Polk audio speakers will fill your home with amazing sound. How amazing? We sent these out for an independent, honest review—and those reviews were very positive—but the best way to find out how good a speaker sounds to you, is to bring it into your home and try it out. After all, we each have our own expectations for how music should sound in our home. Enter this contest for a chance to find out how well Polk speakers meet your expectations. You might soon be listening to your favourite holiday music, and non-holiday music, on brand-new Polk speakers!

What do you look for in new speakers

Great sound! That should be the number one reason to get a new speaker. However, in recent years, people have been compromising on the quality of the speakers to gain functionality. Most recently, for instance, the hottest speakers have come from Google and Amazon; they have small speakers that deliver “okay” sound. Their main feature, though, is the included voice assistant. I think they are really cool (since last year I have purchased seven of them and given most of them away as gifts—and kept 3 for myself!).

Polk Audio speakers, on the other hand, offer great sound. You aren’t compromising on sound quality with Polk. Of course, Polk is evolving to keep up with the needs of current consumers: consumers like me and many others with a love for smart speakers.

Google assist and Polk in one compact package

As I said at the beginning of this article, we sent out some Polk audio speakers for honest reviews. Those reviews were very positive. For example, Erin reviewed the Polk MagniFi Mini and thought the quality was “outstanding.” Here is her video review:

Blogger Darren Blakeborough reviewed the Polk Assist speaker and loved the versatility: it comes with Google Assistant built-in! Darren loved that it delivered awesome audio quality and had the incredible smart functionality of Google’s voice assistant in one package. You can tell it to control your smart home products, ask it questions, and, of course, tell it to play your favourite music. Here is Darren’s video review:

In fact, if you have a Polk Assist, you can even control the sound from the Polk Magnify that Erin reviewed! If I had this I’d put the Polk Assist in the dining room, and the Polk Magnify Mini with my television, so that I could have multi-room audio, all controlled with either my voice or my phone. The two grand prize winners of this contest will each be able to do that in their home. There are also 2 secondary prizes of a Polk Assist speaker!


Entering is easy but you can only enter once. In a comment below this article, tell us what you are looking for in a speaker, great audio or voice control, AND tell us why.


At the end of this contest we will select 2 Grand Prize winners to each receive a Polk MagniFi Mini, and a Polk Assist – Black. We will also select 2 secondary winners to each receive one Polk Assist speaker – Black.

This contest runs from December 7th until December 20th.

Remember you can only enter once, but this is a time for sharing so show someone you love them by telling them about this contest so they too have a chance to win great audio from Polk.

Win Polk Audio Speakers Contest Rules and Regulations

Good Luck.

We frequently have many contests running at Best Buy so check out the “contests in progress” page for more great contests to enter.
Martin Renaud
Editor in Chief
Martin loves working with the talented editors and writers on the Best Buy Blog as Editor-in-Chief. During his spare time he is either working on his next novel, cooking up a masterpiece in the kitchen, or adding some smart tech to his new home on Mayne Island in British Columbia.


  1. I’d definitely prefer great audio because I want the best sound quality I can get to listen to music and when partying!

  2. Great audio because when I listen to music I want the best sound quality I can get . Voice control would be secondary for me.

  3. Although voice control would be a great feature as any one of my four kids would easily lose another remote, I would still say that great audio ability and quality would be the preference…. family time with music or movies would be a bit more enjoyable.

  4. Great audio always comes first. If you have good voice control but the audio is lousy, you won’t be using the voice control at all because you won’t want to.

  5. Actually both great audio and voice control! Audio because why have speakers without great sound. Voice control call me lazy but Polk please adjust the bass or Polk replay!! Best of both worlds! Awesome Contest! Good luck music FANatics!!

  6. I am mostly looking for clear sound and quality bass, as well as smart home integration option, because I would like to have a quality technology that is up-to-date with the most recent trends.

  7. Quality sound from a small physical footprint, space is at a premium but I don’t want to sacrifice sound quality.

  8. In speakers I look for great audio. I truly enjoy listening to music and a good quality audio track is a MUST when selecting my speaker system.

    Thanks for this great contest!!!

  9. Superior audio quality is a must over voice control. Crisp highs, clean mids and deep, rich bass are what the people want. I use an amazon dot 3rd Gen for voice control but run it’s audio out to another system for higher quality sound.

  10. I’m looking for something with great audio! Although voice control is a great added feature, the quality of the sound is the most important for me.

  11. We are looking for great Audio for family movie nights or just listening to music on the weekend. Love the sleek look and functionality of these!

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