7 Best Backpacks for Women

Back to school is just around the corner, so now is the perfect time to pick up a new backpack for both work and play. However, not all backpacks are created equal, which is especially true if you are a woman. As women, we tend to have different needs than men when it comes to backpacks, so to help you in your search, I’ve identified seven great options for you to consider.

2 in 1 backpacks for school and the outdoors

Your school life shouldn't come at the cost of a love for the outdoors. These backpacks do both, so you're ready to hit the hills as soon as you're done classes.

Get packed for Back to School

Summer is almost over, and soon it will be time to get back in the classroom, and back to hitting the books. But you’re going to need a lot more than just books to make it through the semester, so I’ve put together a handy checklist of what you’re going to want to have to get geared up, and packed up for back to school.

What should a student look for in a backpack?

Here are some key things to look for when choosing the perfect backpack for back to school!

Backpack for your stylish toddler

Whether your toddler is starting preschool, kindergarten, heading to daycare, or just making day trips to the park or grandma’s and grandpa’s, a backpack can come in handy. And you’ll want one small enough for your little one, and stylish enough that he’ll be excited to put it on. While my 4-year-old son has a backpack that he uses daily for preschool and summer camp (and soon kindergarten), it also comes in handy for outings, like heading to his grandparent’s...