
Great toys hold a special place in our hearts. They create great experiences at the time we play with them. They also leave a treasured memory that we can look back on and smile as we get older. The coolest toys do something a little extra. Really cool toys unite a generation, and sometimes multiple generations. Many of the hottest toys these days are tech toys: robots, drones etc. Which tech toy of 2016 do you think will make the biggest impression in a child’s life, or in your life? Just tell us what you think the coolest toy of 2016 is and you might win a huge trove of the newest toys from Best Buy.

There are over $12000 in toys available to be won!

bb8Every year new toys are released that have the potential to become a child’s special treasure. Best Buy carries many of these. Best Buy also has the greatest selection of tech toys. Last year I fell in love with the Sphero BB-8 App-enabled  Droid. It’s the kind of toy that will resonate in a person’s memories for decades.

(Four of the new special edition version of this droid are included in this contest’s prizes!)


You may find it difficult to decide what the coolest toy is this year. It’s not always easy to predict what will be the best toy in a given year, but really there are no wrong answers. For example, I asked my wife which tech toy she remembers as having been really cool when she was young and her answer, the Fisher Price parking garage (shown below), really surprised me! Note that Best Buy carries a Melissa & Doug version of this parking garage. I too had one of those vintage Fisher Price garages when I was young and played with it incessantly. I hadn’t thought about that toy in many years, but just the mention of it brought back a ton of great memories.

Kids nowadays may not view a parking garage as a tech toy given the options that exist. The prizes in this contest contain many of the best tech toys available in 2016. We have divided the more than $12000 in prizes into 6 toys bundles:

Coding toyscoder-mip


 Robotic toysbb8

e.g., Sphero Spec Ed BB-8 Droid + Force Band

 Remote control and Dronesmambo

e.g., Parrot Mambo

 Ultimate toysrazor

e.g., Razor Power Core E90 Electric Scooter

Ultimate STEM Toysosmo


Ultimate Dronesyuneec



These prize bundles range in value from just over $1200 to over $3000. A complete breakdown of the prize bundles is shown in the rules and regulations below. So enter now for your chance to win one of these 6 great prize bundles. Each person can enter twice so read the directions carefully.


It is really easy to enter. You can submit a maximum of 2 entries for this contest.  In a comment at the bottom of this blog article, tell us what you think is the coolest tech toy available at Best Buy in 2016.  In a separate comment, tell us about the coolest tech toy you received when you were younger.


We will randomly draw 6 winners. Each winner will receive one of the prize bundles listed here: Coding toys, Robotic toys, Remote control and Drones, Ultimate toys, Ultimate STEM toys, and Ultimate Drones.

A complete breakdown of the prizes is shown in the Contest Rules and Regulations below.

The contest runs from November 4th until November 22nd

Remember that you can only enter this contest by leaving a comment below this article. Each of these prizes is amazing and perfect for sharing, so tell all of your friends and family to enter as well and they will undoubtedly share with you too if they win.

Good Luck

Cool toys at best buy contest rules and regulations

Martin Renaud
Editor in Chief
Martin loves working with the talented editors and writers on the Best Buy Blog as Editor-in-Chief. During his spare time he is either working on his next novel, cooking up a masterpiece in the kitchen, or adding some smart tech to his new home on Mayne Island in British Columbia.


  1. I guess the coolest tech toy I recieved as a child would have to be the original Nintendo Entertainment system. This system was ground breaking for it’s time and still has a new life in the form of the retro Nes that is already out on the market. Our system came with R.O.B the robot and although not necessarily an amazing piece of hardware, it should Nintendo to be a groundbreaking company. My brother and I spent countless hours trying to make it through games such as Ghost and Goblins, Super Mario Bros., Pro Wrestling and Ragnorok. This was back in the day with limited continues and no save points. We would leave that system on for so maby hours on pause, that I think we saved our parents money on heating bills. This was a super way for brothers to bond and problem solve on how to beat a game, especially Bowser in the castle of Super Mario bros. I have so many fond memories of this time in my life and my brother and I still talk about this system to this day. Thank you mom and dad, and Nintendo for all the amazing memories.

  2. I would have to say the coolest tech toy to come out this year are the drones. I used to have tiny little planes as a kid and wished one day you could do more than just throw them in loops, now look what they have. These thing hover, can record video. And can be very tiny or very large. I want to live my dream of getting one of these things and fly it everywhete possible.

  3. I remember having this keyboard thing that you would practice typing on but didn’t actually print anything. I also enjoyed a musical keyboard and then of course the first Nintendo was great!

  4. I think the coolest tech toy this year at Best Buy is the Traxxas RC car because I bought one for my son and he LOVES it!

  5. to me the robotic toys would be the coolest ! Awesome toys tho they seem all cool to be honest but i really like the robotic ones my son loves them a lot.

  6. It’s gotta be a drone of one type or another – I would love one that took pics. the Osmo coding set looks cool, but I think that might be too young for my 13 year old grand son.
    My coolest tech toy?…..I don’t think tech was even a word when I was a kid! but I had a BB rifle – I bet you can’t get those now adays.

  7. when we were kids the coolest thing to have was a Slinky so excited when we finally got one from Santa! but they’re low tech i guess so i would next pick the Etch A Sketch !

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