5 Breakfast Ideas Using a Muffin Tin
Breakfast is the most important meal. Every nutritionist will boast to eat (something healthy) within two hours after waking up. Now that back to school is here and you’re going to be in a bigger rush than the summer month, here are five fast and easy breakfast recipes using a muffin pan.
6 Ways to Use Mint
Mints! Not the surgery candy treats you get at the restaurants but the herbs grown in the garden. Mint compliments our guilty pleasures like cocktails and ice cold treats, but it also gives a nice kick to any meal. Not to forget, it makes refreshing beverages that are both satisfying and detoxifying. Let’s get started on the 6 ways to use mint:
Homemade Ice Cream Treats To Die For
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! The summer ain’t over yet (thank goodness), and the heat is a perfect excuse to have more ice cream—not like that stops you in the winter! But when it’s hot outside, the chimes of the ice cream truck make your inner child jump for joy. Here are 5 cool treats you can make at home.
Shelly’s Friday Favourites shares why you need to take a toaster...
Over the past few weeks we’ve been compiling a list of the best appliances to take along to your dorm room and a few recipes you can whip up with each of them. We’ve looked at rice cookers, slow cookers, and microwaves, and this week we’re going to head into toaster territory and explore why you should bring a toaster oven with you when you go back to school.
Turn your kid space into the ultimate home theatre room
Another new school year is fast approaching, and if you have kids heading out of the city, province, or country to attend university, you may soon be faced with a dilemma—keep the kid’s stuff intact, or use their absence as an excuse to upgrade your “kid space” to an adult-friendly home theatre space. Here’s what you’ll need to take the room from “all-inclusive-kid-friendly-resort” to “five-star-adults-only-getaway.”
Windows 10: how to install Microsoft’s new operating system
The tech world is buzzing these days with Windows 10 excitement. The highly anticipated operating system is full of exciting new features and technology. The new OS manages to be familiar yet fresh and powerful, giving you the flexibility to have it work the way you want it to. Many users have already taken steps to upgrade for free, and are loving the changes. You can upgrade today too, and install Windows 10 on your machine. Don’t worry if you’ve never upgraded an operating system before either. I’ll help you along with this handy guide.
5 ways to keep your personal data safe on your smartphone
Keeping your smartphone safe can mean more than just ensuring it doesn’t fall into a toilet or hard concrete and meet an untimely death. It also means taking proper steps to protect the data—your personal data—stored on that phone to keep the wrong people away from it. If smartphone security is a concern of yours, then you may want to consider these methods for ramping your privacy and protecting what’s yours.
Student tech tips: your mobile device is a mobile scanner
No one can dispute the convenience and multifunctional nature of today’s mobile devices. Smartphones, phablets and tablets have all the necessary hardware and a wide range of software features to be able to serve as scanners, presentation remotes and efficient extensions of your desktop or notebook.
Windows 10: how to get your PC ready for the upgrade
With Windows 10 almost here it’s time to set your mind to getting your PC ready for the big upgrade. I know many people are looking forward to upgrading as soon as possible, and with the update just a matter of days away from public availability there are a few simple steps you can take to make sure you’re ready to take the leap into this new generation of Windows as quickly and as smoothly as possible.
Cyber Safety: How to make certain you’re safe online
With so much of your life connected to the online world, it’s time to engage in some digital defensive driving to protect yourself and your information from malicious activity. Time to get cyber safe!