One of the most personal technologies has to be the ereader, like those offered by Kobo. I realize that some of them can surf the web and view multimedia, but for me, they are made for reading books. They are perfectly designed for that one simple task. They are lightweight, with a display that is easy on the eyes in daylight, or at night, and they easily fit in one hand. Load one with all your favourite books and it quickly holds a special place in your heart. Enter this contest and you might just win the newest ereader from Kobo, the Kobo Clara HD.

Why do I love Kobo eReaders so much

Let me tell you a little story, a true story. Once upon a time I had a Kobo ereader, a gift from my children, and I used it all the time. I read a huge assortment of novels on my cherished Kobo: mysteries, historical fiction, classics, trashy pop fiction, non-fiction and more. My brain was filled with great characters and great stories. I took my Kobo everywhere: on cruises in the Caribbean, on flights to Europe, and even back and forth in my car daily so that at any moment I could take a few minutes’ break, just me and my Kobo.

Then tragedy struck: one evening while rushing to take groceries into the house to make dinner, I forgot my Kobo in the car. Wouldn’t you know it, a thief broke into my car and stole it. I was shattered! End of story. However, I still feel the loss. You never know how much you love something until it’s gone.

Why do you love Kobo ereaders

Here’s your chance to tell us why you want to win this prize. If you are not familiar with these great ereaders, take a look at the product page for Kobo at Best Buy to learn more about them. You can also read the recent review of this eReader on the blog.



Entering this contest is easy, but you can only enter once. In a comment below this article, tell us what you love about Kobo ereaders. Is it having hundreds of books in the palm of your hand, how lightweight they are, how easy they are to load with books from the Kobo store …?


At the end of the contest we will select one winner from all eligible entries to win a new Kobo Clara HD.

This contest runs from July 20th until August 6th.

Remember you can only enter once. However, you must know many people who would love to win this Kobo: it’s a book lovers dream device! Share this contest with all the book lovers in your life.

Good Luck.

Win a Kobo Clara HD eReader Contest Rules and Regulations 

We frequently have many contests running at Best Buy so check out the “contests in progress” page for more great contests to enter.
Martin Renaud
Editor in Chief
Martin loves working with the talented editors and writers on the Best Buy Blog as Editor-in-Chief. During his spare time he is either working on his next novel, cooking up a masterpiece in the kitchen, or adding some smart tech to his new home on Mayne Island in British Columbia.


  1. I love Ebooks. As a teacher, they are great to put up on a smart board and highlight. It really helps differentiate instruction when we go through each sentence and analyze the text. It’s not something you can do with a paper novel.

  2. I love how portable they are, and I love downloading library books, and having them just disappear off my reader once they expire. No more library overdue fines.

  3. I like how there are so many free books available if you don’t want to pay for them, how it is tiny & light enough to take anywhere & how you can zoom in on text, make the font bigger, underline or highlight passages. And I especially love how when you turn a page, it has the look and sound of turning a page in a real paper book. The only thing that the kobo we bought my mom a few years ago doesn’t have is a backlight which makes reading at night for her hard. She definitely needs that feature! Otherwise, she loves her kobo and I’d love to win one for myself. We’re all huge readers in our family!

  4. I like the fact that we can leave on vacation with many books. It is lightweighed, easy to adjust the font size, easy to transport and I can keep the history of what I have already read.

  5. I had a Kobo Mini and loved it. Which i could get another one because i read on my phone and it is really hard on the eyes.

  6. I had a Kobo mini and i loved it. Wish i could get another one. Would love to win this because i am now reading books on my phone and it is a bit hard on the eyes.

  7. I don’t own an e-reader, but if I win, I think this will be great for travelling! That way I can create my own library of books and not have my other half say I take up too much space on the bookshelf..

  8. Kobo is great because not only can you carry a ew books with you in one compact package, you can carry a whole series of books in it!

  9. I love packing a Kobo for reading on long plane or auto trips – lightweight and portable!

  10. I have started to read books on line rather that paperback and most are offered on a KINDLE.. Obviously this must be the Best Platform on which to read them… I have heard that the lighting is perfect so that you do not strain your eyes.
    I also buy all my electronics from Best Buy..

  11. I would like to win this prize for my mom. She reads, A LOT! She can read 5-6 novels in a week. I have been telling her to buy an e-reader for years, and I know she would love it. She could keep it in her bag and travel with it more easily than dragging lots of books around everywhere.

  12. I love that when I don’t have my reading glasses, I can just make the font larger. I love that when I go on vacation, I can take many books with me. I love that I can read sitting outside. So many things to love!

  13. I love it because I can bring all the books I want anywhere I want by just tucking the lightweight small ereader in my bag.

  14. I love e-readers because I can have several books “open” at one time and can easily jump from one to another without having all those physical books to lug around.

  15. I love that I can carry hundreds of books with me in my purse! The ease and convenience (esp on the go!) is perfection!

  16. I love how light weight it is, how easy it is to use and I can have lots of books to read at the lake.

  17. I love my reader. It’s store so many books, easy to pack to bring with you. I love the built in light, no more light clipped to system. Lightweight to use. So easy to load books. Nice that you can change font size. I have not read from an actual book in about 5 yrs.

  18. I love that I could read at night with the black lights, and read in the sun (cant do that on the ipad). I love the ease of it and how light weight it is.

  19. I’ve always been an avid reader, but I’m also a typical husband who prefers to stay in the car in a parking lot when my female family members are heading into a mall. While I don’t yet own a KOBO reader, I have friends who do……….and I confess that the green monster of envy is peeping out from it’s hiding place.

    Every couple of weeks, I take out a small stack of books from my local library…….. I frequently grab the wrong one or two from the stack on the way out of the house, the books take up space, the bookmarks keep falling out, and they run the risk of being crushed by the inevitable mall bags being loaded onto the back seat. I see a KOBO reader as an ideal answer to this. Loads of books on one small, light device that I can take along wherever I go ……….. waiting in barber shops, medical appointment waiting rooms…….. and yes, those awful trips to the mall.

  20. Because they are portable and convenient. The e-ink display makes it clear to read. The battery life are very good. And you can fill them with lost of material from books, comics etc.

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