You are very likely to find a gift that will make your mother very happy from the vast selection of smart home items at Best Buy. I call this contest the “Glow, grow, and show contest” because I’ve selected a range of smart home items to make any mom happy that either glow (Smart Lights), grow (Smart Garden), or show (Smart Display). Enter for a chance to win this prize package that includes 11 great prizes.
What do mothers really want
My mom is pretty smart. However, she is not really that up on the latest smart home technology. And I’m okay with that. As an employee at Best Buy, I kind of have an edge in that department. If I was going to choose something for her, it would likely be a Botanium Smart Planter that waters the plant on its own. If she didn’t want it, she could just give it back to me. I’d be okay with that too because she would be happy to know that I am happy with it.
Maybe you see where this article is going. We included a great selection of smart home technologies in this prize package, so that you would be able to find something there to give to your mom. She likely won’t want all of those prizes: so you can happily keep the rest. Your mom wants you to be happy … so, it’s a win-win scenario!
How to enter
Entering this contest is easy but you can only enter once. In a comment below, tell us one smart home item available at Best Buy that is perfect for your mom and one different item perfect for yourself.
What you can win
One winner will take home this great selection of smart home devices: 2 Botanium Hydroponic Smart Planters, Google Nest Cam IQ Wi-Fi Indoor 1080p IP Camera, Nanoleaf Canvas and Expansion Pack, Facebook Portal 10″, 3 Philips Hue White Filament Smart Bluetooth LED Lightbulbs, Philips Hue smart plug, and Philips Hue Play Light Bar.
This contest runs from May 4th until May 18th.
Remember you can only enter once but with so many items in this prize, share this contest with your friends and they might share the prize with you (and their mom!).
Win a Smart home package for your mother Contest Rules and Regulations
Good luck.
Botanical Hydroponic smart planter would be nice to try!
The botanical hydroponic smart planter would be great for my mom to grow her herbs in and the google nest indoor camera would be perfect for seeing what my pups are up to during the day!
My Mom would benefit from the Nest Thermostat, she is frugal with the indoor temperature of her house. This would decrease her visits to her aging dial thermostat. The Botanical Hydroponic smart planter is a perfect year round fit for me.
I would love the indoor camera, and she would love the smart planter
The Botanium Hydroponic Self-Watering Smart Planter – Grey would be perfect for my plant-loving Mom and I would love to have the Google Nest Cam IQ Wi-Fi Indoor 1080p IP Camera.
the botanical hydroponic smart planter would be great for my mom andthe google nest cam iq wi-fi indoor camera would be awesome for me
Smart garden would be perfect for my mom. She loves to garden. A Nest cam would be perfect for keeping an eye on my dog.
The Facebook Portal would be perfect for my mom as she video calls me a lot, and for me, the Botanium Hydroponic Smart Planters would be great for to grow some vegetables , since I love to cook.
The Facebook Portal 10″ is perfect for mom so we can video chat during this pandemic. The Google Nest Cam IQ Wi-Fi Indoor 1080p IP Camera is perfect for me because I like to see what’s going on inside/outside my house when I’m away. Awesome prizes!
Awesome! The Google Nest Cam IQ Wi-Fi Indoor 1080p IP Camera is perfect for my mom because she can keep an eye on her place when she goes for her daily walks, and the Sonos Move – Wireless Smart Speaker is perfect fo me for listening to music and podcasts!
Botanical Hydroponic smart planter is the perfect gift for my mom she has more plants than i have Hockey Cards. I could always use the Breville Smart Oven to make Pizza’s and Wings when Sports comeback. The Nanoleaf canvas at $249. We would all enjoy it.
Botanical Hydroponic smart planter & Nest Thermostat Thanks & Happy Mothers Day !!
Botanical Hydroponic smart planter for a green home
The Breville Smart Oven for my mom
Mom could use the planter for growing her basil
The Botanium Hydroponic Smart Planter would be perfect
Mom could use the planter(she loves growing herbs) and I could use the same thing for my balcony.
Mom’s idea of a smart home would be a Breville Smart Oven, and I would appreciate the hydroponic planters!
I personally would love a Nest Thermostat – I keep my heat low but to have the ability to turn it on to have a warm place just when I get home from work would be amazing. My mom I think would like some smart plugs, because she wouldn’t have to troop upstairs to turn on lights. She could just do it from an app!
My mom would love Facebook portal and I have my eye on the Botanical Hydroponic smart planter. I have a black thumb but maybe this will help me keep things alive
Nanoleaf Canvas looks cool for me! The planters for mom.
My mom would love the Nanoleaf Canvas to decorate her place! Personally, I still need a Nest Thermostat
Mom could use the smart planters and I could use the Google Nest Cam IQ Wi-Fi Indoor camera!
I am sure she would enjoy the Botanical Hydroponic smart planter. Great Prizes
For my mom, the Smart Planters; for myself, the Nanoleaf Canvas would be really cool
My mother and I would both like the Nanoleaf Canvas for our homes
Definitely the Nest Thermostat would be useful for her condo, it is always too hot or too cold.
I am sure she would enjoy the Botanical Hydroponic smart planter. Great Prizes
My mom would love the bluetooth bulbs!!
Google Nest Hello Wi-Fi Video Doorbell for my mom and Google Nest Wi-Fi Smart Learning Thermostat 3rd Generation for me
The Botanium Hydroponic Smart Planters are perfect for my mom and the Google Nest Cam IQ Wi-Fi Indoor 1080p IP Camera is perfect for myself!
Planters for my mom and the lights for me!
For my Mom the Hydroponic Smart Planters and for me would be the Nest Cam.
Google nest doorbell for my mom and Google nest thermostat for myself.
My mom would love the Botanical Hydroponic smart planter. A very great product
The planters seem really cool, my mom is an avid gardener!!! I would love the nest cam… or just give all to mom…. she deserves it
Botanium Smart Planter for my mom and a Nest Thermostat for the new house!
The Smart Lights for both my beloved Mother & myself. Thanks!
This is Mom. Son, Evan, is 16 but, ha ha, can totally relate to this comment: “My mom is pretty smart. However, she is not really that up on the latest smart home technology”. He keeps me abridged of new gadgets/technologies and of course apps. Now speaking for I would love is a Samsung Galaxy Z flip – currently, I have an obsolete LG Android (no surprise). Old school. As for our son – he plays saxophone/piano and guitar – school band. What I would love for him is a new guitar – current model strings are broken and a hand me down. Growing together in this next generation of tech challenges and letting our son be the TEACHER. Thanks for the chance.Eva
Hydroponic planter would be so awesome!
For my mum the Hydroponic Smart Planters and for me the Philips Hue Play Light Bar.
My mom would love the Botanium Smart Planter to grow herbs for her cooking and i could really use a Nest Thermostat to keep the house toastie and save on energy
I think I’d like the Google Nest!
The Botanium Hydroponic Self-Watering Smart Planter would be perfect for my Mom because she has been an avid plant grower her entire life. She would love this as she could start growing new things that she hasn’t tried before.
Nest Cam for Mom and Facebook Portal 10” for me
For me the Phillips Hue Smart Plug and for my mom the Facebook portal!
Google Nest Hub Max with Google Assistant – Charcoal for mom
Ring Smart Motion Sensor – Black for me
I would say botanical smart planter for my mom and the Google Nest Cam for me
Nanoleaf Canvas for me and the smart planter for Mom
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