Wemo (by Belkin) is a name that most of you already know very well. If you’ve been interested in smart home products for a while now, you’ll recognize Wemo as one of the most longstanding and reputable brand names in the realm of smart plugs and switches (two of their most prominent, but not only, ventures). Perhaps unsurprisingly, then, Wemo is once again generating excitement at CES Las Vegas with the announcement of their new Wemo Wi-Fi Smart Plug and Wemo Stage offerings. Read on for more info on these new products and a bit about what they can do.
Wemo Wi-Fi Smart Plug
The new Wemo Wi-Fi Smart Plug will be considerably smaller than its predecessor and promises to also be less obtrusive than that model (if that’s even possible). Considering that the previous version was called the “Mini,” that’s really saying something!
This new plug measures just 2.1 inches across, while the older model (shown below) measures a nearly double 3.8 inches across. To accommodate the size change, the manual power button has been moved to the side of the plug. At this new size, the Wemo Wi-Fi Smart Plug should no longer overlap the outlet panel on your wall (at least by my calculations).

Other additions to Wemo’s smart plug include that it now boasts compatibility with Apple HomeKit, meaning there’s no need for a hub to control it. It also continues to work with Alexa and the Google Assistant, naturally, and is expected to arrive sometime this spring.
Of course, the plug will be capable of doing all the same kinds of things that Wemo’s existing plugs can do, such as giving you app based control via your Android or iOS based smart phone and the corresponding Wemo App. This means that you will still be able to do things like control whatever’s plugged into the plug from anywhere in the world and set power on and power off schedules (timers).
Wemo Stage
Also announced this year is the all new Wemo Stage. This small, wireless, remote mounts (magnetically) to your wall and may be left there all the time or removed and used as a hand held device.
Equipped with three small buttons, the Stage allows you to quickly and easily manipulate up to six of your favourite Apple HomeKit lighting scenes. In other words, it allows you to set the stage in your home for a particular mood or activity, such as watching a movie.
Also capable of working without a hub, the new Wemo Stage is modern, attractive, and runs on a coin cell style battery (similar to what you’d find in a watch) that should last for about two years between replacements. I would expect for the first battery to be included with the unit, but am not 100% sure about that. This new device is expected to arrive a bit later than the Wi-Fi Smart Plug—around summer.
Stay tuned right here on the Best Buy Canada Blog for all the latest Smart Home information and announcements from CES 2020.