fujifilm instax mini link 2 contest at Best BuyFujifilm has many innovative photography solutions to consider when shopping for back to school. For many students, the inexpensive and incredibly fun Instax line of cameras and instant printers is perfect for their needs. For other students, especially those hoping to develop skills as a videographer or experiment with developing and large format printing, Fujifilm has a great range of Mirrorless cameras. Learn more about your options then enter to win their newest instant printer.

Instant photography makes going back to school fun

For teachers and students, the return to class will begin another year of solidifying old friendships, building new friendships and, creating memories that will last forever. A great way to celebrate all of this is with instant photography. See a friend; take their picture; print their picture; put that picture on a wall or in your locker or …. There are millions of ways to have fun with the images you print using an Fujifilm Instax Mini Link 2 printer. For example, you know you’ll be going to some birthday parties: friends love getting these little printed memories as gifts!

Teachers too are having fun with Instax printers. Take photos of your students for a colourful poster of goals, achievements, etc. There are tons of websites by teachers with amazingly creative ideas for having fun. What would you do?

Fujifilm innovation enables you to do more than just capture time in a bottle

Instant photography, as made possible with Fujifilm’s Instax printers, is better than just trapping time in a photo. We all do that everyday on our phones. But our phones can only do so much. Fujifilm provides solutions for everything else that photography promises for our lives. Thanks to an Instax printer, you can get those images from your phone onto a format that you can put on a wall, on your fridge, in a birthday card, or in your diary.

Fujifilm’s innovations go far beyond instant photography. They have been trailblazers in professional cameras for creating the highest quality images and videos. For example, just this month Fujifilm announced a new line of mirrorless cameras, the Fujifilm X-H2. If you want to create video in stunning 8K resolution, then this is the kind of camera you might choose. You could explore your photo and video creative limits with a camera like that! Think about what you want from photography as you enter for a chance to win one of the prizes in this contest.

How to enter

Entering this contest is easy and you can enter in two different ways.

  1. In a comment below this article, suggest at least two innovative ways students or teachers could use the instant prints that can be created using the Mini Link printers from Fujifilm.
  2. Explore the range of Fujifilm products at Best Buy, then in a comment below the X-H2 mirrorless camera announcement article on the blog,  tell us which Fujifilm product (name and model number or link) you like best and why.

What you can win

At the end of this contest we will randomly select two (2) winners. Each will receive a Fujifilm Instax Mini Link 2 Printer and a two pack of Instax Film.

This contest runs from September 22nd until Oct 6th

Remember you can enter in two different ways. However, you know many students and likely one or two teachers, who might love an opportunity to win one of these great Fujifilm prizes. Share this contest so more people you know have a chance to win.

Win a Fujifilm Instax Mini 2 Printer Contest Rules and Regulations

Good luck.

Martin Renaud
Editor in Chief
Martin loves working with the talented editors and writers on the Best Buy Blog as Editor-in-Chief. During his spare time he is either working on his next novel, cooking up a masterpiece in the kitchen, or adding some smart tech to his new home on Mayne Island in British Columbia.


  1. They could use pictures for after school activities to post to attract more students.

    They could document school news

  2. Students could take photos of their friends throughout the term to capture changes, teachers could have photos available for customized crafts to send home.

  3. – Students take pictures of various people doing some action and then mix them up & have to write a short creative story from the picture they’re given.
    – Learn about composition in photography

  4. 1. Teachers could have student photos available for students to personalize holiday crafts.
    2. Teachers can take progress photos – take a photo of an experiment or group project in progress. This is a great way to document what was done and the outcome.

  5. Students and teachers are busy and this would be so helpful for them.

    – Students take pictures of various people doing some action and then mix them up & have to write a short creative story from the picture they’re given.
    – Learn about composition in photography

  6. Students could choose a subject and do a photo-documentary of it.

    Teachers could take a ‘before and after’ photo of different students’ projects at the start and end of the year to show how far they’ve come.

  7. 2 ways students & teachers can use the instant prints that can be created using the Mini Link printers from Fujifilm:
    (1) Students take pictures of various people doing some action and then mix them up & have to write a short creative story from the picture they’re given.
    (2) Learn about composition in photography

  8. They could make id badges for kids with photos great for class trips also can take photos of special events happening in the classroom

  9. Teachers could make id badges for kids with photos great for class trips also can take photos of class outings during the year

  10. Teachers could take pictures of class events and outings and create a memory board. They could also make id badges for kids with photos

  11. Teachers could use them on field trips to capture the event and they could also take photos of the kids before they leave so if any go “missing” as kids often do on field trips they have a current photo of them to share around.

  12. the students could use them on fieldtrips and their teachers could take photos of their class. before and after. at the beginning of the school and at the end of the school year. how the students matured in their learning.

  13. Taking photos all year long for class/student highlights – with the goal in mind of a yearbook to be given to every child at graduation or year end.

  14. To take pictures of students on a daily basis to see how they change during the year – photograph group projects

  15. 1. Students could do a picture scavenger hunt in their school – taking pictures of the things they find and printing them for a collage.

    2. Teachers could use this to take pictures of displays students have made to send home, especially the things parents don’t normally get to see!

  16. Take pictures of events, daily stuff, and random things at the end of the school year post them, everyone will enjoy seeing the memories of the school year. Also nice to take pictures of students each year, when they leave you can put all the photos of each student out it’s amazing to see the changes.

  17. 1) take a picture everyday to check how the seasons changes throughout the year.
    2) create memories from different activities

  18. 1. Teachers can take a picture to recognize the student of the month, winner of science fair, etc. and leave them posted in classroom
    2. Students can take a picture of their pets, or their best pals to share

  19. You can get those images from your phone onto a format that you can put on a wall, on your fridge, in a birthday card, or in your diary. you’ll be going to some birthday parties: friends love getting these little printed memories as gifts!

  20. 1. Teachers could have student photos available for students to personalize holiday crafts.
    2. Teachers can take progress photos – take a photo of an experiment or group project in progress. This is a great way to document what was done and the outcome.

  21. 1. Students can take one photo every day of the school year and post in the classroom. 2. The Teacher can take the photo of the student photographer who is awarded with taking the best image each month.

  22. 1) take a picture everyday to check how the seasons changes throughout the year.
    2) create memories from different activities

  23. 1. Teachers could have student photos available for students to personalize holiday crafts.
    2. Teachers can take progress photos – take a photo of an experiment or group project in progress. This is a great way to document what was done and the outcome.

  24. Teachers can use this to print out beautiful Fall colour photos taken from phones and post them inside the class room.
    Students can take photos with their besties, print them out and post on their lockers.

  25. 1) take a picture everyday to check how the seasons changes throughout the year.
    2) create memories from different activities

  26. 1. Students can take one photo every day of the school year and post in the classroom. 2. The Teacher can take the photo of the student photographer who is awarded with taking the best image each month.

  27. You can get those images from your phone onto a format that you can put on a wall, on your fridge, in a birthday card, or in your diary. you’ll be going to some birthday parties: friends love getting these little printed memories as gifts!

  28. Teachers can use this to print the class outdoor activities on an indoor board. They can also use it to post class photos in their class.

  29. 1.Teachers: Orientation day, have students take a selfie of their assigned group so everyone can get to know one another on the first day!
    2. Student: Promote healthy life style photos on social media with these prints!

  30. I think it would be great to take similar pictures and play a matching-type game with them

    Or use the pictures as prizes !

  31. Students can take pictures for their assignments and teachers can take pictures during school organized field trips.

  32. Vous pouvez obtenir ces images depuis votre téléphone et les imprimer comme souvenirs et/ou offrir des souvenirs imprimés en cadeau !

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