You are very likely to find a gift that will make your mother very happy from the vast selection of smart home items at Best Buy. I call this contest the “Glow, grow, and show contest” because I’ve selected a range of smart home items to make any mom happy that either glow (Smart Lights), grow (Smart Garden), or show (Smart Display). Enter for a chance to win this prize package that includes 11 great prizes.

What do mothers really want

My mom is pretty smart. However, she is not really that up on the latest smart home technology. And I’m okay with that. As an employee at Best Buy, I kind of have an edge in that department. If I was going to choose something for her, it would likely be a Botanium Smart Planter that waters the plant on its own. If she didn’t want it, she could just give it back to me. I’d be okay with that too because she would be happy to know that I am happy with it.

Maybe you see where this article is going. We included a great selection of smart home technologies in this prize package, so that you would be able to find something there to give to your mom. She likely won’t want all of those prizes: so you can happily keep the rest. Your mom wants you to be happy …  so, it’s a win-win scenario!



How to enter

Entering this contest is easy but you can only enter once. In a comment below, tell us one smart home item available at Best Buy that is perfect for your mom and one different item perfect for yourself.

What you can win

One winner will take home this great selection of smart home devices: 2 Botanium Hydroponic Smart Planters, Google Nest Cam IQ Wi-Fi Indoor 1080p IP Camera, Nanoleaf Canvas and Expansion Pack, Facebook Portal 10″, 3 Philips Hue White Filament Smart Bluetooth LED Lightbulbs, Philips Hue smart plug, and Philips Hue Play Light Bar.

This contest runs from May 4th until May 18th.

Remember you can only enter once but with so many items in this prize, share this contest with your friends and they might share the prize with you (and their mom!).

Win a Smart home package for your mother Contest Rules and Regulations

Good luck.

Martin Renaud
Editor in Chief
Martin loves working with the talented editors and writers on the Best Buy Blog as Editor-in-Chief. During his spare time he is either working on his next novel, cooking up a masterpiece in the kitchen, or adding some smart tech to his new home on Mayne Island in British Columbia.


  1. This is a very special year for our family. My wife is pregnant with our 2nd child! These are crazy times with COVID-19. I know for a fact she would love the Nest Camera for keeping an eye around the house with my 2 yr old son Darcy, and our very soon to arrive newborn baby girl. I would enjoy the Facebook Portal Device. My parents and inlaws would love this social media feature so we can connect with them on a regular basis. Happy Mothers Day to all the wonderful Moms out their! I know it will be a special one for this family! Thx for the chance 🙂

  2. My mom would definitely love the Click and Grow Smart Indoor Garden because she loves planting herbs and growing food fresh! I, on the other hand, would love the Nanoleaf Canvas and Expansion Pack as I’m looking to spice up my room a little bit more and this would definitely help!

  3. I would love to give my Mum the Click and Grow Smart Indoor Garden! I know she would love to grow some herbs for cooking and maybe some lavendar and I would like the Google Nest Cam 🙂

  4. My mom would ove the Botanium Hydroponic Smart Planers and I like the bluetooth LED Lightbulbs

  5. I think my Mom would really like the The Smart Planter and I’d love to have the Google Nest Cam IQ Wi-Fi Indoor 1080p IP Camera to help me feel a bit safer.

  6. The Nest thermostat would be perfect for my mom because she’s always cold. I’ll take a Google Nest Wi-Fi Outdoor 1080p IP Camera to keep an eye on my crazy ex.

  7. Mom would love the Facebook Portal for video chats and I could use a home monitoring system like the Arlo Pro 3 Wire-Free Indoor/Outdoor Security System.

  8. The smart home item available at Best Buy that is perfect for my mom is definitely the the Botanium Hydroponic Self-Watering Smart Plante!! And the one item that I think would be perfect for me would be the Philips Hue Play Light Bar!! It’s so cool!!!

  9. the google nest cam iq wi-fi indoor 1080 ip camera would be great for my mother. she is 87 years of age and live by herself. this would keep her feeling safe. ecobee to get my heating bills down especially in the winter months. thank you and stay safe.

  10. Google Nest Cam IQ Wi-Fi Indoor 1080p IP Camera is perfect for my mom and Nanoleaf Canvas is perfect for myself.

  11. Botanium Hydroponic Smart Planter would be great for mom since she loves to garden and plant stuff …

  12. My mom would love the Botanium Hydroponic Smart Planters and I would like the Nanoleaf Canvas set!

  13. The Botanium Hydroponic Self-Watering Smart Planter would be perfect for mum!!! I would the ecobee to get my heating bills down.

  14. I think my mom would dig the 2 Botanium Hydroponic Smart Planters since she enjoys plants. And after moving into a new home, I’d ove the Google Nest Cam IQ Wi-Fi Indoor 1080p IP Camera!

  15. The Philips Hue smart plug For mom, and the Botanium Hydroponic Self-Watering Smart Planter for me!

  16. For my mom, The Botanium Hydroponic Smart Planters so she can enjoy growing and eating fresh veggies year round, and for me, The Google Nest Cam IQ Wi-Fi Indoor 1080p IP Camera so I can keep in touch with her better 🙂

  17. The Philips Hue smart plug For mom, and the Botanium Hydroponic Self-Watering Smart Planter for me!

  18. my mom would love the Botanium self-watering smart planter and I would love the Ring Wi-Fi 1080p HD Video Doorbell Pro with Chime Pro.

  19. For my gardening Mom the Botanical Hydroponic smart planter would be so cool and for me, the Nanoleaf Canvas.

  20. The Facebook Portal would honestly be best for my Mom. We use video chat on Facebook all the time and as long as its extremely simple she would enjoy it. Trust me I’ve given them smart home stuff in the past and unless its extremely plug and play they are not interested. A Chromecast is to much for them sometimes lol. For me I’d pick the Philips Hue Play Light bar for my gaming desk. Would be a great addition.

  21. For mom, who always has the worst video qualtiy: Google Nest Cam IQ Wi-Fi Indoor 1080p IP Camera
    For myself: Botanium Hydroponic Smart Planters

  22. For my mom the Facebook portal would be ideal. For myself I’d love the Botanium Hydroponic Smart Planters.

  23. My mom would love the Botanical Hydroponic smart planter. For myself philips Hue smart plug.

  24. The Philips Hue smart plug would be perfect for mom, and the Philips Hue Play Light Bar would be perfect for me!

  25. A perfect gift for my Mom would be a Botanium self-watering smart planter and I would love to increase our home safety with a Ring Wi-Fi 1080p HD Video Doorbell Pro with Chime Pro.

  26. My mom loves to garden so for her the Botanium Hydroponic Smart Planters are perfect

    I’d use the Facebook Portal to stay in touch with friends and relatives all over the world

  27. She is a gardener, so would absolutely love the Botanium Hydroponic Self-Watering Smart Planter. This is the perfect solution for those super hot, dry days when it’s tough to keep up with watering, especially difficult, water-hungry plants like tomatoes and strawberries!

    I absolutely love the Philips Hue White G25 Filament Smart Bluetooth LED light bulbs! Love the warm, vintage look, and cool that is can be controlled with one’s voice!

  28. The botanical hydroponic smart planter would be perfect for me so I can grow fresh herbs all year round. My mom the facebook portal would be fantastic for mom so she can keep in touch with all the family at a safe distance!

  29. I would love the Philips Hue White Filament Smart Bluetooth LED Lightbulbs and my Mom has passed away so I know my daughter (who is also a Mom) would love the Sonos Move Wireless Smart Speaker Thanks for the chance to win!

  30. the facebook portal would be great for my mum as it allows us to communicate easily in this time of isolation and the botanium would be perfect for me as I love having fresh herbs .

  31. I know my Mom would love the Philips Hue White Filament Smart Bluetooth LED Lightbulbs and I would love the Sonos Move Wireless Smart Speaker Thanks Best Buy!

  32. For me, the Google Nest Cam IQ Wi-Fi Indoor 1080p IP Camera, because we need a new camera for our baby’s room. For my mom, the Philips Hue White Filament Smart Bluetooth LED Lightbulbs, because she’s always looking for ways to be more energy efficient.

  33. My Mom would love the Facebook Portal, so she could spy on me and give me trouble when I’m bad, from a nice physical distance!

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