D-Link whole home mesh wi-fi package wtih Covr pointsWhen your home has a good router, the internet is a beautiful thing. It connects us globally and gives us near infinite access to knowledge and entertainment. From messaging friends across the world to posting pictures on social media to reading books online, the internet has become central to our lives, which has in turn made a reliable internet connection a necessity. If you find your internet speed or coverage lacking, then you should consider a whole home mesh system. Today, we’re giving away four D-Link Covr Whole Home Mesh Wi-Fi systems so you’ll never have to deal with dead zones or slow network speeds again.

D-Link Covr: Don’t life live without Wi-Fi

Wi-Fi has become so ubiquitous that you only notice it when you don’t have it. I’m sure many of you have let out cries of frustration when your stream cuts out or your video chat freezes—I know I have.

D-Link PowrZone Covr

I live in a small apartment, and yet somehow the wall between the den and the kitchen is enough to stop my router from working to its full potential. My kitchen exists as an irritating dead zone, making it hard for me to watch recipes and/or reruns of Kitchen Nightmares (what can I say? I love Gordan Ramsay and I like to think of the show as a “what not to do” guide) while I cook. The thing about Wi-Fi is that we’re so used it, we don’t think about until it doesn’t work. The beauty of the D-link whole home mesh system is that you won’t have to think about Wi-Fi at home again, because it will just work. You won’t have to avoid certain rooms in your house or walk around with your phone awkwardly raised above your head to video chat to your relatives. And even if you don’t have dead zones, you might be tired of constant buffering or have a home full of heavy network users who game and stream in 4K. The Covr PowrZone system uses a Wi-Fi Mesh Covr Point for the the bulk of your Wi-Fi activity and has two amplifiers to cover your whole home. Reviewer Steven Hill and his family were so impressed with the PowrZone system that after Steven tested it, his family declared they needed one of their own. How’s that for an endorsement? See for yourself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4RjDfCzdQVY&feature=youtu.be It’s clear that this system was the Wi-Fi solution Steven’s family needed in their home.

Covr: Whole Home Mesh with a difference

D-Link Covr doesn’t just make your network faster and wider, they have also created the Covr with exciting features. The Powrzone works in spaces up to 6500 sq. ft., while the 2-pack of the mesh cover points is for areas up to 6000 sq. ft. Both only require minimal set up, work with your existing router or gateway, and operate under one system with a single password and username. This makes it simple to improve your home network and forget it ever didn’t work in your kitchen, garage, or basement. And with their modern and diminutive design, you won’t be reminded of their presence every time you walk into a room. The systems also have parental controls, which is great if you are concerned about your child’s internet usage. You can even create customized profile for each child and their devices and schedule allotted screen time. I think I would  set up parental controls to stop myself from browsing the internet late into the night! The D-Link Covr whole home mesh systems are also compatible with Wi-Fi via Alexa and Google Assistant. Rebooting your Wi-Fi system, turning guest Wi-Fi on and off, and checking guest Wi-Fi credentials can be done using voice commands, rather than have to fiddle with wires, passwords, and buttons. So, with the D-Link Cover systems, you get faster internet with wider coverage, plus the ability to customize the settings with voice commands. You’ll never have to cry out in frustration at a slowly loading page or glitchy videos stream again.


At the end of the contest, we will select 4 winners from all eligible entries. Two winners will receive the D-Link Covr PowrZone system and two will receive the D-Link Covr 2202 system.


Entering is as easy, but you can only enter once! In a comment below tell us about a time that a poor network connection let you down. Let’s share our stories and see why whole home mesh Wi-Fi is the way to go!

This contest runs from August 19th to September 5th.

Remember, you can only enter once, but just like Wi-Fi, contests are best when they reach far and wide. Send this along to your family and friends and give them a chance to improve their home networks.

Enter this contest for your chance to win a D-link Whole Home Mesh System Rules and Regulations

Kate Wensel
Kate holds an MA in English and has an undeniable fondness for fixing grammar and rearranging words. It's no surprise, then, that she began her career at Best Buy Canada as a product copywriter, and is now an editor for bestbuy.ca. When you can get her nose out of a book, Kate might be found hiking, ballroom dancing, or exploring Vancouver's food scene.


  1. A poor network connection lets me down everyday. I have 5 kids and everyday I have to hear how the wifi sucks and they can’t get it in their room. I always have to turn it off and reset. This is an everyday occurrence…..you say it doesn’t have to be? what? not everyone’s connection is like this…get outta here

  2. It’s just hard to find a quiet place to watch a show – the wifi works best in our family room so everyone is always there

  3. There are so many examples I cannot even begin. I am in a old house which seems to have nothing but issues getting to where the box is to anywhere else. Now my mom moved in back its worse as she cannot even rely on the TV.

  4. I was trying to buy tickets for an awesome concert online, and I lost my connection before I could buy them. Totally lost out on my chance.

  5. I was editing a document on dropbox for hours, didnt realize I was out of wifi range and refreshed and the website refreshed with no changes made… I almost lost my mind.

  6. Dead spots all around our home.
    Walking from one room to another will cause a drop in connection.

    Anything I am downloading a large file (GB+), it forces me to restart the download entirely!

  7. I was waiting for a skype call from my friend overseas. I was doing some yard work and was in an area with 2 bars of Wifi. I did not receive this call because of spotty wifi. I did not realise this either and missed the call completely!

  8. Right in the middle of watching one of our favorite shows on Netflix and the internet connection went down.

  9. Online game ffrk won against a hard boss WiFi crash after awhile game restarted on its own had to battle that boss again.

  10. Was downloading a large update for Windows. My router dropped connection at 98%. Had to start the whole painful process all over again.

  11. Sitting on one end of the couch I miss out on things (video calls from grand kids) 4 feet to the left…no problem. I like to sit in the “no wifi ” end of the couch so it would be super to have it all work.

  12. Definitely during 2019 Toronto Raptors playoff when I was unable to secure tickets due to poor WiFi connection.

  13. Working all week long only enough time off too sleep… finally get home and have some time off and want to finally watch my show on netflix and the internet will not connect!!! How frustrating!

  14. I use webcams as baby monitors and when the wifi is slow, I get serious delays that make caring for our son difficult.

  15. I was talking to my brother in Latin America and it went down for a day …………… right in the middle of letting me know how everything was with his kids

  16. I was talking to my neice in Burmingham and bang everything shut down ….. didn’t come back on until everybody else new the good news about her upcoming _______!

  17. When trying to stream music on all my Google homes for a party. Spotty areas in my home were static and skipping.

  18. When chatting with my granddaughter overseas and lost the connection when she was telling me something really important. We reconnected but now she had to figure out where in the story we lost connection and had to start over again. Very frustrating for her.

    • One time was entering contests and my wifi connection dropped out just after getting daily code to enter contest for $10K. Couldn’t remember code, so lost entry for that day.

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