M-Pad trainer contest Modern Movement

We all try our best to keep physically active, but life can get busy. Sometimes finding the time for an exercise routine in our already full (and fulfilling!) schedule of working, grocery shopping, socializing, commuting, cleaning, cooking, sleeping, and the hundred other things we do in a week, can be tough. With that in mind, Modern Movement designed the highly portable Edge-Board and M-Pad Balance Trainer to help you fit a new work-out into your daily routine or to help amp up your current one. Enter this contest and you might win one of these fitness innovations.

Balance your way to a more balanced life

Modern Movement’s philosophy is that by improving your balance, building your core, and training your muscle groups, you’ll be fitter, healthier, and happier. Functional fitness is the goal, and the Edge-Board will help you achieve you stronger abs, arms and legs, while the M-Pad will improve your balance and strengthen your core.

Since both fold up to be compact enough for a gym bag or large tote, you can bring them anywhere and use them at any point in your day. They are ideal for an at-home work out, as an addition to your gym routine, or even at your stand-up desk.

Modern Movement has also ensured that the M-Pad and Edge-Board aren’t just fitness accessories but fitness motivators as well. The compatible M-Trac app aims to make your workout more dynamic by tracking your progress and offering a variety of programs. Play Mode features interactive games, Measure Mode offers instability tests that gauge your balance, and Train Mode provides guided exercises while tracking your progress.

All you have to is download the free M-Trac app and place your smartphone in the board’s cradle. You can connect to a television screen through Apple TV, Google Chrome, and Roku devices or just use your phone.

Modern Movement Edge-Board

The Edge-Board is a full-extension trainer that can be operated by either your legs or hands. Designed to work your abs, arms, and legs, this core strength trainer has curved wheels for arcing turns and non-linear movements. This allows for a wider range of movement to activate more muscle groups. The low deck height offers a natural position to practice lunges, push ups, pike ups, crawls, and more.


The grip bars and the cushioned knee/toe pads keep you steady and comfortable even as you start feel the burn. A hidden braking feature for instant stops and a deck locking option to prevent tilting and braking let you feel safe even has you work up a sweat.

The phone cradle is also removable, so you can attach and detach your smartphone according to your preference.

Modern Movement M-Pad Balance Trainer

The M-Pad Balance Trainer is all about refining your core and balance. Using the method of instability training, this low-profile board has 3 adjustable heights. As you improve, you can add a one of the three rubber base pads to increase your workout’s difficulty. The textured surface offers you extra traction when you’re at your wobbliest.

Through the M-Trac app you can access 20-second challenges, 13 challenges, and several difficulty levels. Interactive games help you target muscles and track your progress from workout to workout. The range of repetitive tilt and swivel motions mimic real-life exercises for high-impact results.

Crafted from commercial-grade aluminum beam and glass-fill nylon foot plates, you can be sure this workout companion is as tough as you.



Entering this contest is easy, but you can only enter once. In a comment below this article, tell us how you plan to fit the Edge-Board or M-Pad into your current routine. Will you use it to intensify your weight-lifting routine? Or maybe you’d keep it at your desk so you could get the blood flowing when your energy lags at 3 p.m. Let us know in a comment below!


At the end of this contest we will randomly select 2 winners from all eligible entries. One winner will receive a Modern Movement Edge-Board and one winner will receive a Modern Movement M-Pad Balance Trainer.

This contest runs from July 18th until August 3rd.

Remember, you can only enter once. But you can share this as often, and with as many people, as you like. You and a friend could work out on your Modern Movement Edge-Board or Modern Movement M-Pad Balance Trainer together, or maybe you could balance at home while watching your favourite show on Netflix. And when someone asks how you got so toned, you can say it was from using the Modern Movement product you won from Best Buy!

Good Luck!

Win a Modern Movement Edge-Board or M Pad Contest Rules and Regulations

We frequently have many contests running at Best Buy so check out the “contests in progress” page for more great contests to enter.
Kate Wensel
Kate holds an MA in English and has an undeniable fondness for fixing grammar and rearranging words. It's no surprise, then, that she began her career at Best Buy Canada as a product copywriter, and is now an editor for bestbuy.ca. When you can get her nose out of a book, Kate might be found hiking, ballroom dancing, or exploring Vancouver's food scene.


  1. I work sitting at a desk all day so this would be perfect for me to get me moving and the blood flowing.

  2. I have a history of a ligament tear in my ankle so I would use the Edge-Board or M-Pad to help with strengthening and nerve training.

  3. I would bring it to my office and keep it under my desk to get the blood flowing after sitting down too long.

  4. I would keep it under my desk or alternatively I would incorporate it into my classroom as an energizer

  5. what an amazing contest ! i would love to use this as a motivation , its so hard to keep our family active ! thanks

  6. The Edge-Board or M-Pad would be a fun new way to start out my exercise routines. I’m surprised at how versatile they are.

  7. I would love the M-Pad Balance Trainer. I spend so much time at desk for work, I would love to add it to my daily routine to help my core and also keep my blood and muscles going.

  8. I love the idea of keeping one at my desk! We just upgraded to sit/stand desks, so now I stand at my desk most of the day. I’d love to be active at the same time!

  9. I’d love to add the M-Pad Balance trainer to my morning work-out regime. I usually spend 30 minutes each morning working out either with weights or cardio, this would be a great addition to my workout.

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