FIFA World Cup 2014


Is the FIFA World Cup the biggest sporting even in existence?  Probably right? If you’re exited and downright worked up to a fevered pitch, who can blame you, it comes but once every 4 years.  If you’re flipping cars and setting fire to things?  Well, maybe calm it down a little, it is still a sport, even if it is your Nation’s team.  All jokes aside, Footy can call most of us fans, a global sport that has the worlds eyes on Brazil, get even more into it (if that’s at all possible, you hooligans) with EA and FIFA World Cup Brazil 2014!

E3 2014 will show off what is new in gaming for...


  The yearly Electronic Entertainment Expo in Los Angeles ends up being one of the largest gaming playgrounds in the world for 3 days of the year. Developers and media alike congregrate to show the world the latest and greatest in the world of gaming.  Last year, attention centered around the upcoming Microsoft Xbox One and Sony Playstation 4.  They’re out now.  What can we expect this year?  What’s got me excited personally?  Read on to find out.

The Amazing Spider-man 2: The Game


A wall crawling webshooting favorite of all the true believers, Spider-man is back on the big screen and back in your game consoles!  Benefiting from the videogame success of one of his non-Marvel superhero contemporaries recent (hint: its Batman) The Amazing Spider-man 2 might be a movie tie in, but it looks like its packing some punch (and kicks, and webs).  ‘Swinging’ to dispel the stereotype about movie tie-in games Spidey is back folks, and doing whatever a spider can!

Review: Hauppauge HD PVR Rocket can record your gameplay anywhere!


Hauppauge has time and again created some of the most versatile personal recording devices, and the HD PVR Rocket aims to do that yet again.  This lightweight yet powerful device allows you to do things some of its competition can’t, such as record with push buttons off the device, record to devices without the use of a PC and even plug in a microphone for realtime commentary recording!  Come check out a review of this helpful device after the jump.

XBox One vs. Playstation 4 – 5 months later


We’re now a few months past the original release of the XBox One and the Playstation 4. Both are great systems in their own right, but the discussion continues to rage on as to which is the better system.  Rather than focus on things from a technological standpoint, I think it’s just as important to look at some of the places where the systems hit us harder – Our wallets and our personal needs.  Which system do I think gives the best bang for your buck inside and outside the box?  Which is the better bargain?  Where did I actually think neither were doing a great service to gamers?  Read on to find out.

Facial scanning comes alive in Kinect Sports Rivals for XBox One


Are you ready for another reason to wiggle, kick, swing, and otherwise use your body in amusing fashion to control a video game?  Rare and Microsoft sure hope so!  With the new generation of hardware now in play, and the ole Motion Control Kinect technology used for little more than (albiet the always fun and amusing) dance games, we’re all waiting for something to live up to the promise of motion gamings first explosion onto the scene. With its six varied ‘sporting’ activities  Kinect Sports Rivals aiming to do that very thing.

Pre-Order EA Sports UFC online and get Bruce Lee!


EA recently announced Bruce Lee would be an unlockable character in their upcoming UFC game this June. However, in order to get him, you’ll have to take the road less traveled and beat career mode on Pro.   There’s a much easier way if you’d like to spare the time and get him right away.  Pre-Order EA Sports UFC online at and you’ll get Day One access to one of the 20th century’s greatest Martial Artists!

Review: Disney Magical World [Nintendo 3DS] What if you could live...


When I was a child, I wanted to be a dentist despite the fact that I hated going to one. A friend of mine wanted to be a fire truck. Not a fire fighter. The truck. Something just about all of us wanted to do at one point or another, however, was go live at Disneyland, Disney World or somewhere in the world of Disneyana. We’ve since grown up and realized this isn’t actually possible, however, Disney Magical World aims to take our old dreams and ambitions and turn them into something. Disney Magical World answers the question of what life might look like if you DID, in fact, live with your friends and favorite Disney characters in the town of Castleton. Is it the stuff of dreams, or a huge nightmare?  Come take a look at this unique title.

The Elder Scrolls Online


Gather round ye fans of MMO’s, Fantasy RPG’s and The Elder Scrolls alike, for the convergence is nigh!  Or, put in english, The Elder Scrolls Online will be out in less than a week! It feels like the MMO space has been waiting for something to come along and redefine it, others have tried, and it might be that Bethesda and Zenimax are up to the job, they certainly have game development chops and a world that’s right for it. Exploring some new ways and means in the MMOsphere, we might just have the solution to your Massive Multiplayer Online blues, with The Elder Scrolls Online.

Review – Dark Souls 2


A world defined by death and dying, filled with horrible monsters big and small, you stand poised at the beginning of an unimaginably long journey, every step you take fought for, stained with the blood of your opponents, and all too often, your own hollowed corpse.  Interested?  Me too!  It’s Dark Souls 2, that unforgiving, punishing, wonderful, amazing gaming experience that not everyone is cut out for.  Are you?  Lets find out.