The MXL 2006 large condenser microphone is very good at a...

 There was a time not so long ago when the thought of purchasing a quality large diaphragm condenser microphone meant that you were about to drop some serious dollars. In recent years several manufacturers have started to produce top quality mics at an affordable price point and the MXL 2006 may be the cream of this crop.  

Audio Technica AT2020 microphone review

If you're getting into recording and want the most bang for your buck, the Audio Technica AT2020 is a professional grade microphone at a budget price.

Content creator tips: how to get the best audio

With the right gear, anyone can become a content creator. Here's how you can get the best audio for your content.

Zoom H5 Audio Recorder is a videographer’s best friend

Recording decent audio for video production is arguably the most difficult aspect of the video making process. The Zoom H5 with its quality and ease of use just made this process a whole lot friendlier.

The Soundboard: Learn about music software


For the vast majority of home studio owners, the Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) software is the control center of their studio. The DAW is the program that allows you to create, record, edit and arrange audio.   Picking one that fits your needs can be a confusing tornado of options, features and opinion. Which one do you chose? 

Blue Raspberry Mic Review and Video

Blue Raspberry Microphone is an amazing portable USB condenser mic capable of recording crystal clear audio in any environment. Come see why I recommend it!

The Soundboard: All about Microphones


Any meaningful discussion with an recording engineer will inevitably morph into a discussion about microphones. Just as a closet full of shoes is never enough for a lot of the women I’ve known, a closet full of microphones is rarely ever enough for most recording engineers. There are a lot of different types of microphones and there are a many, many brands, shapes and sizes to pick from. I hope to at least get you started with a road-map of what to look for in microphones and I apologize in advance for setting you on this path! If you’re set on recording as a hobby or career, there’s a very good chance that you’re going to get slightly obsessed with microphones.

The Soundboard: Series Introduction


  Home recording technology seems to get better and cheaper with every passing moment. What you can achieve in your spare room or home studio today was only in the realm of high-priced professional installations a dozen years ago. The problem you’ve probably already encountered is that there is a LOT of information out there. I’m going to try and break things down into manageable chunks. I’ll walk you through some concepts you should be familiar with and touch on some gear that you may or may not want to consider.

IK Multimedia Puts Music Production in the Palm of Your Hands

IK Multimedia continues at the forefront of technological innovation that has allowed the average consumer to enter the creative realm of music production.

The Soundboard: Learn about Audio Interfaces


If, like most home or project studio owners, you’ve opted to use a computer as the center of your studio, then you’ll most likely be hearing a lot about audio interfaces.    For the typical home user, the sound card on your computer is just fine. Unfortunately, for a studio owner, you’ll very quickly find that the onboard sound system is inadequate for your needs. They’re typically noisy, they lack inputs and outputs you’ll most likely need and they can be inefficient in the way they translate analog and digital audio.   That’s where audio interfaces come into the picture. An audio interface is a piece of dedicated hardware that you connect to your computer. In the most basic sense, the interface is the audio middleman between you (the real world) and the computer.