Wedding gift checklist for the bride and groom – combining two...

When some people get married, they light a unity candle to symbolize two lives becoming one. But with more and more people moving out and buying their first home long before they find a potential partner, getting married means more than just two lives becoming one—it means two homes becoming one as well.

Shelly’s Friday Favourites experiments with spices

I’ll come right out and admit it. Until fairly recently, I wasn’t a big fan of experimenting with spices. Part of the reason was because I was stuck in a rut after years of cooking for kids who would turn their noses up at anything that wasn’t completely traditional. Mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, and even spaghetti sauce-if I added even a touch of spice, they wouldn’t eat it and I’d end up making them something else. Now that I’ve started experimenting with spices, I’ve taken the most basic dishes I’ve always cooked and jazzed them up until they are virtually unrecognizable. Here are three of my favourite recipes to get you started experimenting with spices.

Shelly’s Friday Favourites shows you how to experiment with root vegetables

With root vegetables, every traditional meal you serve could have a new and interesting taste. Kick your comfort food to the curb, try these recipes, then weigh in on what you think about the root vegetable food trend.

How to create crafts like a pro

When I was in Grade 3 my mom enrolled me in Ukrainian Cross Stitch lessons. I had always been a creative child, but cross-stitch took my abstract painting and Play-Doh-ing to a whole new level. There’s something inspiring about being able to look at a pile of “stuff” and see something beautiful. It’s almost like being a MacGyver of sorts. Some might see a twig and a glue stick. I see a beautiful centerpiece. The thing is, to craft like a pro you don’t just need the desire to do so, but you need the right tools and an organized space.

Food trends for 2015 on Shelly’s Friday Favourites

We’ve said goodbye to all things kale and hello to cauliflower, given up on the cronut and opened our ovens to the southern buttermilk biscuit. Thanks to the latest food trends, menus this year are going to be seriously delicious. Here are a few recipes you can try at home to tap into what’s hot in food for 2015.

How to organize your home like a pro

Even if your dining room table is currently covered in electronics and newspapers or your closet is chaos, there are still simple steps you can take to organize your house. It doesn’t have to be overwhelming either – just take it one baby step at a time. Here are a few proven organizational strategies I’ve used to get control of my clutter and organize my home like a pro.

Plan the perfect Valentine’s Day Dinner – Shelly’s Friday Favourites

Maybe your perfect Valentine’s Day is just you and your special someone. Perhaps instead you’d like to include a group of friends in your Valentine’s Day plans. Whichever you choose, here are some recipes you can use to plan the perfect Valentine’s Day dinner at home.

What is the Belly Bandit?


One of the things on any new mom’s mind, aside from, of course, caring for her new baby, is getting her body back into shape. There are plenty of diet, exercise, and other tips and tricks, plus some products that can help. The Belly Bandit is one of them.

How to manage your household expenses like a pro

Money – you can’t live with it, you can’t live without it, and it’s all too easy to let it slip through your fingers on a day-to-day basis without even knowing where it’s gone off too. I think it’s a real skill balancing a household budget, and it’s all too easy to slip back into free and easy spending. But if you put a few of these tips into place, you’ll start seeing positive results right away.

It’s Pizza Night on Shelly’s Friday Favourites

A lot of people do a pizza night at least once a week, and for many of us that night is usually Friday. Having pizza for dinner is a nice, casual start to the weekend and there are so many different varieties you just can’t get bored of eating it. If it’s pizza night at your house and you’re staring at the same old ham and pineapple, here are a few of my favourite pizza recipes to add some inspiration to your pizza night.