Star Wars toys keep getting better with each new movie. Two years ago, when “The Force Awakens” introduced the cute droid BB-8, Sphero introduced their incredibly accurate working version of the droid. Star Wars toys are an integral aspect of the experience: many of us grew up playing with them. So with a new movie arriving this year, Best Buy will help ensure this tradition continues by giving away almost $4000 worth of Star Wars toys in this contest! Which one are you dying to add to your collection?

Star Wars toys are not just for kids

Star Wars toys were always the coolest thing around. When we were kids they were cool, and nothing has change: kids today still love them. Interestingly, adults still love them too. They are not just for collectors either. I’ve met many adults who either still have Star Wars toys from when they were a kid, or ones they’ve acquired more recently.

I have a shiny silver Millennium Falcon that I think is great. It sits next to my computer at Best Buy’s head office. I used to have this massive tie fighter (shown in the image on the right) at my desk too. Unfortunately, our office was recently rearranged and it had to be moved. If I was to choose one of the newest toys as a replacement it would definitely be the Propel Speeder Bike Drone shown in the image at the top.

Boost your Star Wars collection with one contest entry

Few people have the dedication, and the good fortune, to have a large collection of Star Wars toys. Enter this contest and that will change. We will give away 2 great collections of this year’s new Star Wars toys as shown here:


Each of these prize packages has intelligent droids, exciting and fun drones, and the just announced, augmented reality wonder: Jedi Challenges—I bet this will be the hottest new toy for Christmas this year!

How to enter

As with all contests on the Best Buy blog, entering is easy. You can enter only once. In a comment below this article, tell us which one of the Star Wars toys in this contest prize is your favourite and why (you must tell us why it’s your favourite).

What you can win

We will randomly choose 2 winners from all eligible entries. One person will be awarded Prize A shown above, and the other will be awarded Prize B. Each prize is worth approximately $1880.

This contest runs from October 20th until November 2nd, 2017.

Remember you can only enter once. With prizes this fantastic, I suggest you increase your chances by telling all of your friends and family to enter too, and propose if any of your win you share the prize! Use the share buttons below to easily post the contest on your social channels.

Good Luck!

Win Star Wars Toys Rules and Regulations

Martin Renaud
Editor in Chief
Martin loves working with the talented editors and writers on the Best Buy Blog as Editor-in-Chief. During his spare time he is either working on his next novel, cooking up a masterpiece in the kitchen, or adding some smart tech to his new home on Mayne Island in British Columbia.


  1. My favourite is the Star Wars Little Bits Droid Inventor Kit! We would have so much fun spending time together and building this remarkable toy!

  2. R2-D2 all the way!! He is one of my favourite Star Wars characters. He can say so much without actually being able to speak!

  3. The RC BB8, for two reasons, one being that I absolutely love BB8, and the second being that I can control it with my phone!

  4. I want the Propel Star Wars TIE Fighter Advanced Battling Quadcopter Drone. I’ve always wanted a drone, and a Tie Fighter drone would look really cool.

  5. I love the LITTLEBITS STAR WARS DROID INVENTOR KIT as all of my grandkids would have so much fun building this!

  6. My favourite is the Sphero Star Wars BB-9E App-Enabled Droid (VD01FCA) in the Black/Grey. It has the dark side menacing look. The feature of authentic movements, so it moves just like in the movie is awesome.

  7. My favourite is the Little Bits R2-D2 Inventor Kit. I think we would have so much fun as a family with this one.

  8. I love the Propel Star Wars TIE Fighter Advanced Battling Quadcopter Drone. I think the best feature is the working battle cannons and LED lighting.

  9. My favourite is the littleBits Star Wars Droid Inventor Kit because its always lots of fun to participate in building something, putting it together, and at the end you get toy too!

  10. Star Wars little bit droid inventer kit , I have a little one that would love this, and as well the R2_B2 Droid love it

  11. The Little Bit Stars Inventor Kit has so much for the kids/parents to do! You build it and then the R2 unit can dance, draw, deliver small packages…Mom, here’s my lunch container. Now, if I could train R2 to do my dishes, start the laundry and dust.

  12. BB8 RC – my previous RC vehicule died after years of joy, I need a new one to fill the chasmic void!

  13. I would have to say the Star Wars Little Bits R2-D2 Inventor Kit. What is not amazing to put together this R2-D2 Kit.

  14. The sphero Star Wars R2D2 app-enabled droid is my favourite. This character was my favourite when I watched the original movies as a kid. It was great how the whole personality of the character was developed with sounds and it would be coo to hear those iconic beeps and hoops like the R2D2 can make.

  15. The ‘Lenovo Star Wars: Jedi Challenges VR Headset with Saber & Beacon’ would be my favourite toy from the List. Why? Because who doesn’t want their own Lightsabre? Being able to practice being a Jedi in VR sounds like so much fun!!

  16. What an amazing giveaway, my boys LOVE tech AND Star Wars!!

    I would be lucky to win either prize group but if I had to choose PRIZE A because the the main difference is the UBTECH Star Wars Stormtrooper Robot….looks fun!!

  17. The BB8 RC is my favourite because I would love to try the Follow Me setting…would be so cool to have a little BB8 following me around!

  18. OK. I have spent far too much time today checking out all of the star wars tech toys which are amazing. I simply can not pick a favourite – it can’t be done, so I am going to “decide” that the Lenovo Star Wars: Jedi Challenges is my “favourite” because it is highly likely to be the first one I get hopelessly addicted to. Unless of course I unpack any one of the others first, of course!

  19. R2 D2 for sure is my fav!! R2D2 is the one i always remembered as a kid. Even now when i think back to watching starwars as a kid R2D2 was always so interesting to me. It would be so cool to own a piece of movie history!

  20. The Star Wars little bit droid inventer kit because my 7 yeAr old is a huge Star Wars fan and loves building stuff.

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