I have learned from the many contests we have done in the past year, that there are thousands of Canadians looking for a great new monitor. Best Buy has an awesome selection, including a variety of models from Acer. Take a few moments to read this post and learn about the Acer Predator monitors, then enter to win one from Best Buy. You won’t be disappointed!

Acer Predator Monitors are designed for more than just gaming

I spend hours every day looking at a monitor for work. HOURS! You know what it’s like, I’m sure. Imagine, then if you also stare at a monitor for hours for gaming. Watching the action, vigilant for slight pixel changes to suggest an imminent threat, or a potential advantage, amid changing landscapes, bright flashes, and adrenaline surging movement. Gaming is really the ultimate test of a monitor’s ability to offer crisp blacks, vivid colours, brilliant contrast no matter how quickly or slowly the scene on the screen changes.

I sent out this Acer Predator to blogger Chris Loblaw for an honest review. He has reviewed many monitors, and he’s a gamer, and I know many of our readers value his opinion. There were many things about this monitor that Chris liked:

  • No flashing lights to distract from the image on the screen: some gaming monitors have bright LED lights around the bezel, but not this one.
  • Eye friendly features: blue light reduction and flicker free technology reduce eye strain (YAY!)
  • Effective packaging: I agree with Chris that too many manufacturers these days waste resources by putting more packaging around their product than was needed. Good for the environment and good for all of us.
  • Gaming specific features: fast refresh rate, G-sync technology and more to make even the most demanding game play without screen blurring or image lag.

There is more to his review, but that gives you a sense of how much thought Acer put into their monitor. Chris also points out that it’s a great deal for the price. Of course if you follow the instructions below and enter this contest you may just win the very same Acer Predator monitor that Chris tested.


Entering this contest is easy, but you can only enter once. You may not see your entry appear below immediately so be patient and don’t enter a second time—it will appear eventually. In a comment below you must tell us what you would like to use this monitor for: gaming, movies, business, school, etc. That’s it. If you want to add which feature of this monitor will best help you do that activity, that would be great too.


At the end of the contest, one winner will be selected from all eligible entries to win the Acer Predator monitor shown above, the same one that Chris Loblaw reviewed on the blog.

This contest will run from March 27th until April 9th.

Remember you can only one enter once. Do you know someone else who might want a new monitor? Tell them to enter too; sharing is always the right thing to do.

Good Luck! 

Win an Acer Predator Monitor Contest Rules and Regulations

Martin Renaud
Editor in Chief
Martin loves working with the talented editors and writers on the Best Buy Blog as Editor-in-Chief. During his spare time he is either working on his next novel, cooking up a masterpiece in the kitchen, or adding some smart tech to his new home on Mayne Island in British Columbia.


  1. This monitor would be great for my family and I. I would use it for movies and gaming. My daughter plays learning games online so she would use it too. I like blue light reduction and flicker free to reduce eye strain.

  2. I would use this monitor for work and games. The blue light reduction is a definite plus as 8-10 hours of screen time for work definitely causes a strain on the eyes.

  3. I would use it for gaming. It don’t currently game but it’s something I’d like to get into!

  4. I would use it for whatever I need to like movies and gaming due to Eye friendly features of blue light reduction and flicker free technology reduce eye strain 

    • Hi John,

      no the box was just taped up a lot from shipping. When we send it to the winner it will probably get more tape to secure the shipping label!

  5. I would give this to my grandson. He has a a big gaming system and would love another monitor to add to it

  6. I’d use it for web-browsing and watching Youtube videos. It would reduce eye-strain, compared to my older, smaller monitor.

  7. I would use this Monitor for everything. Shopping to see the true colours of apparel. Use it for my silhouette cameo software where I need to have vivid colours. My husband is a PC gamer I am not so he would use it for gaming. To create documents in Publisher. So many uses. And of course all entertainment. Watching movies and television series.

  8. I would use it for gaming and must add that I love the matte finish on this monitor, as all monitors should be made this way.

  9. I would let junior use this to play Fortnite, so I could use my old monitor to get something done 🙂

  10. Eye friendly features: blue light reduction and flicker free technology reduce eye strain.. this is definitely something that I need for creating facebook/twitter posts and youtube videos for my childrens school. For the past 6 years, I have been in charge of facebook, twitter and youtube channels for our school. I try my best to attend all functions to video and post for parents/grandparents to enjoy. Creating videos and postings get to be hard on my aging eyes. This monitor would definitely help.

  11. I will be using this Monitor for all the media needs. Movies, Gaming, Surfing the Web, all that good stuff. Also, I use my PC for Work and play and currently have a two TV Setup

  12. I’d use this for my home business. I have to keep looking at a lot of small numbers, so if they are larger and clearer on this monitor, so much the better.




    Also my monitor at home is a little big for competitive gaming so I’d love a downsize. (b^_^)-b

  14. WOW!!! What an amazing giveaway this one is. Great “timing” as well as this would make for a wonderful gift for my dad since his current “older” monitors have been giving him problems. If it were ME using this? Definitely movies, videos, and for sure, GAMING 🙂 <3……..
    And if I am lucky enough to win and give to my Dad…..he, too would use it for videos and maybe, just maybe I would get him into some "gaming" as well that him and I can do online together with an amazing monitor like that 😉 Who knows!
    Either way, it's an awesome chance at a great price. Thanks for the chance, Martin! 🙂

  15. I would love to pair this monitor with my Nvidia graphics card to finally experience Gsync for the first time; I would use it for gaming and movies

  16. Gaming (pc and consoles), movies, anime, MMA, wrestling, baseball, I would play and watch it all on this monitor.

  17. Multiple inputs means I can use it as a second (first?) monitor when I have work to get done and for watching TV/Movies when I don’t.

  18. I would give it to my son who’s in university who I think would use it for school and to watch movies or play games during those rare times he has down time.

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