Urban living and a Canadian climate that significantly changes season to season makes maintaining the temperature and air quality in our homes all the more important. Smartmi’s Rainforest humidifier and P1 air purifier will not only help you feel comfortable in your living space, they will look good doing it. Enter this contest for a chance to win one of these elegant appliances and find out what you can do to ensure the air your breathe at home is up to snuff (or sniff).

The importance of healthy home air quality

I first learned about the dangers of air particulates in the home when publishing a review here on the blog on the Airthings Radon monitor. Dust, pollen, pet dander, chemicals, smoke from forest fires, and city smog can all infiltrate your home and reduce the quality of the air you breathe. If you are susceptible to seasonal allergies or have sensitive sinuses and skin, it can become very uncomfortable to constantly be sniffling or have a partially blocked nose and itchy eyes. To make matters worse, often it’s the pollutants we cannot see or identify that make us feel the most discomfort in our own homes.

Long term exposure to lower quality air reduces sleep quality and can make the body’s resistance to seasonal flu and colds weaker. Dry air also dehydrates the skin and worsens conditions like eczema and asthma. So, placing humidifiers and air purifiers in the home can make a huge difference to optimizing your indoor air quality, especially for homes with children and pets. Read the blog reviews of the Smartmi P1 air purifier and Rainforest humidifier to learn how they perform in action.

7 tips to improve your home air quality

If you’d like to see a positive change in the air quality of your living space, here are some practical tips that will help:

  1. Cross ventilate: Though this is harder in the winter months, opening multiple windows or doors (even just a crack) for a few hours in the day will allow fresh outdoor air to circulate through rooms. This helps remove indoor pollutants and replenishes oxygen levels.
  2. Use HEPA air purifiers: True High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) purifiers filter out 99.97% of particles as small as 0.3 microns, including dust, pollen, pet dander, and even some bacteria. These air purifiers reduce allergens and respiratory irritants, providing cleaner air for you to breathe.
  3. Optimize humidity with humidifiers: Humidifiers help to add water to the air, which is very helpful during long winter months when heaters are always on. Optimal indoor humidity levels, between 30 – 50%, can mitigate water loss through the skin and prevent respiratory discomfort.
  4. Vacuum regularly: Vacuuming floors, carpets, and upholstery regularly with a HEPA filter-equipped vacuum will reduce the presence of dust and other allergens in the air, thus improving the quality of the air you breathe in.
  5. Reduce VOC products: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are emitted by various household products, such as cleaning liquids or paint, and contribute to indoor air pollution. Whenever possible, choose VOC-free or low VOC products to prevent those particulates from entering your home’s air system.
  6. Invest in houseplants: If you have a green thumb, maintaining houseplants like the spider plant, snake plant, or philodendron can help naturally purify indoor air by absorbing pollutants and releasing oxygen. They may not be as effective as an electric air purifier but they will add a pleasing green to your home.
  7. Maintain HVAC systems: Ensure your home’s heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system is well-maintained. Replace filters regularly and clean ducts or dusty areas behind walls and under floors to improve system efficiency.

How to enter

Entering this contest is easy and you can enter in three different ways:

  1. In a comment below tell us which of the seven tips listed you find the most useful for your home, or feel free to share your own practical air quality improvement tip.
  2. In a comment below the review of the Smartmi P1 air purifier tell us which of its features is your favourite and why.
  3. In a comment below the review of the Rainforest humidifier tell us which room in your home you would place the humidifier in and why.

What you can win

At the end of the contest, we will randomly select two (2) winners from all eligible entries. One winner will receive the Smartmi Rainforest humidifier and the other will receive the Smartmi P1 air purifier.

This contest runs from Aug 14th to Aug 28th.

Remember you can enter up to three times to have the best chance of winning. Home air quality is not often talked about even though we spend a majority of our time eating, sleeping, and relaxing in our living spaces. Share this contest with anyone you think would benefit from better home air quality and encourage them to enter to have a chance to win.

Contest Rules: Smartmi Air Quality

Good luck!

Mahima Bhagwat
Mahima is an editor at Best Buy Canada. She likes to watch sci-fi, supernatural, horror, and comedy TV shows and movies, and plays video games in her free time. When not avidly consuming content, she pursues her passion for storytelling by editing books and short stories, specializing in speculative fiction.


  1. I find the best feature of the Smartmi P1 Air Purifier to be the true Hepa filtration system. We have allergies in the family and this is so important.

  2. I’d place the Smartmi Rainforest humidifier in our living room as this room becomes the driest, particularly over the winter months and we spend a great deal of time in this room.

  3. I follow most of the practices, but find the reminder to reduce VOC products the most helpful. It’s good to stop and think about what we’d be introducing in to the air in our homes.

  4. All great tips! The most useful for my home is regularly vacuuming floors, carpets, and upholstery with a HEPA filter-equipped vacuum.

    We also cross ventilate and keep window open to improve air quality

    I’d love a humidifier or air purifier to add to our home as we have pets and this would help so much as a few of our family members have asthma.

  5. I find investing in houseplants the most useful. With s little research, you can buy ones that literally purify the air!

  6. I find the invest in houseplants interesting and useful! I actually hadn’t thought about that before! It gives me a reason to go get some plants to brighten up my home! 🙂

  7. The tip to choose VOC-free or low VOC products to prevent those particulates from entering your home’s air system.

  8. I would use the Rainforest humidifier in the living room as it’s a large room and the most lived in.

  9. The P1 features True HEPA air filtration. It promises to remove 99.98% of particles 80 nanometres or larger from the air, plus 99.99% of smoke from the air within one hour. This is a must for those of us with allergies

  10. I think using a hepa filter would make a huge difference in our house. Especially with a very fluffy cat and a dog too!

  11. I suffer each year from Spring till winter from allergies that make my life hell. My nose runs enough that I should have stock in a tissue company. my eyes blur and I feel horrible for half the year. I need relief and a Smartmi Air purifier might be just what I need.

  12. I love opening up my windows any time of year; my house plants love it too!

    If I’m using any pollutants like cleaning products, I often have a fan helping to circulate the air so it doesn’t linger.

    I’d love a humidifier or air purifier to add to my home 🙂

  13. Houseplants are such a great idea! I’ve never been very good at keeping them alive but this gives me a good reason to keep trying!

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