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Enter for a chance to win a Tochie Personal Voice Aide


Tochie available at Best Buy CanadaHow would you use a Tochie Personal Voice Aide? There are many ways this little smart device can make life better for you and your family. Once you learn that it will deliver reminders at any time or day you decide, you’ll want more than one in your home and the homes of your loved ones. In fact, this could be the most unique and most used tech gift you give this year. Learn some suggestions for how to get the most from this device below, then post your own creative tips, for a chance to win one.

Benefits of sending Tochie messages from anywhere to anyone

Limitless! That’s how I’d describe the number of ways to use a Tochie. Parents will love it: their kids will too. And of course, it could be a life-saver for seniors on their own. Even with my personal situation, where it’s just my wife and I, the Tochie would be perfect for reminders, contact me when the phone is on mute (which mine almost always is), etc. I know I’d get a lot of use from it … but I want to hear how you would use it. After all, Best Buy contests wouldn’t be very fair if I was eligible to win (given that I will be selecting the winner, haha).

I’ll suggest a scenario from my past life as a parent of young children to illustrate.

Go to bed now … wake up now … turn off your phone now

My children are adults, making the most of any lessons I imparted before they fled the nest. But several years ago, a Tochie in each child’s room would have been so useful. Schedule a message for bedtime (aka, toothbrush time, lights-out time, phones-off time). Schedule a message for mornings too. I have to admit I would have found this the most fun. Each day I’d add another message to play a minute after the previous ones I had recorded. They’d wake up to the same series of messages each morning: some inspirational, some motivational, some absolutely parental, and some just dad-joke comical. They would learn to listen through the repetition until finally they reach the new tasty tidbit of knowledge most recently added to the thread. There is no limit to the number of messages you record so I’d likely adjust the series to begin a little earlier each morning so they would not be late for school. Like I said kids would love it!

Getting back to the point of this post: how would you use the Tochie? Tell us and enter for a chance to win the same device that our reviewer Leo tested, then I tested (because I had to give it a try!), and now we are giving to one lucky blog reader.

How to enter

Entering this contest is easy and you can enter once in a comment below. Tell us one creative, interesting, or practical way you would use a Tochie Personal Voice Aide, and how many you think you would ideally want for you and your loved ones.

What you can win

At the end of this contest we will randomly select one winner for all eligible entries to receive the Tochie Personal Voice Aide that Leo reviewed on the Best Buy blog.

This contest runs from November 17th until December 2nd.

Remember you can enter once here on the blog. However, you could tell your family and friends to enter too. Or, you could put a Tochie on your giftlist, but don’t forget to post that list online or on the fridge: that’s another thing you could use the Tochie for … to remind your family to post their wishlists!

Win a Tochie Personal Voice Aide Contest Rules and Regulations

Good Luck

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Martin Renaud
Editor in Chief
Martin loves working with the talented editors and writers on the Best Buy Blog as Editor-in-Chief. During his spare time he is either working on his next novel, cooking up a masterpiece in the kitchen, or adding some smart tech to his new home on Mayne Island in British Columbia.


  1. This contest is now closed. We will draw the winners soon in accordance with the rules. Return to the blog often to read great articles, learn about the latest technology, and to enter more contests. You never know when we’ll be doing another amazing giveaway!

  2. This would be useful for my mom to keep track of her appointments and other stuff.2 or 3 would be great. Thanks

  3. We are renovating our entire house that we just bought so brainstorming has become a part of our daily life. I would use the Tochie Personal Voice Aide to record our brainstorming sessions so we could revisit the ideas we like best. I also believe two would be the perfect amount.

  4. hmmm I think I would use Tochie Personal Voice Aides to use as a memory aid – we are 5 in the house so one for each might be good Smile Please and thanks Fingers crossed..

  5. I would use it to send me reminders throughout the day. My memory isn’t what it used to be and I’m always having to write things down or mark them in my phone and that’s just a pain. I’d need 2 or 3 for my most used rooms in the house!!

  6. This would be awesome for my mother in-law. She is getting down in age and forgets a few things sometimes. We always find ourselves reminding her to do or check thongs. She lives alone and having this would definitely help her and keep our worries down.

  7. So many ideas, one to wake up to a nice message from my husband instead of the noisy jump out of your skin alarm. I would have another to remind my husband to take his meds (often forgets) and have them for all my grand kids to hear my voice in the morning as with covid we haven’t seen them as often as we would like and one we haven’t met yet and he will be 1 in Feb.

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