Create the best home theatre room like a pro using Sony

Every year an organization called Harris Interactive measures and rates the reputations of 100 of the world’s most visible companies. In the 2015 report, Sony was ranked as #13, which is pretty impressive considering how many big brands there are out there these days. So it makes sense that if you are looking at setting up a new home theatre system that you put Sony products at the top of your list. Here are two options for you to consider – one for bigger budgets and one for more modest budgets.

Smart TV vs Regular TV + Streaming Device: what to pick?

If you’re in the market for a new TV you’ve undoubably encountered the dilemma of whether to go for a Smart TV, or just a regular TV with a seperate streaming device. Each option has it’s pros and cons. Today we’ll take a look at each to help you decide which is best for your needs.

How to Choose the Best TV Viewing Distance


  When it comes to getting a brand spanking new TV for the home, size is always one of top decision-making factors. Naturally, we all want the biggest, best TV money can buy. But you also need to be cognizant of what size will make the most sense for the room. And sometimes, that might mean scaling down your ambitions a bit; or conversely, looking at a TV bigger than what you intended.  

Outdoor Home Theatre Essentials for Summer Movie Fun!

Enjoy movies in the fresh air of your own back yard this Summer with some outdoor home theatre essentials. Everything you need to get started is right here!

Audio essentials for your home theatre

What do you need to make your home theatre audio set up truly great? And how can you take advantage of all the cool new technology?

Home Theatre Must-Have Accessories

TVs keep getting bigger with a clearer, richer picture and Christmas or Boxing Day is a very popular time for people to upgrade their technology. If you are getting a new TV, and even if you aren’t, it is also a great time to get those accessories that will make any TV experience a lot better. These must-have accessories make great Christmas presents and if Santa was not so nice, Boxing Day sales are sure to give you a second chance.

Elevate Your Home Theatre this Holiday Season with A New TV...

Enhance your home theatre this holiay season with a new TV mount. They're easy to install and make for direct viewing of your TV from anywhere in the room!

Cutting the cable cord made easy with the right gear

Cable and satellite TV bills are high. There are few in Canada who haven’t felt the pinch of paying for access to hundreds of channels in order to watch a fraction of that. Depending on where you live, you can gain access to some of the most popular network channels in both Canada and the United States. With the right gear, you can also watch those channels throughout your home.

What to Look for When Buying a Sound Bar!


  Sound bars have become the most popular way to improve your entertainment sound experience because they are reasonably inexpensive, simple to setup, and don’t take up much room. TV speakers are small and flat so they just can’t cut it, so a sound bar is a great way to get better sound. The good news is that there are a lot of bars to choose from, but how do you choose? Here are the factors that I think you should be considering in your purchase.

How Big Should Your New TV Be?

Less isn’t always more, especially when it comes to your TV. Best Buy has the perfect big screen TV for your media room or home theatre ready to ship.