Musicians love to receive a new musical instrument for many reasons. One is just the joy that anyone feels to get something new. But that feeling fades fast. What lasts is the learning and experimenting that can go on for months, taking the musician out of their comfort zone (or worse, their rehearsal rut) and allowing a new platform for their self-expression. This contest might be the perfect elixir for three musicians in Canada since we are giving away one Kramer guitar and two Yamaha keyboards.

Kramer Focus VT211S Guitar delivers the fat-strat sound you love

Vintage-style guitars - Kramer

You know you want this guitar. I know I do. It brings me back to the great hair bands of the eighties. The Best Buy Blog review by Nikolai should be your first stop to learn more about this instrument. He discussed why the Kramer Focus VT211S Guitar is a fun instrument to play and demonstrated it’s tone and range with a selection of songs (including one Van Halen piece).

Yamaha keyboards expand musical abilities of any level of player

Yamaha PSR-e373 Keyboard

Learning new songs has never been more fun than it is on one of the two Yamaha keyboards we are giving away in this contest. Again, to learn more about the PSR-E273 or the PSR-E373, you should read the reviews by Nikolai Olekhnovitch. He discussed many of the features of these two instruments and demonstrated how Yamaha makes learning fun and easy. These two keyboards are incredibly versatile and offer something for every keyboard player, from beginner to experienced.

Imagine playing a new instrument right now

Some people say musical ability comes mostly from practice; others say it’s from talent. Both are likely involved, but to get the most enjoyment, I believe you need to exercise your musical imagination. I love the lyric, “Picture yourself in a boat on a river,” because it’s a great example of the marriage of imagination and music. I challenge you to picture yourself with a Yamaha or Kramer, learning to play Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds or some other song you’ve heard a million times and want to be able to reproduce on your own. Then enter this contest for your chance to win a great instrument from Best Buy.

How to enter

Entering this contest is easy, but you can only enter once. First, picture yourself sitting in a quiet room in your home with a new guitar or keyboard from Best Buy, and then tell us in a comment below what song you are going to learn first and why you chose that song.

What you can win

At the end of this contest we will randomly select three winners from all eligible comments on the blog. One person will win the black Kramer Focus VT211S Guitar that Nikolai reviewed, one will win the Yamaha PSR-E373 that Nikolai reviewed, and one person will win the Yamaha PSR-E273 that Nikolai reviewed.

This contest runs from July 29th to August 15th.

Remember, you can only enter once by leaving a comment beneath this article. However, there are many people in your life who would be inspired after winning one of these instruments, so share this contest and give them a chance to win too.

Win a Kramer guitar or Yamaha keyboard Contest Rules and Regulations

Good Luck

Martin Renaud
Editor in Chief
Martin loves working with the talented editors and writers on the Best Buy Blog as Editor-in-Chief. During his spare time he is either working on his next novel, cooking up a masterpiece in the kitchen, or adding some smart tech to his new home on Mayne Island in British Columbia.


  1. I would have to buy a ‘how to’ book and choose from whatever selection of songs in that book. Since I do not know how to play, and would like to, if/when I win either prize.

  2. The first song I’m going to learn to play is Hotel California by the Eagles as it has been my favourite for many years.

  3. Nickolai writes an informative Kramer review. Sounds like a fun and affordable option. Thanks for the chance to win, Martin.

  4. The star wars theme song because I always thought it would be cool to learn the song from my favourite movie!

  5. I would love to learn Stairway to Heaven but would probably start off with a Neil Young song because he sounds awesome and very playable.

    • I would learn somewhere over the rainbow, always wanted to learn how to play it as a child but life got in the way, so would love to try again.

  6. i would learn how to play ‘brown eyed girl’ by van morrison. reminds me of my first love when we used to play it on the radio on fun road trips! 😉

  7. Everglow – coldplay
    On the piano, it’s such an emotional piece. I’d love to learn it some day.

  8. Lullaby by billy Joel!! Love this song and sing it to my kids every night. Would love to learn the guitar to play it for them.

  9. I’d love to learn to play More than my Hometown by Morgan Wallen because it just seems like a fun song to play.

  10. If I win the guitar then I want to learn to play Kiss by Prince. That guitar is just so funky!
    And if I win the keyboard then it has to be Just Can’t Get Enough by Depeche Mode. That brings me back to my youth.

  11. I’d try to learn gold on the ceiling by black keys. Boy this song made good memories with me.

  12. I would like to learn “What Is a Youth” by Rota Nino. It was in Franco Zeffirelli’s 1968 version of Romeo and Juliet and for some unexplained reason, I have loved that song since I first saw that movie in the early 80s. Would be great to play on a keyboard but I expect it would also be playable on a guitar.

  13. id choose the guitar and want to learn Tears from Heaven.I love the way the guitar sounds in that soung and the peacefulness of it

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