Every home needs a great printer! It doesn’t matter if you live alone, are part of a large family with school children, or even run your own home business, you would love to have the amazing versatility and dependability of a Canon Printer. Enter this contest and you may win one of 5 Canon Printers!

Are printers really necessary in 2018

As the digital age gained momentum, people dreamed of the day when the world would go paperless. Well it didn’t happen. We still use paper for many, many tasks. Printing and scanning are still very much a part of everyone’s life. Therefore, we can all benefit by having a great printer available whenever we need it.

We sent out all of the printers that we are giving away in this contest (Maxify MB2720, Pixma TS 6120 and 5120, Pixma TS3129) for an honest review from our bloggers. Each of these machines receive glowing endorsements from people just like you, who find that a great printer in the home is a necessity.


Canon printers are the perfect tool for a million tasks

Okay a million may be an exaggeration, but if you win this contest you will use your new Canon printer for a lot of different tasks. Scan your bills and receipts to keep an e-record of your expenses. Print reports and assignments with professional quality.

Importantly, Canon printers are great at colour printing! One thing that we all should do more is make better use of the photographs that we take on a regular basis. Today’s Canon printers are fantastic at printing photos. I know I don’t do this enough. My photos stay on my phone, and rarely get seen. However, when I do print one out, I am so glad that I did—we are visual animals and we capture these images to enjoy them. So enter this contest, and if you win, take a few moments each week to find your best pics, and print a couple to frame and display in your home.

How to enter

Entering this contest is really easy but you can only enter once. In a comment beneath this article, tell us what task you are looking forward to doing if you win one of these Canon Printers. Will it be printing school projects, business reports, or perhaps you will take my suggestion and print some photographs!

What you can win

At the end of the contest we will draw 5 winners from all of the eligible comments, and each winner will receive one of these 5 Canon Printers: a Maxify MB2720, a Pixma TS 6120 and Pixma TS 5120 (2 available), Pixma TS3129.

The contest runs from May 11th until May 27th.

Remember you can only enter once. But since there are 5 prizes, tell your family and friends: wouldn’t it be amazing if you and someone you know both won a new printer!

Good Luck.

Win a Canon Printer Contest Rules and Regulations

We frequently have many contests running at Best Buy so check out the “contests in progress” page for more great contests to enter.
Martin Renaud
Editor in Chief
Martin loves working with the talented editors and writers on the Best Buy Blog as Editor-in-Chief. During his spare time he is either working on his next novel, cooking up a masterpiece in the kitchen, or adding some smart tech to his new home on Mayne Island in British Columbia.


  1. I would use the cannon printer to print off interesting recipes that I find online to try out. Thanks for the chance.

  2. I would use this printer for assignments, resumes, photography, or maybe even the occasional tickets to a game…pretty much just about anything!

  3. I always have forms for work and school that need to be printed. I would love to be able to do this at home.

  4. Printing some pictures sounds like a great idea to start using my future new Canon printer! =]

  5. I would print all kinds of things on a daily basis, however, I would really like to print some good quality family photos.

  6. I would use it to print off work documents to allow me to read them without splotchy ink lines.

  7. I would use the printer for photographs of family I’m a new auntie and priting out coupons and my kids can use for school

  8. Now the the wonderful weather is here in Ontario I have been sitting out in my garden. I crochet pretty things and have been wishing I have a printer so I can take my more complicated projects outside with me with a hard copy of the instructions to follow. I will wish upon a star tonight. 🙂

  9. I’ll use the printer to print recipes and photographs of food I create for my cookbook and for the restaurant I manage. I’m a professional chef for over 10 years. Having a good printer that can print high quality photos is necessary as the dishes have to match on paper as what is seen on camera.

  10. I will definitely be printing some photographs!! There have been some I have been wanting to print for some while.

  11. I mostly print schoolwork. I like to always have a printer handy but there is no printer at my boyfriend’s apartment so I’ll take the new one and he can take mine.

  12. I would use it to print Our Family Tree. I have been researching Italian ancestors.
    I am the Family Tree Care Person.
    Started in 2008 and now I have 810 people,214 family’s, 424 photos, 1500 Photos I have not put on yet-Have to scan

  13. I would love a new printer! My kids would take it over with all the ink of course printing pictures and school projects!

  14. I really like the Canon Maxify MB2720 printer. We always have used an all-in-one printer at our home since they were first made for home / home office use. Everyone in the home uses it for there own purposes. I use about every function except print photos, the wife is in charge of that department. Good luck to all.

  15. haha I would print photos and coupons…. and maybe some flaming skulls or something exciting so I don’t feel so old.. 😛

  16. It would be handy for when I find a recipe online that I want to make that night. Print it and take it to the kitchen.

  17. I would print photographs and some schools work for sure. Would be so easy to do all at home!

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