LG has created a new premium phone, the G8x, that raises the bar for what a smartphone can be. It has two screens: the one that accompanies the regular phone and another screen in its case: click the phone in the case and suddenly your phone becomes a multi-tasking wonder machine. Additionally, it has one feature that most of us hated to lose on other new premium phones: a headphone jack! You may just win this phone by reading this article carefully so you know hot to enter this contest.
Dual screen LG G8x is a game changer
You may be wondering how much use you would get out of two screens on a phone. Personally, I think it’s life changing. Face it: we look at phones more than we look at our partners. So, a dual screen phone gives us twice as much to look at. You can watch “Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” on one screen and answer texts on the other. You can have the game on one screen and the controller can be on the other. The possibilities are ENDLESS!
Yes, you might have noticed but I’m a little excited to try this. How would you use the two screens?
How to enter
Entering this contest is really easy, but you can only enter once. In a comment below this article, tell us how you would use the dual screens on this phone. I gave a couple ways that I would use it: what would you do?
What you can win
At the end of this contest, we will select one eligible entry to receive a LG G8X ThinQ Dual Screen 128GB Smartphone.
This contest runs from December 24th until January 7th.
Remember you can only enter once. However, you must know someone who is in need of a phone upgrade and this will put them in a select group of people with the coolest new technology on the planet.
Win a LG G8x Phone Rules and Regulations
Good luck.
I would take photos with one screen while on holiday and text back home on the other….when home I would text with family and friends on one screen while checking out new recipes on the other
I would use one screen for watching movies and the other for answering texts and emails.
facebook on one side and answering texts on the other 🙂
I would use one side to text and the other to listen to music or podcasts! Thank you for the opportunity to win!
Regarding school I would read my lecture readings and scholarly articles on one side of the screen and use the other screen to take notes.
When I have time for leisure. I would use one screen to watch a movie and use the other to respond to emails and messages from works, school, or my friends.
I would play a game on one screen and music videos on the other.
if ( not gaming ) I would else { $email_messages . review $data and <?php coding.
I would keep unfolding it just to make my friends jealous. I’m kidding. . I’d make use of the extra screen by taking notes about the book I was reading on the other screen.
I would use one side to keep up with my daily social media addictions, and the other side for a movie or game to keep my daughter entertained.
Watching tv and surfing the web!!!!
I would watch The Calgary Flames game on one side and play my game on the other!
I’d be watching a movie on one screen and surfing the web on the other
I would watch youtube on one side and WhatsApp friends on the other
I’d have YouTube on one and my recipes open on another so I don’t have to write my recipes on paper anymore!
I would use one side to text and the other to listen to music or podcasts! Thank you for the opportunity to win!
I would use it to watch a movie/doc on one side and chat app on the other
Be able to look up my appointments times places and google map and or call a taxi
I would text on one side, watch videos on the other while I commute (via transit!)
I would have a game on one side and have the controller on the other side.
I would game and watch my shows/movies!
I would watch my shows on one and browse or chat on the other
I love to read music magazines and add suggested songs and new artists to my streaming service. With two screens, this would be a cinch!
My game on one screen & Facebook on the other
Movies and facebook…..
YouTube on 1 & Twitter on 2
Multitasking by watching youtube and surfing the web.
I would use the dual screens to coupon, price match, and do my surveys all at once. Would be convenient and definitely multi tasking! Thanks for the chance at this amazing giveaway!
I’d be watching a movie on one screen and video call my mom on the other screen
I’d watch YouTube on one while surfing the web on the other. So cool!
I would edit my photos on one screen while having Instagram open on the other so I could preview the colour match a little easier.
Texting on one and podcasts on the other!
e-mails on one side and work on the other!
Easy. 1 screen for videos, another for texting!
I would take this phone on vacation and use 1 screen to take pictures while I use the other screen to navigate my way thru foreign places
Id be watching a movie and keepin up a text dialogue.. or playing my games while talking on the phone. Fun tuff!
Video call with my granddaughter and texting on the other screen
Movies and texting !!!
I could do crosswords while waiting for phone to be answered-especially on gov’t lines where I’m often on hold.
I would take pics and also take videos on screen
I would check my emails and use other screen for itunes
Sometimes I work from home and this would really help with creating my reports and spreadsheets
Netflix and Social Media
I would love to use this for multi-tasking at work! I’m always needing more screens and this would be super helpful!
I would take photos with one screen and use GPS with the other.
I would check out FB, twitter and news feeds on one and texts on the other.
I can edit my photos on 1 screen when I get tired of reading books on the other and I can also practice my singing skills on the other screen while editing photos
I would play my bejeweled game on one screen and read my text on the other screen!
I need this to play game and reply to social media texts
My game on one screen and a show on the other.
A dual screen is just what I need!! I’d be able to view my reading materials and listen to songs and their music videos while studying!!
Man the possibilities really are endless with this phone!
So cool!!
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