A scanner is technology made for everyone. And now that most of us are working or going to school from our homes, there is no better time to get busy scanning the stacks of negative films, printed images, and documents that you have filling your space. Epson is a well trusted, go-to brand for printers and scanners. We recently gave away some Epson supertank printers on the blog; so, for this contest, you will now have a chance to win one of three fanstastic Epson scanners: a V19, a V39, or a V600 (as shown above).

Epson scanners are perfect for the beginner and the pro

Epson scanners are easy to use for everyone in your family. Perhaps you need a scanner for documents and family photos; or you may want to take the hassle out of your finances by routinely scanning receipts; or you may be a professional who needs to scan images at a high resolution or wants to save money by scanning your film instead of sending it to the lab. Regardless, one of these scanners will suit your needs. Each one of these Epson scanners has great resolution, scan time, and is fairly compact to fit snuggly on your desk.

The Epson V19 and V39 are perfect for scanning documents and printed pictures at home.  You’ll love how easy it will be to digitize those documents and images that are cluttering up your home. I love how tiny and compact this scanner is; just put it away on a shelf when not in use it to help your desk stay clean and uncluttered.

As a photographer, I work with both digital format and film format. As much as I love shooting film, I find that archiving the physical negatives can take up quite a bit of space over time. This is where having a trusted scanner comes in handy and my favourite of the three we’re giving away in this contest has to be the Epson V600. This scanner is a lot bigger than Epson V19 and V39. This is because it has the ability to scan negative and positive film. It comes with 2 film trays: 1 for 120 films and another for 135 films and slides.

Check out the review done by Chris Loblaw on these three Epson perfection scanners to learn more about these scanner.

How to enter

Entering this contest is easy but you can only enter once. In a comment below tell us what you would scan if you won one of these awesome Epson scanners. Are there documents taking up too much space that you can’t wait to digitize? Let us know in a comment below.

What you can win

At the end of this contest, we will randomly select three winners from all eligible entries. One will receive the Epson V19, one will receive the Epson V39, and one will receive the Epson V600.

This contest will run from June  9, 2020 to June 21, 2020

Remember, comment below what you would scan for an entry to win one of three Epson scanners. You are only able to enter once, however if you know anyone that is in need of a scanner, go ahead and share this article with them so they have a chance to win as well!

Win an Epson Scanner Contest Rules and Regulations

Good luck

Andrea Wong
I am a professional portrait photographer in Vancouver with 12 years of experience as well as an in-house photographer for Best Buy Canada. Aside from photography, I live the mom-life daily and run a subscription box company called Little Kaktus Co!


  1. I have cabinets full of old forms and photos that are taking up way too much room. This would really help with decluttering by putting everything on a hard drive

  2. I would scan tons of old photos that are fading away on me in an effort to keep these memories intact

  3. I would to scan like printed film photos and keep the data, so I can easily print out what I want to. Also, I would like to scan documents and keep the data. It helps for paperless.

  4. I have been needing to scan in various documentation to save some much needed space. Unfortunately our scanner broke when we moved a number of years ago and we have yet to replace it. So if I won this I would be doing a lot of document scanning.

  5. Definitely scanning the negatives and slides (remember those!) that we have crated around with us, move after move. It’s about time to find a much more efficient way to store things like that!

  6. Documents to my parents who live elsewhere for half the year, and always doing paperwork on my end. The phone pictures are not doing the job well

  7. Hundreds of 35mm slides are waiting for the Epson Perfection V600 to rescue them from the cardboard box they’ve been trapped in for decades.

  8. I’ve been looking for this printer for so long to use for film scanning! I would love to be able to scan all my film photography and upload it to Instagram.

  9. I just started a small business with eyelash extensions and a scanner would be so so helpful to file client documents!! Thank you Best Buy and Epson for this amazing giveaway

  10. I would scan the photos of my children and grandchildren and make sure they all got copies.

  11. I have so many film photos I want to scan to post on my website!! Really really want to win this!

  12. I would scan pages from my grade 6 diary so I could share them with my niece to show her what it was like being a kid in the mid-70’s!

  13. I would love to win so i could scan pictures of my Dad and uncle in world war ll. They are precious to me as my uncle didn’t come home. I can share the pictures with my ll siblings. Thanks for the chance to win!

  14. I would love to win so i could scan pictures of my Dad and uncle in world war ll. They are precious to me as my uncle didn’t come home. I can share the pictures with my ll siblings. Thanks for the chance to win!

  15. I would like to digitalize my past school notes/art work. The integrity of those notes is disintegrating and I would like to share the memories with my grandchildren in the future

  16. How convenient our technology today, to accessing everything in a simple click of a button. I would like to scan old pictures of mine and specially my 99’s grandmas old stuff and my important documents. It is nice to treasure them for a long time and it is so amazing to store them in a hard disk, usb, or net account. It is one way to show how proud you are family matters.

  17. I would use this to scan all my pictures so I can have older ones up on my computer and social media

  18. I need to scan a letter to my dr. so an Epson scanner would be great to have. thank you.

  19. Would love to have the scanner to scan all the old family photos. So I can share them with my family.

  20. I would use this to scan all my pictures so I can have older ones up on my computer and social media

  21. Well I’m being honest and maybe will get a giggle or two, I would scan my separation agreement since after almost 2 years I still have to produce it to chase down my ex! 🙂

  22. I would like to scan some lectures from university I want to refer back to and for personal reasons warranties and info on products I purchase.

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