Philips shavers and toothbrushes motivate us to care for ourselves. I am a huge advocate of their products: Iโ€™ve used Philips shavers my whole adult life. And for the past few years Iโ€™ve had cleaner, healthier teeth thanks to my Philips electric toothbrush. The benefits go well beyond looking better too. Enter this contest and if you win you too will understand why I never want to be without Philips.

Discover the importance of โ€œme timeโ€ with Philips

How much time in a day to you set aside for personal care? I know some people do a better job at this than others; and, circumstance may have changed recently for many people, so they arenโ€™t doing things like haircuts and dental visits as often. That should make setting some time for yourself each day even more important.

Many guys lately, me included, have been letting their facial hair grow lately. I donโ€™t mind having a beard; I do mind when it is unkempt. With a Philips shaver or trimmer trimming and shaping your look would do more than just make you happier with your appearance. Putting yourself first for a few minutes each day will make you an overall happier, healthier person.

Finding personal time each day is easier with personal care tools

We all need to invest some time each day on ourselves to stay healthy and happy. One great thing about the new Philips electric toothbrushes is they tell you when youโ€™ve brushed enough. Most people who get one learn immediately that they had not been taking enough time for oral hygiene. I realized very quickly after starting to use my Philips toothbrush that my whole mouth felt better and looked better as a result.

For this contest, I want you to think about how much time each day on average you actually spend on taking care of yourself. Then imaging if you won a prize in this contest and how using it for a few minutes each day might benefit you.

How to enter

Entering this contest is easy but you can only enter once. In a comment below, tell us how many minutes on average in a given day you spend on yourself and do you think this is enough, too little, or too much.

What you can win

At the end of this contest we will select 6 winners. One will receive a Philips Sonicare Toothbrush, 2 will review Philips Total Boday Shave and Trim,ย  and 3 will receive a Philips Shaver 6000.

This contest runs from May 1st to May 17th.

Remember you can only enter once. However, you probably know someone else who could use a few more minutes of โ€œme timeโ€ and would love a chance to win a Philips prize so share this contest with them.

Win a Philips Personal Care tool Contest Rules and Regulations

Good Luck.

Martin Renaud
Editor in Chief
Martin loves working with the talented editors and writers on the Best Buy Blog as Editor-in-Chief. During his spare time he is either working on his next novel, cooking up a masterpiece in the kitchen, or adding some smart tech to his new home on Mayne Island in British Columbia.


  1. I spend on average about 20 min on myself when going out. I think this is a good and enough!

  2. I do try to spend a half hour on myself – usually when everyoneโ€™s already asleep and the house is quiet. Itโ€™s enough to just decompress ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. I spend 45 minutes between getting ready in the morning and at night. I used to spend more before kids so I would like to spend a little more than that!

  4. If Iโ€™m staying at home I spend maybe 5 minutes. If Iโ€™m going out maybe 15 minutes, and yes that is plenty of time,

  5. I only spend maybe 15 minutes on myself if that. I could use all the help I can get really. I’ve had a really rough past year and need to get myself out of my rut and start pampering myself. Thanks for the chance.

  6. I don’t spend enough time on myself. I don’t believe I spend more than 5 minutes on personal grooming. I really need to set some extra time aside for this.

  7. I love a good hot shower in the morning to get myself going. My one indulgence as I gear up for the day ahead whatever that might bring.

  8. how many minutes on average in a given day you spend on yourself and do you think this is enough, too little, or too much. I spend about 10 minutes, always in a rush , so too little.

  9. I spend about 1/2 hour to an hour depending on the given day. I think I could do more, if I had somewhere to go.

  10. I don’t spend much time if I’m just staying home which I am now. One of these prizes would help make my routine more efficient.

  11. I spend about 45 min. I would like it to be less time but I don’t think its doable lol.

  12. About 20 minutes a day – a bit longer if I need to trim the goatee. That’s it – just enough.

  13. I spend about 20 mins normally to do my morning routine to get ready for the day. For what I do itโ€™s enough time

  14. I’d say 10 minutes now but it used to be about 25. Is ok for now but not for the long term, I will wear make up again one day.

  15. Currently I spend a spoiled, maybe 11 minutes on myself, a day, as a stay at home mom during these trying times! THIS IS TOO LITTLE!!! I need some space and some ME time! As im sure all the moms and dads do! good luck to all. hang in there.

  16. Probably about 15 minutes a day…. Not including days where shaving/trimming is required. Could probably spend a little bit more time on a regular day though.

  17. I usually spend about 15-20 minutes on myself but my husband spends MUCH more time than that. Usually about 40 minutes but he also shaves his head every day.

  18. It depends on the day – For personal care, I probably spend about 25 min. a day. But if I’m having a bath in the evening, then it’s an additional 1/2 hour. I also spend some “me time” watching TV. Maybe an hour or two. Yes, i think its enough time.

  19. It averages out…some days I shave, some I don’t. Since the pandemic started, I don’t shave very much. Maybe 10 minutes a day. A reasonable amount of time I figure.

  20. It seems like I only spend about 20 minutes a day on myself lately. Could definitely use more time. Cheers!

  21. I think I probably spend maybe 30 minutes a day total on myself- 20 in the morning and 10 at night. I don’t think it’s enough!

  22. Depends on the day but probably 10-15 min on average? I think itโ€™s a decent average amount of time. ๐Ÿ™‚

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