so that we can check and verify your entry. You can use any social media channel (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, etc.), but the post must be public so we can verify it is there.

What you can win

At the end of this contest, we will randomly select one (1) winner to receive the Nintendo Switch Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Prize pack that includes the double game and the Nintendo Switch OLED Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Edition.

This contest runs from Nov 17th until Dec 5th.

Remember you can enter in three different way as discussed above. Nintendo is best played with friends and our contests are best enjoyed with you share with family and friends to increase that chances that either you or someone close to you wins a great prize.

Win a Nintendo Switch OLED with Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Rules and Regulations

Good Luck.

Martin Renaud
Editor in Chief
Martin loves working with the talented editors and writers on the Best Buy Blog as Editor-in-Chief. During his spare time he is either working on his next novel, cooking up a masterpiece in the kitchen, or adding some smart tech to his new home on Mayne Island in British Columbia.


  1. My favourite memory is when I was little playing duck hunt for hours with my brother on the Nintendo we got for Christmas.

  2. I remember playing Super Mario World with my best friend when I was little. I was terrible at it but she was so nice about it and kept giving me lives. She’s still one of my closest friends.

  3. I have so many memories of Nintendo when I was a kid . I loved playing Zelda and played for hours . I was so excited when I found something new in the game .

  4. My favourite Nintendo memory is playing Super Mario World at a department store many years ago on the SNES.
    I was waiting for mom to finish her shopping and decided to spend time by playing this game that just came out at the time.

    I will always remember that moment because I was so enamoured by the gameplay and graphics that I asked my parents for an SNES for Christmas after that experience >:)

  5. I have quite a few Nintendo memories,. All trough my childhood we use to get the new Nintendo consoles and games for Christmas every year, it was a tradition. Would love to try that old Nintendo with my kids

  6. My favourite memory is going to the store with my dad to pick out a new game for my game boy. I played the game for days trying to finish it

  7. My recommendation is Super Mario Odyssey (HACPAAACA). It looks like a fun game and Super Mario has been popular for years.

  8. my most memorable and funniest Nintendo moment was playing bowling on the Wii. The control had that safety strap but when I went to bowl the ball I was so close to throwing the control at the brand new 65″ tv we just got at the time. I got a gutter ball… laughed till I nearly peed my pants. Such fun times!!

  9. My favourite Nintendo memory was Christmas morning, 1990 when I opened my first Nintendo system!! It came with the dual Mario Bros/Duck Hunt cartridge and I was the happiest girl in all of Canada at that moment, I swear I didn’t stop smiling until after New Years!

  10. My favourite Nintendo memory is when I first got my gameboy which was maybe 1998? From a garage sale! I played Supermarioland which started my love for Mario games and all things Nintendo!

  11. My favourite Nintendo memory was playing Tetris on the original Gameboy, with the link cable to my friend also obviously playing Tetris, and totally demolishing him. While we were supposed to be studying.

  12. My favourite Nintendo memory was when I finished Golden Sun Dark Dawn on my Nintendo DS. It was a special and my favourite memory because the DS was my first game console, it was my first time finishing a game completely, and Golden Sun Dark Dawn was such a fun game filled with different gimmicks.

  13. My favourite Nintendo memory was playing Super Mario bros with my dad and my brothers as a kid and when we finally beat the game it was so much fun! i’ll never forget it we all took turns playing!

  14. The 1st Mario Bros game that came out. I remember sitting on my couch on a day off and just playing 8 hours straight!:)

  15. Getting to the next level was the only challenge I had as a kid when it came to playing Nintendo video games, and Donkey Kong and Mario Kart was my favourite to play on my GameBoy. It was so much fun playing the games and getting the next newest cartridge game version with my friends.

  16. My favourite Nintendo memory is playing the Nintendo Wii’s game of bowling. It was fun and weird at the time, but it did increase my fitness level during the winter months.

  17. My favourite Nintendo memory is playing Mario Brothers every chance I could get the use of our Nintendo 64 machine when my siblings weren’t playing with it. I literally had to fight them over it to get a chance to play every day after school. Getting the mushroom and to the next level was so consuming to me and everyone which spurned battles to be the best among st us.

  18. My Nintendo memory from when I was a child was Christmas 1991 my uncle brought a SNES to my grandmother’s house with Super Mario World. I had never been so amazed at a video game with the massive, colourful world to explore.

  19. My favourite nintendo memory is playing Super Mario land on my very first gameboy when I was a kid! It stands out in my memory because that was the first ever game console I ever got.

  20. My favorite Nintendo memory is playing Tetris with a link cable so you can tetris battles. It encouraged me to think and react quicker.

    My gift recommendation would be Pokemon Violet as the pokemon games are always fun to play.

  21. My favourite Nintendo memory was when I finished Zelda: Ocarina Of Time on my Nintendo 64. It was the first game I had completed on my own and I was really proud of myself.

  22. My favourite Nintendo memory was playing Super Mario World with my sister on SNES. It was in our basement and if someone had to walk by to the laundry room we would scream at them that we had to pause the game and it became a running joke in our family.

  23. My most memorable memory was when I was a little kid, the day I got Pokemon yellow for my little gameboy colour, I hid in the bathroom basically all night just playing the game quietly so I wouldn’t wake me parents

  24. The memory that stands out for me was going to a friend’s house in the 80’s who had just received the original NES system. These had just come out and it was mind-blowing compared to our Atari and Intellivision consoles. She was playing the Super Mario Bros game and I was beyond fascinated. I attempted to play; the controller seemed so complicated compared to the old joysticks, and I couldn’t even jump Mario onto the flagpole at the end of the round! haha. Then I got my own NES for Christmas from my parents and I have loved Mario ever since!

  25. My favourite Nintendo memory is definitely playing Mario Kart on the Wii! Had many games played with friends and family.

  26. My favourite Nintendo memory is playing Pokemon Sapphire on my cousin’s gameboy when I was a child. I remember it so well because it was the first video game that I played and was what got me into gaming in the first place.

  27. My favourite Nintendo memory is playing Pokemon Diamond with my brother who played Pearl. It was a simpler time where nothing mattered and all I could focus on was playing, trading, and battling with Pokemon. I remember beating the elite four when we were in the middle of an overseas trip and the memory stands out because it was my first time out of the country but the game still followed me to the other side of the world!

  28. My memorable Nintendo experience was buying a Nintendo 64. It was unforgettable because my parents won’t buy one so I have to saved monies to get it for the Holidays.

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