Three’s not a crowd with the ASUS Lyra, a whole-home system using three identical hubs that connect to each other wirelessly. They form a mesh Wi-Fi system that spreads out the connection spatially, so you and your family don’t have to deal with weak signals or dead zones. Sporting intelligent technology, devices connect to the hub closest to them, and it all happens instantly.
Easy to set up and manage with Lyra’s app, you won’t need any wizardry to get the lowdown on what’s happening with your home network. Know when a new device connects, restrict access when you feel the need, and keep up to date on the latest security patches. It’s your network, and it’s always in your hands, no matter where you are.
You are the gatekeeper for your family’s access, and that means you can adjust or restrict their Internet access. Adjust the time and application allowance for each family member, using advanced parental controls to block specific apps and websites.
Do it without restricting free access to the Internet, so kids can still stay focused and get homework done. Family Overview is your dashboard where you can easily view, manage and schedule Internet usage when you’re at home, or even away.
The Lyra app not only gets you started with the simple setup, it’s your administrative platform. Keep tabs on your network’s overall health, set up a guest access for visitors, and prioritize a device when more bandwidth is necessary.
For maximum efficiency and performance, Lyra uses three frequency bands. One band connects the hubs together, allowing them to communicate without any interference. The other two are left wide open for truly fast connections to your devices.
As a mesh Wi-Fi system, Lyra doesn’t just distribute the Internet connection from the base unit plugged into the modem. All the hubs act as conduits, funneling bandwidth to devices that are closest to them. This way, your computer or mobile device doesn’t have to reach out so far to get online.
You can check in on each hub through the Lyra app, and know which devices are connected to them. You only have one Wi-Fi network to set up, but Lyra is smart enough to allocate devices between the dual 2.4GHz and 5.0GHz bands on its own. It all happens behind the scenes.
ASUS AiProtection, powered by Trend Micro, is built into Lyra to add comprehensive protection to your home network. AiProtection casts a security blanket over all your connected devices, including smart home gadgets, to prevent your personal data being compromised.
Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) blocks all common cybersecurity threats, using Trend Micro’s official database to identify and block malicious sites. It can prevent an infection before you click the wrong link or open the wrong file.
Free for life with no subscription fees, AiProtection will also quarantine any infected device, keeping it from infecting anything else on the network. See it all happen on the Lyra, and receive regular reports every time it detects a security threat to your system.