Review: Super Smash Bros 3DS brings a big fight to the...
Forza Horizon 2 – A Whole Lotta Cars and a Whole...
Review: Create, Explore and Imagine wildly with Disney Infinity 2.0: Marvel...
PlayStation TV packs a big punch in a little package
Review – Destiny, a Next Generation Shooter Among the Stars
Review: Hyrule Warriors steps on new ground but respects tradition
Review: Killer Instinct Combo Breaker Pack is a blast from the...
Fifa 15 – World Class Soccer Never Looked So Good
Review: NHL 15 is an enigma in 2014 sports gaming
Ask gamers about NHL 15 and you’ll get one of two answers: “It’s great because it’s the hockey game we’ve been waiting for” or “I can’t believe it’s missing so much.” The camps will probably remain pretty divided, but the fact of the matter is, if you’re in it for the traditional hockey gaming experience, NHL 15 provides it and more. It is, in fact, a good hockey gamer’s game. Read on to find out more.
Introducing ‘amiibo’ – Nintendo’s answer to Infinity and Skylanders
I think I smell this holiday season’s ‘big deal’. New in a market that hasn’t even had a chance to grow old, Nintendo is stepping into the ‘toys as video games’ realm, alongside current residents Infinity and Skylanders. Did you’re mind just ponder the possibilities? Perhaps you’ve got the perfect place just asking to be filled with delightful Nintendo characters that will also enter video games and do your bidding? Me too. It’s amiibo, it’s Nintendo, it’s figurines that play in the game, and it’s probably going to have your children pestering you incessantly as we march steadily on toward December.