Students need at least two Herschel Supply products to be prepared for school. For the general items, a backpack or messenger bag is perfect to carry school books, note paper, pens, and their laptop. Specifically for their laptop, students must have a padded, dedicated laptop sleeve. I’ll go into more details about why I am making this claim, and then you can enter for a chance to win a pair of Herschel products so you are prepared when the school season begins.

School can be brutal on laptops and books

How many backpacks have you bought over the years? I have bought many … too many to count in fact. Some years, I’ve had to buy several after a backpack was damaged by weather or something. I remember a friend told me they forgot their child’s backpack on the roof once: it didn’t survive getting batted around when it fell onto the highway!

My children are done school now, but my wife is still in school, as a teacher, so I’m still buying backpacks—for her! And her favourite brand is Herschel. Trust me: she has tried many. She loves the style, the versatility, and the comfort carrying her Herschel backpack: from our island home, onto the ferry, on the train into Vancouver and back, her books and tech are protected. She also uses a Herschel sleeve to protect her laptop. She says, “I’d be lost if my laptop broke … all my lessons and notes and assignments are on there.” Yes she backs up her data, but a broken laptop would seriously set her back.

I hope some of your can relate to my wife’s situation. Students, teachers, and many others rely on Herschel products … and for good reasons.

Herschel multipurpose bags perform an essential service

Every student needs a backpack or messenger bag. In an era where textbooks are only a portion of a student’s learning arsenal, these bags offer expansive storage space for various items, from notebooks and tablets to calculators, water bottles, and lunch boxes. Herschel bags, with their multiple compartments, promote organization and ease of access, reducing the stress of misplaced items and keeping the learning process streamlined and efficient.

Herschel’s multipurpose bags are renowned for their robustness and longevity, crafted from high-quality materials that withstand daily wear and tear. Their ergonomic design ensures comfort, a critical feature considering the amount of time students spend carrying their bags around. Additionally, Herschel bags come in an array of trendy designs and colours, allowing students to express their individual style while maintaining practical functionality.

Herschel laptop sleeves play a crucial role in your life

Every student has a laptop and on that laptop is the entirety of their student life: protection is of utmost importance. As I said above, my wife backs up her data: I bet most students don’t! Herschel laptop sleeves are crafted to offer maximum protection, with protective padding that shields laptops from physical shocks and damages. Water-resistant properties offer protection against accidental spills, a common occurrence in student life.

Along with providing protection, Herschel laptop sleeves add an extra layer of convenience. Lightweight and slim, they’re easy to carry around and can be effortlessly slipped into Herschel backpacks or messenger bags. This ensures that students’ laptops are always accessible whenever needed.

I firmly believe a student needs both of these items: a multipurpose bag and a laptop sleeve. That is why this contest is giving away both to each winner … and there are going to be three winners! Follow the instructions carefully so you have the best chance to win.

How to enter

Entering this contest will be fun and you can enter in three different ways:

  1. In a comment below: Let’s make this first method of entry a little fun. In a comment below, tell us one humorous thing you think children should never put in their backpack and why. You may have an anecdote of something funny your own child or a child you know brought to school and shouldn’t have.
  2. Comment on our Herschel review article: Read Rae’s experience trying some Herschel products, then in a comment below her article, tell us which of the products that she discusses would work best for your life, or for your child and say why.
  3. Social post: For one additional entry, create a public post on a social media channel sharing with your friends and followers that you are entering a Best Buy contest to win a Herschel bag and laptop sleeve. Include the hashtag #BestBuyHerschelContest, so we can find your post, and include a picture from this contest page. Then return here and tell us in a comment below on which channel you posted it and the name of your channel (since many people use pseudonyms) so that we can check and verify your entry. You can use any social media channel (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Thread, LinkedIn, etc.), but the post must be public so we can verify it is there.

What you can win

At the end of the contest, we will randomly select three winners to win one of three Herschel prize packages. Two of these will include a backpack and a laptop sleeve, one will include a messenger bag and a laptop sleeve.

This contest runs from Aug 2nd to Aug 17th.

Remember you can enter up to three times as mentioned above. This is your chance to begin your back to school shopping the easiest way possible. And after entering this contest, visit for your back to school tech.

Contest Rules: Win Herschel bags in time for school contest

Good luck.

Martin Renaud
Editor in Chief
Martin loves working with the talented editors and writers on the Best Buy Blog as Editor-in-Chief. During his spare time he is either working on his next novel, cooking up a masterpiece in the kitchen, or adding some smart tech to his new home on Mayne Island in British Columbia.


  1. I am a teacher and one time a student brought a stray kitten in their backpack! She had found it on the way to school and scooped the little guy up. The classroom was chaos when the girl revealed her new furry friend to her classmates!

  2. I pulled out a very mushy orange once…it was an explosion of mold spores in the house and took me a while to figure out what it was. I hosed off the backpack as the spores were in all the seams…

  3. Yogurt that has been put into a different container. I did this once stinky yogurt amd the lid was not fully on.

  4. Children should never store spiders’ eggs in their backpacks because there will be trouble when the spiderlings hatch!

  5. Kids should definitely not put any living creature in their backpack. I remember in grade primary a kid had put a frog they found outside into their backpack!

  6. A half eaten sandwich! I did this in the first grade and forgot about it over the weekend… not a pretty smell coming out of my bag the following week.

  7. An already pierced/open juice box! Such a sticky, wet mess, and a quick way to ruin anything made with paper.

  8. caterpillars they find on outside the classroom. It’s a huge distraction when all the students want to see the caterpillar during class time.

  9. Musical toys are never a great idea in a back pack because they can be very distracting when they randomly start playing in the cloak room.

  10. Pretty much anything containing liquids because no matter how well sealed you think a container may be, they will find a way to break/squeeze/crush it out into the general contents of the rest of the pack! This is as certain as the sun will rise tomorrow.

  11. Kids should never put sandwiches in their backpack they don’t intend to eat because you will find them a week or two later buried at the bottom of backpack and moldy.

    In Rae’s article the Hershel sleeve would work best for my life as I have already had to replace my child’s laptop because it was not protected.

  12. Kids should never put sandwiches in their backpack they don’t intend to eat because you will find them a week or two later buried at the bottom of backpack and moldy.

    In Rae’s article the Hershel sleeve would work best for my life as I have already had to replace my child’s laptop because it was not protected.

  13. Slime is not a very great thing to leave in your bag with all your textbooks. Once it gets to the bottom and gets crushed. It’s a whole issue. Slime was very popular at school during my elementary years and in case anyone wishes to do the same, best of luck.

  14. Raw eggs not a good idea even if you promised to show your neighbour your great omelette technique.

  15. Children should never put a banana in their knapsack without a banana guard- there will be a fruitful explosion!

  16. Remember, it’s not a good idea to stuff a “Whoopie Cushion Cushion” in your backpack. Why, you ask? Well, picture this: you’re in the library, it’s all quiet, everyone’s reading… and suddenly, your backpack lets out a gigantic whoopee cushion sound!

    You might get a round of applause for the funniest library entry, but your librarian might not be so impressed. So, let’s leave the whoopee cushions for after-school giggles and keep your backpack library-friendly, okay?

  17. My oldest tried sneaking her kitten in her backpack when she was younger. She almost got away with it, except the kitten started meowing when we got in the car 🙂

  18. Kids sshould not put in there backpack mayonnaise, tuna salads, chicken salads, egg salads, milk products, cold cuts and other lunch meats are possible targets for the bacteria that cause food poisoning and need to be kept at the right temperature.

  19. Children don’t need to put a sandwich between the pages of a full notebook. WE only noticed it after the weekend one week and the smell was incredible.

  20. A tuna wrap in tin foil! I repeat! Never leave a Tuna wrap in tin foil in your back pack. Need I say more. 😉

  21. Half eaten apples are always gross time they make it home. Also any container that the lid was not correctly put on, time that makes it home it is a huge mess to clean.

  22. Children should not put popsicles in their backpacks because they will melt and leave a big mess which will have to be cleaned up.

  23. Kids should not be putting dirt in their bags. Not like a smudge but like filling it to the brim for reasons unknowable over the age of 2.

  24. Kids should never put leftover milk cartons in their backpacks because the milk can leak out and create such a stink.

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